Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Industrial Revolution And The Rise Of Computer...
The Industrial Revolution caused a great change in history in both technology and science. With the increased mechanization of society and the increase in manufactured goods. We still see its effects today and you could argue that the Industrial Revolution is still going on with the rise of computer industry and the internet. We also are seeing the impact of the Industrial Revolution and how it has effected our environment and even how we conduct war. Before the Industrial Revolution most production was done by the individual, mostly in the forms of a farm. They would farm the land a produce just enough for their family to survive, maybe even a very small surplus that they could use to go the blacksmith to trade for tools for the harvest of the following season. Blacksmiths had to produce tools that the farmers could use because that is how they got food to live off of since they spent their time making tools instead of farming. The fields were plowed using wood plows by the farmer or by a horse that would drag the plow being him in a way that would allow the framer to plant his seeds. This style of living however began to be difficult to live off of because of the rising population of Europe. What they needed was to be able to plow the land more efficiently and more effectively. Many of the tools that were built for farmers would be built of wood or stone since metal was expensive to produce in any capacity and if metal was used it would be used more for the making ofShow MoreRelatedIndustrialization During The Industrial Revolution1577 Words  | 7 PagesIndustrialization – ever changing the face and heartbeat of our society and the world in which we live – since the Industrial Revolution began in Britain (from 1760 until sometime between 1820 and 1840). The improvement of business acquisitions and evolution of trade were essential to the Industrial Revolution. 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Prior to the industrial revolution manufacturing was often done in peoples homes, using hand tools or basic machines. Industrialization marked a shift to powered special purpose machinery, factories and mass production. Yet at this time people feared for their jobs because the machinery resulted in often-grim employment opportunities many people argue that theRead MoreThere are many periods in time that have been crucial in the development of human ideals and1300 Words  | 6 PagesEra was a time of innovation, social struggles, and major changes in industry and society, all due to Indus trialization. One of the most important was all of the innovation that occurred. The Romantic era saw a series of economic and technological changes, originally and principally in England, which were later designated by the term â€Å"Industrial Revolution†. This term would forever hold true, as europe became the â€Å"industrial cradle†of the world. There are many people credited with this, but theRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution : New Objects, Materials, And Technology1341 Words  | 6 Pagesbeen a period of innovation and development as profound and impactful as the Industrial Revolution. The industrial revolution produced new objects, materials, and technology fulfilling many purposes. In 1750 a shift occurred and design became a profession, which resulted in a crossover between design and art. The growth of manufacturing resulted in the rise factories and a shift from an agrarian society to an urban industrial one one. England was a powerful manufacturing state due to natural resourcesRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution During The 19th Ce ntury1468 Words  | 6 Pages The industrial revolution began in the 18th and 19th centuries. During this time most people lived on farms or in small rural villages. Prior to the industrial revolution most manufacturing was done in homes using hand tools and simple basic machines. People lived where their daily existences revolved around farming. Life for the average person was difficult, as incomes were meager, and malnourishment and disease were common. People produced the bulk of their own food, clothing, furniture and toolsRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Technology Essay1675 Words  | 7 PagesIn today’s society, there have been many speculations on the impact of technology. The rise of technology has unfolded into the betterment of many advances in the industry. However, it is no surprise that these advances have also caused society into depending so much on technology. Author Sherry Turkle, argued that we as a society have distanced ourselves from one anothe r; she discusses her observations drawn from human beings and their interaction with social machines. She indicated that humansRead MoreThe Impact Of Industrialization On Society During The Industrial Revolution1724 Words  | 7 PagesThe Industrial Revolution Examine in detail the History of the Industrial Revolution. Discuss why Britain led the way in the Industrial Revolution and also explain in detail the effects of industrialization on society. Had it not been for the industrial revolution, I would doubt very much that we would enjoy the technology we have in the year 2000. The reason we have this technology is that between the years 1750 and 1914 a great change in the world s history was made. People started to discoverRead MoreThe Impact Of Industrialization On Society During The Industrial Revolution1721 Words  | 7 Pages Examine in detail the History of the Industrial Revolution. Discuss why Britain led the way in the Industrial Revolution and also explain in detail the effects of industrialization on society. Had it not been for the industrial revolution, I would doubt very much that we would enjoy the technology we have in the year 2000. The reason we have this technology is that between the years 1750 and 1914 a great change in the world s history was made. People started to discover faster methods of producingRead MoreThe Importance Of A Quantity Surveyor, By The Royal Institute Of Chartered Surveyors1733 Words  | 7 PagesThe definition of a quantity surveyor, according to the ‘Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors(RICS)’, is a â€Å"...role in which to ensure that the resources of the construction industry are utilised to the best advantage of society by providing inter alia the financial management for projects and a cost consultancy service to client and designer during the entirety of the construction process.†Quite simply, the role of a quantity surveyor is to measure, cost, document and quantify materials and
Monday, December 16, 2019
7 Up Lifespan Development Free Essays
Professor Massey 10-22-2009 Lifespan development Seven up paper In the documentary Seven Up, I had to watch Suzy grow up. Suzy seemed to have been raised with good morals and with both parents influencing her decisions in video. When she goes home her mom makes her tea, she watches TV with her mom, does homework and then sees her father. We will write a custom essay sample on 7 Up Lifespan Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now She is usually in bed by 7 p. m. She seems to be from the upper class because of the type of school she is at and how she portrays herself. She is receiving a very good education in the first video and she wanted to go to college or the university in the area. Suzy reports that she has a boy friend that is 13 and also partakes in ballet. She wants to have two kids and wants a nanny to help raise them. Her parents are the most influential people in her life and have been helping her make better decisions. Suzy also acts a little raciest when she states that she doesn’t want to know any colored people. I think the fact that she doesn’t want to meet any colored people will hurt her in the future because everyone in the world will meet someone they don’t want to meet. People see all races and all different kinds of people without trying. She will have to accept the fact that she will meet colored people. Suzy’s attitude at her age makes me feel like she will be in many relationships. She is only seven and has a boy friend that is thirteen. I believe that the way she was raised has an impact on that. If she was raised to find a boy and marry him and have children that’s what she will try to do. Suzy has a very outgoing personality. At the age of seven she has a boyfriend and already knows what she wants in life. She wants to raise her kids with help and at the age of 23 I still don’t know about what I want. She seems like she is older then she really is. I feel that she is this way because it is how her mother and father raised her to be. I believe her parents told her that she has to work for what she wants and that nothing is going to be given to her. Her self esteem seems to be really high and she was always smiling. I feel like because the way she was raised, she will be able to handle different circumstances in her life. Her sense of diversity is not very good. She does not want to meet any colored people, which is not a good thing to have in the real world because if she is to work in any business she will have to work with all different races. Suzy’s young adult hood will be a challenging one. She will have to learn to work with new and different people that she may not want to work with. She also would have to deal with meeting a colored person which she made clear that she didn’t want to meet. I believe once she allows herself to be able to work with all these different people she will have a successful life and career. In her middle adult hood years she will be having a good career starting to settle down and being home more with her children. She will be able to retire while her husband works and take care of the house. I believe overall her life will be a good one and she will be happy through most of it. I feel like Suzy will work in a business and end up in a high position in the business world. As I said earlier, Suzy would like to have two children after she gets married. She would like to be married around the age of 27 or 28. She would hire a nanny to help her take care of the children while her husband and she are at work. I also believe that Suzy will accomplish almost all the goals she set for herself. She had a good head on her shoulders when she was younger and I think that helped her out throughout her lifetime. How to cite 7 Up Lifespan Development, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
A Critical Commentary on October Salmon Essay Example For Students
A Critical Commentary on October Salmon Essay The poem, October Salmon is a poem about a salmon swimming upstream to its breeding ground to lay its eggs. Hughes has cleverly titled the poem October Salmon as the word salmon is singular and plural. This poem seems to be about a single fish, yet it could be referring to many others like it. The first few stanzas contrast the grandeur of the journey with the fertility and ugliness of death. For instance, Hughes says After his two thousand miles, he rests. This shows that the salmon has travelled a remarkable individual journey; however, it is made all for nothing. Hughes says that the salmon is Four years old at most. This shows how young the salmon was. The fact that the salmon is still a youth also makes this journey significant. Hughes then describes the salmon as already a veteran. This shows again, not only how the salmon is young, but also how he is similar to a soldier at war. Hughes continues this theme in stanza eight when he talks of badges and decorations and also in the final few lines of the poem as he talks of the salmon as being so loyal to his doom. Also, in the next line it talks of the salmon his service. The word service is often related to ones military career. This is another link to the war struggle. This is perhaps a human quality in the fish. In the fourth stanza, Hughes talks of months embroidered into the earths beauty-dress. This shows how they are beautiful, intricate and of a high level of craftsmanship. Hughes then talks about an autumnal pod of his flower. The pod refers to the worlds cycle. He is showing that death will come, and then there will be new life. The words ripened and muddy dregs are in a particularly strange juxta position as you would usually think of the word ripened referring to new life or something pleasurable; however, dregs are usually found in particularly old wines and are usually of irritation. Hughes then talks of the salmon as reclaiming his sea-metals. This shows how the fish his reclaiming his glorious past. As he swims further upstream, he is becoming more familiar of his surroundings, his birthplace. Disease is a major theme in this poem. The first major appearance of this theme is in the last line of the seventh stanza: He hangs there, patched with leper clothes. He hangs there shows that he is lifeless and the fact that he is wearing leper-clothes show you that he has suffered wounds or damage and he is some what diseased. Hughes then goes onto talk about a fungoid anemone of canker. The word canker indicates that the fish is diseased. The harsh sounds in this sentence mimic the rot and disease of the wish with their awkward pronunciation. Hughes then says Can the caress of water ease him? This perhaps refers to killing the fish and putting him out of his misery. The long vowels in the word ease are pleasant and this shows how the pain is being taken away from the fish. Hughes then talks about how the flow will not let up for a minute. This shows how there is no comfort in nature and how the force of nature is unstoppable. Hughes then contrasts between the river and the sea by saying, What a change! From that covenant of polar light To this shroud in a gutter. This shows how much nicer the sea was compared to the place where the salmon is now. Hughes then talks about how the salmon is deaths puppet. This shows that his death is a form of entertainment for humans and that he is almost being teased to death. It gives you a sense of performance. Also at the end of the stanza, Hughes talks of the humiliation of the role. This shows how the fish has been forced into this entertainment and again relates to the fish as being part of a show. Also, Hughes talks of This chamber of horrors. This again relates to the fish as being part of a show. .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .postImageUrl , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:hover , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:visited , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:active { border:0!important; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:active , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How poets keep language alive EssayThis imagery is used again towards the end of the poem when Hughes says that if the boys see him they will try to kill him. This shows how the salmon is a small cog in a big machine. It shows how the wonderful story that we have just heard is irrelevant to humanity and how humans have no respect for nature and its other inhabitants. We can also see this in the final line, when Hughes talks of the salmon being in the machinery of heaven. This is also the first time we see human involvement in the poem and contrasts the will of humans and animals. Hughes then describes the death of the salmon in an abrupt manner. He says that is just how it is. It is very simple and it shows that there is no alternative to the fish. Finally, Hughes contrasts how the salmon felt at the beginning of the poem to how he is now, towards the end of the journey. He says that this is what is going on there, under the scrubby oak tree, hour after hour. In conclusion, Hughes uses the imagery of nature to show the opulence of the salmons journey and what he has achieved all to die for nothing. He shows that although the salmon try so hard they can not always make it back to their breeding ground as it is a long and painful journey. Hughes also shows what man I like compared to the salmon. He shows that we are not thoughtful towards other creatures and perhaps how we do not live life to the fullest, like the salmon do.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Wii and other mystical story Review Essay Example
The Wii and other mystical story Review Paper Essay on The Wii and other mystical story Instead of an epigraph: The review even a collection of works of the classical writing is impossible, because his work is so holistic that writing about one obliged you write about other So I write a whole of him.) it so happens that my grandma and grandpa live in a small village in the east of Ukraine. We will write a custom essay sample on The Wii and other mystical story Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Wii and other mystical story Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Wii and other mystical story Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer it so happened that during his school years I vacation spent in the village, and even now prefer to drive it there ., when the free fall output it so happened that my family lives on the principle of Erasmus: My homeland there de my library. That is, we have a lot of books. And a lot of Gogol among these books:) On the village I was really lucky. This, of course, is not Poltava, but silent Ukrainian night there as well as in Gogol. The same huge stars such as vociferous nightingales, the same mysterious noises. Just imagine. Summer Night. You are in the big house all alone. Since no air conditioning, all doors and windows wide open. It is worn around the house as light as a butterflys wings, a breeze. In the farthest room lit only by a table lamp by which you sit and read the Via .. or Sorochintsy Fair. Or winter. Christmas soon. House just froze and a break from the bustle of predpraznichnoy. On the street just obzhygayuschy freezing wind! And you in the comfort and warmth, listening as the rustle embers in the stove and cracked wood in the hands of The Night Before Christmas. And smells delicious:. Strong tea and linden honey As in this obstavnovke not like Gogol How not to fall in love with it, the code you have to shake in a filthy train for several hours in the heat, or? feeling cold, and in the window the monotonous landscape, while Nikolai books real extravaganza, with loved ones, family members who feel just the skin, and only he, Gogol, and can save you from this forced boredom? I I think that people in principle, there should be no doubt: to read or not to read Gogol its obvious that you need Chitat. all !
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Do the Amish Have Dentists Are Their Teeth Often Bad
Do the Amish Have Dentists Are Their Teeth Often Bad SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’ve ever seen the popular TLC show Breaking Amish, you might be wondering about Amish dental care. What do Amish teeth look like? Do Amish people go to dentists? And is it true that Amish people often get all of their teeth pulled, as Rebecca on Breaking Amish did? We answer all of these questions and more in this article. Do Amish People Go to Dentists? First off, do Amish people ever go to dentists? The answer is yes and no. Although more and more Amish families are opting for modern dental care, many still prefer alternative medicines and treatments. As a result, Amish teeth and what they look like can vary significantly depending on the community and even the individual family. A recently published study on Amish children in the Geauga county of Ohio found that only 33 percent of Amish children had seen a dentist in the past year, and 28 percent had never seen a dentist at all. Some of the main reasons Amish people don't seek out dental care are their religious beliefs, how far away the nearest dental office is, and a lack of health insurance. According to the study, 87 percent of Amish children were uninsured, despite being eligible for Medicaid. As you can see, Amish dental care is a mixed bag. Some Amish people, but not all, visit modern dentists for oral care. But even those who do seek care don't always do so on a regular basis. This leads us to our next question: what do Amish teeth look like? Are Amish Teeth Healthy? Because many Amish people don't or can't seek out modern dental care, dental problems are often an issue in Amish communities- often leading to pulled teeth and, in extreme cases, dentures. In the study mentioned above, Amish children were found to have high levels of untreated tooth decay, mirroring the trends of other rural US communities. Such dental problems are not only due to a lack in dental care but also non-fluoridated drinking water and the tendency to forgo preventive care (Amish communities have higher rates of unvaccinated children as well). Therefore, it's not uncommon for Amish people to visit local Amish dentists to have some or even all of their teeth removed. Extraction is often viewed as a more affordable and convenient solution to dental issues than trying to fix a problematic tooth. As such, many Amish people- even youths- wear dentures. Rebecca from the TLC reality show Breaking Amish is perhaps the most famous case of this. On the show, Rebecca explained how she had all of her teeth removed at the age of 19 and currently wears dentures. Rebecca from "Breaking Amish" showing off her dentures. Conclusion: Amish Dental Care Practices So do Amish people take care of their teeth? As with any group of people, some Amish people have healthy teeth with few problems, whereas others have unhealthy teeth with many problems (or no teeth at all). Though many Amish people fail to see dentists regularly, it's important not to assume that all Amish people wear dentures or suffer from dental issues. In fact, many Amish people nowadays utilize modern dental care, with some even going as far as getting braces!
Friday, November 22, 2019
How and When to Bring Up Personal Issues When Applying for Jobs
How and When to Bring Up Personal Issues When Applying for Jobs So you’re applying for jobs, but you have some serious needs based on personal considerations: you’re pregnant, or have kids, or require a particular kind of flexibility in order to maintain your work/life balance. Or perhaps you’re moving across the country, or you need to have a position somewhere close to your partner. You name it, you’re probably struggling with finding the right time to bring it up. Here are three stages in the job process and an outline of how and when to bring up personal issues when applying for jobs. Happy hunting!In Your Resume Cover LetterSay the company has boasted about their super-casual work culture and flexible hours. You’re allowed to work at a beanbag and take three-hour lunches as long as you get your projects done. Or they have a fantastic family leave package and you’re planning to have a kid soon. You’re secretly doing a happy dance, but you really shouldn’t show it. At least not yet.Sayin g how important flexibility and leave and casual scheduling might be to you could be interpreted by a hiring manager as a red flag in a cover letter. â€Å"Ahoy! This guy is lazy and doesn’t really want to do the job!†Save it for much later in the process. Or just be glad you found this opportunity and keep the celebration to yourself.During an InterviewThe good news is they’re already interested. The bad is that you could easily blow it by asking about any of the above with too much eagerness or glee. It’s still not the time to say, â€Å"Hang on†¦ how many personal days do I get?†Or: â€Å"So I get how many weeks off for maternity leave?†Stick with convincing them that you’re the most qualified candidate for the position and an asset to the company. Render yourself indispensable and then take advantage of the sweet perks this company can offer. When you get to the point in the interview when you’re invited to ask quest ions, you can casually inquire about the work atmosphere or culture, but that’s about it.During NegotiationYou got the offer! Yes! Now is the time. If you’re, say, pregnant, or moving in a year, or in need of Friday mornings off to watch your kids, this is the ideal stage to broach the subject. There’s no right time, really, and you’ll probably be dreading it. But take a deep breath and say how delighted you are about the offer, then say you just have one small complication you wanted to make sure you addressed up front.If you get to such an advanced stage, however, you should make sure you’ve got the right read on the company. You won’t make any friends by asking for things the company just can’t or won’t provide. Pick your marks and shoot straight and steadily for them.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The French Revolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The French Revolution - Research Paper Example There has been, however, a lack of consensus about what led to the French revolution exactly. In same context, different historians have come with different theories that explain what really caused the revolution. Gorges Lefebvre, for an instance used his Marxist interpretation to explain the cause of the revolution. For him, the French revolution was rooted in the bourgeoisie rise (Burbeck 18-19). Another Marxist writer, Albert Mathiez, was of the notion that the French revolution stemmed from class conflict (Duvall 13-14). Majority of historians and students of the French revolution hold the notion that this insurrection was a bourgeois revolution, fueled by class conflict. For a long time, inequality reined supreme in France. In ancient French, the clergy and nobles led privileged lives. They were, for instance, exempt from paying tax on their incomes. â€Å"The taxes were mainly paid by the Third Estate.†1 Third Estates consisted of artisans, peasants, professionals and m erchants. Political and economic inequalities also existed in France. Furthermore, despite the Third Estates paying their dues to the king and nobles, they were still required to pay dues to the church. Paying the dues to the church was seen as pointless obligation because people were coming to terms with the age of reason. The writers and poets of this time also played a critical role in sparking thought and dissatisfaction among the French people (Burbeck 18-19). Before the revolution, France was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. This bankruptcy was caused partly by the wars of Louis XIV and by the royal family spendthrift indulgence and that of his predecessors. Even the so, the 250 million dollars that America was lent to fight for their independence also contributed to the bankruptcy. France in 1789 in presumption was a supreme monarch, a progressively more disliked form of government at the time. In reality, the King’s ability to assume on his supreme powers was edge d by the equally disliked power and rights of the nobility and the clergy, the surviving scions of feudalism. The massive and growing population of French middle class, and a section of the nobles and working class, had embraced the ideology of equality and liberty of the majority of people. Similarly, philosophers and intellectuals like Voltaire, Turgot, and Didero influenced this type ideology. Little, however, is attributed to the theorists of Enlightenment. Additionally, the French had been influenced by the American Revolution, which portrayed that it was possible to implement Enlightenment ethics about the organization of the government. The French revolutionalists ganged up against the less democratic government (Orlando 121). Taxes rates in France were relatively high. Taxation was based on a mechanism that targeted internal tariffs that Balkanized some regions of France. This regional separation led to a slow economic growth. For instance, taxes like gabelle were taxed on f armers, whereupon the private collectors signed contracts for the collection of taxes. This mechanism led to unfair collection of taxes. Similarly, royal taxes were collected as mandatory labor. Furthermore, this method also exempted the clergy and nobles from paying taxes on their pay perquisites. The weight of the tax burden was placed on the shoulders of merchants, peasants, and business classes. These classes of people were denied government positions, causing insurrection (Tocqueville 111). For a century, the French monarch operated without
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Critical Reflection of Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Critical Reflection of Learning - Essay Example Secondly in this area, instructors have been shown as the real professionals and experts who administer the skills to learners as a way of passing knowledge from one generation to another. It is in this group that professionalism and integrity should be stressed so as to ensure that right and correct curriculum and procedure is followed. The government of the day is a unique figure in the propagation of knowledge in the country. They formulate policies that will improve the delivery of knowledge in academic excellence. They depend on learning centers and organizations so as to produce sufficient and qualified personnel which will carry on the nation in the coming generations. It is with this great interest and dependence of learning process that this paper shall outline the benefits of critical reflection so as to improve learning and enhance efficiency for both learners and instructors. Learning depends on a systemic guide that elaborates the academic procedure and curriculum which instructors lead learners through it, and assessment and evaluation is done to show if learning has taken place or not. Good performance in assessment and evaluation through examinations is seen as positive, while failure is shown to suggest that learning has not taken place. This critically does not reflect the true identity of learning process. This is because examiners may wish to examine learners in a specific topic or module which may not be friendly with the learner hence the poor performance of the student. This therefore, suggests that the student may have failed in this area but well equipped in other topics which may not have been examined. This illustration makes an argument that examination may not be the best tool to reflection of the learning process since it does not indicate all the possible avenues of education. On the hand, those who may have performed well in the exam may have had a good time with the topic examined hence their performance. Environment is a great contributor in the performance of a student that may enable one to perform well or poor. In cases where tension is identified, learners may be affected in their performance. Parents and instructors who threaten their children put pressure to perform on them hence passing or failing dos not reflect learning and acquisition of knowledge. This indicates that pupils may pass the exam because of the family, and friends pressure, and not as a result that they have achieved the goal of learning. This proves that stakeholders should come together and come up with ways to evaluate and assess learners in the learning process so as to send out qualified professionals that can be depended on to improve economies of the world and offer management expertise in global organizations. Academic performance has been set as a mark in the employment subject which has seen people with good certificates enter the job world. However, it has been argued that some of these people are considered incompetent e ven though they possess certificates with wonderful grades. This raises alarm on the merits of learning since in several high learning institutions, it is the choice and decision of the respective lectures that make or break a professional from the class environment. Proper machinery and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Android Application Essay Example for Free
Android Application Essay The reign of android products in the market is the talk of the town and the craze of owning an android based smart phone is all a youths mind is smitten by. This is all because of the wide range of android apps at the user’s disposal which can be installed on these android based smart phones. Android offers the android market which is an open market made available to all android gadget users. The android smart phones do not run on the principle of non-contemporary mobile methodology i. e. these android gadgets do not come with a pre-set of limited applications already installed in the cell phone by the company at the time of manufacture, instead only the basic apps are installed and a privilege to choose and install from a wide variety of apps is facilitated to the user. Android gadget users have to just turn on their internet, sign in to their goggle account and they can access all the android applications. There are a lot of applications in every genre from utility, entertainment, security, business, education, games, etc. Entertainment apps like various varieties music players, video players, photo viewers, music creator, video clippers, photo editors, etc., utility apps like maps and road guides, locators of shops, hospitals, hotels and various buildings and landmarks in a particular city which use GPS services direct from the satellite, alarm clocks, clocks showing time of multiple time zones, a thousand variety of games from strategy to racing and flash games to puzzle games, apps designed for providing a convenient user interface to browse through your favourite social networking websites and many more steal the ranks in the search counts for sure. The android apps are not just limited to entertainment and mobile utility and security. The android market has a huge choice of apps for the businessmen, people in the real estate, financial markets like the share market and the international currency exchange and the commodity markets, people related to software development and information technology, etc. The android apps can also be used for managing funds in your bank accounts. There are a lot of android apps designed to help a user browse through a lot of products from numerous shops and brands, select, compare quality and prices, and also purchase them electronically by directly transferring funds from their bank accounts. The rapidly increasing advancement in the development of the contemporary generation of android apps will also see a breakthrough in the e-commerce section. The biggest attraction about the android market is that it is a free and open market availing the most of the apps from all genres free of cost to the users. When you browse the android apps through the android market you will also be supported by a clear description of the app, that is the way it works, tips to use it and all info about the app. Adding to that a person can also see the product reviews and user ratings along with the product in the list of apps in the android market.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Airships :: essays research papers
Airships INDEX PROLOGUE 2 TYPES OF AIRSHIP 2 RIGID AIRSHIP 2 NONRIGID AIRSHIP 3 HISTORY OF RIGID AIRSPS 3 HISTORY OF NONRIGID AIRSHIPS 4 AIRSHIPS TODAY 5 HINDENBURG 6 HINDENBURG DISASTER 7 PROLOGUE An airship is a type of lighter-than-air aircraft with propulsion and steering systems, it is used to carry passengers and cargo. It obtains its buoyancy from the presence of a lighter-than-air gas such as hydrogen or helium. The first airship was developed by the French, called a ballon dirigible, it could be steered and could also be flown against the wind. TYPES OF AIRSHIP Two basic types of airship have been developed: the rigid airship, the shape of which is fixed by its internal structure; and the nonrigid blimp, which depends on the pressure created by a series of air diaphragms inside its gas space to maintain the shape of its fabric hull. Inventors sought to combine the best features of these models in a semirigid type, but it met with only limited success. Today only the nonrigid airship is used. Rigid Airship The rigid airship's structure resembled a cage that enclosed a series of balloons called gas cells. These cells were tailored to fit the cylindrical space and were secured in place by a netting that transmitted the lifting force of their gas to the structure. Each gas cell had two or more valves, which operated automatically to relieve pressure when the gas expanded with altitude, the valves could also be operated manually so that the pilot could release gas whenever desired. Also on board was a ballast system that used water as ballast. On the ground this ballast served to make the airship heavier than air. When part of it was released, the airship ascended to a cruising altitude where the engines supplied propulsion, and further ballast could be released to gain more altitude. As fuel was consumed, the airship became lighter and tended to climb. This was countered in hydrogen-inflated airships by simply releasing gas into the atmosphere. The method was uneconomical, however, with helium-inflated airships, and they were therefore equipped with ballast generators, apparatuses that condensed moisture out of the engines' exhaust gases to compensate for fuel that was consumed. But this ballast-generating equipment was expensive, complex, heavy, and difficult to maintain and was thus one of the most serious disadvantages of airships filled with the safer but more expensive helium. Nonrigid Airship In contrast to the rigid airship, the nonrigid blimp has no internal structure to maintain the shape of its hull envelope, which is made of two or three plies of cotton, nylon, or dacron impregnated with rubber for gas tightness. Inside the gas space of the hull are two or more air diaphragms called ballonets that
Monday, November 11, 2019
Maydavian Online Reservation and Booking System Essay
Maydavian has been founded as a resort in the beautiful island of Palawan. With the exertion of Ms. Marrieta S. Mayor, the capital of this unspoiled island, and a memorable journey of about two hours by bus or shuttle taking you through a zigzag in the mountains and with breathtaking views of mountain ranges and unspoiled forests. An oasis of hospitality awaits you at Maydavian, with spectacular views of the Sulu Sea. Ideally located in a coconut plantation with modern facilities in harmony with the serene and soothing atmosphere. Maydavian Resort establish on 2000. The establishment started with just a small canteen, 6 rooms and small dinning cottages. After a few months, reception hall, VIP rooms and Standards rooms were built. A swimming pool was formally open to the public. Maydavian Resort has a total land area of eighteen hectares located at Brgy. Caguisan Narra, Palawan. The guest who visited Maydavian loved enjoyed a walkway through century mangroves, clear Sky and myriad of stars and delicious food serves for the most discerning of pallets comprising both Filipino and western specialties. Presently, Maydavian offers plenty of facilities and services. There are the Restaurant and Bar, the Maydavian Pavillion. One of the venues for wedding and birthday parties, island Park intended for playful kids and weather favors the park also serve as venue for children party and garden wedding reception for sports minded guest, there is a room venue for billiards and many more that had contributed to the overall success of this more than a decade old establishment. The continuous growth of the world their exist the modern and a high-tech way of living due to the reason of unsatisfied and consciousness of humans by discovering and searching for more effective way of living such as computer- is a device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high speed mathematical or logical operations that can assembles, store, correlates and otherwise process information. Dealing with the triumphant advancement, internet is a network of almost transaction system through this transaction system must gather sort of information for online services. Website is related collection of web files that includes an initial called a homepage it is essential in an organization to establish a tourist spot in the province of Palawan adopting reliable reviewing like a website to provide a complex transaction system through on line services. This system is entitled â€Å"Maydavian Resort Online Reservation and Booking System†.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
K to 12 in the Philippines Essay
The Department of Education’s mission speaks clearly of the provision of a quality basic education that should be accessible to all and one which shall lay the foundation of a lifelong learning and self-actualization needed for citizenship at the local, national and global milieu. This mission can only be realized if indeed our educational system meets the challenge of the new millennium. Currently, educators just realized that our educational system has not been updated as to meeting the global competitiveness. It must be an acceptable fact that we have produced graduates who lack the skills, who cannot be recognized globally, and who do not possess entrepreneurial skills or the basic knowledge for higher education. I personally believe that it is high time that we start changing the educational system of the Philippines through the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program. As a secondary school teacher, I have witnessed personally how our young generation graduates without having themselves equipped totally the basic knowledge they must have developed in the previous curriculum implemented in the schools. According to a survey, it is only the Philippines which has not adopted the 12 years basic education program in the whole of the Asia. This is the very reason why even if we have intelligent and globally competitive graduates, these graduates cannot still be recognized as professionals abroad because they lack the number of years to complete the basic education. Its implementation is actually a bold and a great challenge to curriculum developers and implementers (teachers) in our country. There are several problems that we have to overcome. But with everyone looking at one vision, holding hand in hand towards its successful implementation, lifting up each of our spirits – then the K to 12 implementation will have a successful journey. TERESA E. INDAC MAED-CMUGS
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Cord vs. Chord
Cord vs. Chord Cord vs. Chord Cord vs. Chord By Maeve Maddox Latin chorda referred to catgut used to make the strings of a musical instrument. Chorda entered French with the spelling corde and the meaning â€Å"string for a musical instrument.†English took the word from French, but eventually dropped the e and spelled it cord. In English, cord came to mean different kinds of string or rope. The earliest illustration in the OED (1305) shows that â€Å"a cord†could be used to bind a person hand and foot; by 1330, cord could refer to the hangman’s rope. In modern usage, cord is string composed of several strands twisted or woven together. By cord, modern speakers usually mean a light rope–the kind used for a clothesline–or a thick string–the sort used to wrap a parcel for mailing. In earlier usage, cord could refer to the ropes of a ship. The OED shows that cord was used as a medical term for a body part that resembles a string, for example, a ligament. The homophones cord and chord are often confused–with good reason. As most of the readers of DWT know by now, some of our oddest spellings were born in the 16th century thanks to helpful grammarians who wanted to â€Å"restore†Latin spellings that weren’t missing. My favorite example is the alteration of the perfectly practical English spelling dette (â€Å"something owed†) to debt, to make it â€Å"accord†with Latin debitum. The 16th century tinkerers decided that the spelling chord should replace cord because that was closer to Latin chorda. For a time, medical writers wrote about â€Å"spermatic chords,†â€Å"spinal chords,†and â€Å"umbilical chords,†but modern medical usage prefers the spelling cord. For a time, the spelling cord was also applied to the musical term that meant â€Å"agreement of musical sounds,†or â€Å"a combination of three or more simultaneous notes according the rules of musical harmony.†The musical term was spelled cord for a very good reason: it was a clipping of the word accord, a verb meaning â€Å"to bring into agreement.†Musical â€Å"cords†were sounds that agreed. As it turns out, having different spellings for each term is quite useful. The current usage is: cord: string chord: agreement of musical sounds Unfortunately, some speakers get mixed up when it comes to the anatomical term â€Å"vocal cords†: Do you want to strengthen your weak vocal chords, so you can become an amazing singer? How to Keep Your Vocal Chords in Good Condition Although used to sing, vocal cords are not spelled â€Å"vocal chords.†I’ve two more factoids to share before leaving the fascinating subject of cord: The smokeless explosive called cordite got its name from its â€Å"curiously string-like appearance.†A quantity of wood is called a cord because it was originally measured with a string. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How Many Tenses in English?Confusing "Passed" with "Past"How Many Sentences in a Paragraph?
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Definition of Subject for Spanish Students
Definition of Subject for Spanish Students Traditionally, the subject is the part of the sentence that performs the action of the main verb of a sentence. Sometimes, subject is used to refer specifically to the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb. In Spanish (rarely in English except in commands), it is common also for the subject to be implied rather than directly stated. In the following sentences, the subject is in boldface. Examples El hombre canta bien. The man sings well. (The noun hombre is performing the action of the verb canta.)Los jugadores no estn con nosotros. The players arent with us. (The noun jugadores is performing the action of the verb estn.)Ellos no estn con nosotros. They arent with us. (The subject is a pronoun.)No estn con nosotros. They arent with us. (The subject here in the Spanish sentence is implied to be ellos but isnt directly stated. In translation, the pronoun here must be stated in English.) The subject of a verb can be contrasted with its object, which receives the action of the verb rather than performs it. The subject of the sentence sometimes is considered to include not just the noun, but all the words in the phrase that accompanies the noun. By this definition, el hombre in the first sample sentence can be considered the subject of the sentence. By this definition, the subject of a sentence can get quite complex. For example, in the sentence La chica que va al teatro no me conoce (the girl who is going to the theater doesnt know me), la chica que va al teatro can be considered the full subject. By this definition, the subject of a sentence can be contrasted with the predicate of a sentence, which includes the verb and often the object of the verb and related words. In Spanish, the subject and verb (or predicate) match in number. In other words, a singular subject must be accompanied by a verb that is conjugated in a singular form, and a plural subject takes a plural verb. Although the subject is usually thought of as the performer of a sentences action, in passive sentences this may not be the case. For example, in the sentence su tà o fue arrestado (her uncle was arrested), tà o is the subject of the sentence even though some unspecified person or persons are performing the verbs action. In Spanish, as in English, the subject typically comes before the verb except in questions. However, in Spanish, it is not extraordinary for the verb to come before the subject even in direct statements. For example, in the sentence me amaron mis padres (my parents loved me), padres (parents) is the subject of the verb amaron (loved). Sample Sentences Un planeta es un cuerpo celeste que orbita alrededor de una estrella. A planet is a heavenly body that orbits around a star.No comprendo la revuelta rabe. I dont understand the Arab revolt. (The subject in the Spanish sentence is implied.)Yo y tà º podemos hacer todo. You and I can do everything. (This is the use of a compound subject.)Me gustan las enchiladas. I like enchiladas. (In the Spanish sentence, the subject here comes after the verb. Note that in translation, the subject in English represents a different word.)Hoy empieza la revolucià ³n. The revolution begins today. (The subject comes after the verb. Although hoy is sometimes a noun, here it is an adverb.)Skype fue comprado por Microsoft. Skype was bought by Microsoft. (In this passive sentence, Skype is the subject even though it is not performing the verbs action.)
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Examine the role of Business Format Franchising in multinational Essay
Examine the role of Business Format Franchising in multinational businesses and define the effect of International Franchising on globalisation - Essay Example The franchisor-franchisee relationship is based on mutual support and trust. In this relational exchange, they share benefits and costs (Grunhagen & Dorsch, 2003). The franchisor provides support, technology and advice to the new franchisee and guarantees continued support. In exchange, the franchisee has to pay an entry fee and a continued royalty on sales and advertising fees for regular services (Inma, 2005). Franchising is different from other forms of business. The franchise owners try to assess the value they receive in exchange for the sum paid. They would remain in the relationship as long as they perceive that they receive a fair value for the payments made to the franchisor. In this relationship, the franchisor or the principal does not invest its own fund in the local service unit because the responsibility of maintenance, construction and management of the local operation lies with the franchisee (Fladmoe-Lindquist & Jacque, 1995; Welsh, Alon & Falbe, 2006). The business format of franchising was based on two dominant theories – the agency theory and the resource scarcity theory (Inma, 2005). Based on the resource scarcity theory, as the company anted to expand and resources were scarce, franchising became a means of obtaining capital. In addition, it also eased managerial constraints upon the growth of the medium and small-sized firms. The agency theory viewed franchising as a means of efficiently controlling the problems that could arise due to the difference between the agent and the principal. Thus, these theories are based on the view that it eliminates the constraints that a firm could encounter in expansion. Although franchising originated in France, today Australia is the most franchised nation per head of population in the world. A franchise organization is claimed to be a hybrid form and has complex contractual arrangements. However, the franchised system can have hybrid forms as well as hierarchy firms (Inma, 2005). This
Thursday, October 31, 2019
SWOT analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
SWOT analysis - Essay Example Kathmandu Holdings Limited is an organisation committed to providing quality clothing and equipment for travel and adventure through its operated company stores. The major strength of the organisation lies in its capability to develop its brand and value which are satisfactory to the customer. This is a result of its vertically integrated business model which gives it control of its brand and products. This also allows it to achieve both a wholesale and retail margin. The major notable weakness for Kathmandu is that its success is over reliant on its reputation and branding. Unexpected issues can damage this reputation which is a weakness since there are no measures in place to counter this development should it happen. The opportunity for the company is that it has a network of company operated retail stores which makes it easy to gather information about the needs and wants of the customers. The other opportunity is that it has significantly invested in its IT systems to support its future growth plans. The other opportunity is that the organisation is strategically positioned to deliver attractive financial results to its shareholders and it allows public investors the opportunity to invest in business successfully. Its stance on brand awareness is another opportunity behind its success story in the market for outdoor travelling clothes and equipment. Likewise, this organisation does not operate in isolation from other firms. Of significant importance in this case is damage to Kathmandu’s brand as well as aggressive competition. This makes it a bit challenging for the organisation to maintain its competitive advantage as well as its dominance in the market with regards to the quality of its products that have greatly contributed to its success over the last years. The other threat is the risk associated with investing in the stock market generally where the management may not be able to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Discussion Board Post Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 39
Discussion Board Post Response - Essay Example Formative evaluation can be used to provide feedback for learning and consequently serve as the basis for improvements (Duers and Brown, 2009) and should therefore be conducted as the project progresses. I concur that summative evaluation is conducted at the end of an instructional unit (Duers and Brown, 2009) and can thus be conducted at the end of your practicum project. McKimm and Swanwick (2009) posits that objectives outlines what the student seeks to achieve at the end of a project. In this regard, I agree with your objectives in achieving your goal. Your objectives clearly shows what you will achieve at the end of the practicum project. For instance, you assert that you will be able to present findings to the executive system board for approval at the end of your project. I also concur with the other aspects of your discussion such as your methodology and evaluation plan. Your choice to utilize PFCC as your methodology will help achieve the projected outcomes based on findings from other methodical investigations, thus I agree with your methodology. It is only through formative and summative approaches to evaluation that you will be able to get feedback from your colleagues and also at the end of your project (Duers and Brown, 2009). In this respect, I agree with your evaluation
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller | Analysis
A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller | Analysis A View from the Bridge is a play set in Brooklyn in the 1950s and was written by Arthur Miller. He wrote this play based on different aspects in his life as he lived in Brooklyn as a child and worked in the Brooklyn shipyards like Eddie and befriended the Italians he worked with. Miller heard a story of some men coming over to work illegally and being betrayed which inspired him to write A View from a Bridge. It was originally a one act play, but he changed it into a two-act play later on. The play includes ideas from Greek tragedies, which is where the character of Eddie links into. Alfieri, another main character acts as a Greek chorus, a vital role in a Greek tragedy and he watches the action, comments on it and talks to the audience directly, like a narrator. We see him in many different roles throughout the play and each role adding to the dramatic impact of the play. The first role Alfieri takes on is as a narrator, which is at the start of the play. You wouldnt have known it, but something amusing has just happened. You see how uneasily they nod to me? Alfieri uses the word you to include the audience and to make them feel involved. Also, as the narrator he highlights the importance of certain scenes and actions, as after the scene when Marco and Rodolpho arrive, Alfieri starts to talk again saying Eddie Carbone had never expected to have a destiny implying that because Beatrices cousins have come to stay, something will change. Alfieri also mentions that we settle for half and uses repetition as in the first speech and the very last speech after Eddie has died he says that it is better to settle for half, it must be. By using the word we Alfieri is again involving the audience and making them think that they should settle for half as well as Eddie, and is therefore offering moral guidance to the audience. Furthermore by saying it must be better to settle for half, and using an imperative, Alfieri is trying to convince the audience and even himself that appreciating what youve got must be better than dying like Eddie did. When Alfieri is narrating the play, Arthur Miller uses dramatic devices for example using stage lights to focus on Alfieri, so the audience know what he is saying is very important. The title of the play A View from a Bridge has many different meanings, as it could be seen as Alfieris view from the bridge, as he is the one narrating the events and telling his view on the events that unfold. Furthermore the title is literally the play, which is set in Brooklyn Bridge and is about the community around the area and the actions that happen which Alfieri tells as a narrator. Also the bridge could be a metaphor for the differences between Alfieris view on justice and Eddies differing opinions and can also incorporate Alfieris view that we should settle for half as to do this you may need to compromise and meet in the middle, like the middle of the bridge. Another interpretation on the title is that the bridge is like a bridge between Eddies community in Brooklyn and Marco and Rodolphos community in Italy and they both have to understand each others way of life by using this bridge to help them. Another role Alfieri takes on is a character in the play as a lawyer. He gives Eddie advice on how to deal with Rodolpho and Catherine: Let her go. Thats my advice. You did your job, now its her life; wish her luck and let her go. The audience trust Alfieri, because of his character as a lawyer as more often then not they are seen to be trustworthy and reliable. As well as advising Eddie, he also warns him when he feels Eddie is going too far. Because of Alfieris narration running through the play, the audience can see that there is a theme of law and justice running through the play. He explains these themes by giving more information about the different communities telling the audience that the law has not been a friendly idea since the Greeks were beaten, implying that the Americans of Red Hook do not really believe in the law. Alfieri attempts to explain the law to Eddie and Marco, telling them that the law is nature. The law is only a word for what has a right to happen. So when Eddie chooses to find justice by his own means, Alfieri feels that he cannot get involved and he cant do anything to stop Eddie. In the first scene when Alfieri meets with Eddie as a lawyer he describes Eddies eyes like tunnels. This simile gives the impression of a dark journey ahead of Eddie and gives the audience an image that Eddie cannot escape his fate that has been predicted by Alfieri as the audience already know its going to happen. It could also suggest that Eddie was thinking deeply or that he had many dark feelings rushing around his head. In this scene Alfieri is powerless to prevent what is going to happen and this creates tension and suspense because the audience want to know what is going to happen next. I could see every step coming, step after step. Alfieri also acts as a warning sign, by preparing the audience for events that are about to happen. You wont have a friend in the world, Eddie! By using the phrase you wont Alfieri is warning Eddie that something is definitely going to happen and that he should be careful. As the weeks passed, there was a future; there was a trouble that would not go away. By using repetition, Alfieri is emphasizing the point that something is going to happen and is making the audience think through what will happen and why and therefore keeps them hooked. Arthur Miller uses dramatic irony as the audience and Alfieri know something is going to happen, however the characters in the play are oblivious to this. Alfieri informs the audience that his customers are prepared to settle for half, however in the final paragraph he tells the audience that something else is going to happen by using the phrase and yet. Alfieri uses the quote bloody course to paint an image in the audiences head of blood and violence and the images that are left in the audiences mind leaves them curious about the rest of the play which creates dramatic tension. It also shows Alfieris importance in the rest of the play, as it shows he is predicting the play and Eddies fate. In the last sentence of Alfieris first speech, he links to his past saying every few years there is still a case to tell the audience that this story will definitely be tragic. He then introduces Eddie: This ones name was Eddie Carbone, and the fact that Alfieri immediately mentions Eddie after talking about that culture of Red Hook and also speaks about him in the past tense shows that his fate has already come to an end and gives another indication that Eddie will die at the end of the play so the audience are left wondering not what will happen to him but how it will happen. The way in which this quote is presented shows that Eddie is one of many of Alfieris clients whose tragic story is like many others in Italy that die of unfair causes. The setting of Red Hook is a poor community and Alfieri creates the atmosphere of Red Hooks by describing it as the slum that faces the bay seaward side of Brooklyn Bridge. There is a lot of cultural context linked into the story as Alfieri comes from the same Italian background as Eddie; therefore he understands both American and Italian lifestyles and he helps the audience to understand the 1950s Brooklyn society in which the characters live. Alfieri also explains how the rich and the poor are divided in their community by their jobs and states that Eddie has a hard job as a longshoreman working on the docks. I often think that behind that suspicious little nod of theirs lie three thousand years of distrust. This is a quote that Alfieri says at the beginning of the play which gives the audience an insight into what Red Hook is like and suggests that there is a lot of dishonesty in the area. He mentions the characters Al Capone and Frankie Yale who were former Italians that had a history of crime and violence, In those days, Al Capone the greatest Carthaginian of all was learning his trade on these pavements, and Frankie Yale himself was cut precisely in half by a machine gun, he uses this quote to emphasise the case that he is about to handle which shows that it will be of violent nature and he also uses this quote to show that the play will end tragically. The audience sees Alfieri as a character in the play when Eddie goes to see him for advice. However Alfieri feels that he cannot help Eddie as he knows about the disaster that is going to happen at the end of the play so he feels powerless over Eddie as his friend and his lawyer and cannot prevent the decisions Eddie is choosing to make. Another role Alfieri takes on which is a very important part in the play is as a moral commentator. Alfieri gives his own views and opinions on the characters and their actions and this guides the audience rather than allowing them to make their own minds up. The audience has the same opinion of the narrator because Alfieri talks directly to them affecting their view on the situation and characters and they believe everything he says. Alfieri comments on Eddies moral character saying he was as good a man as he had to be in life that was hard and even, and he explains that Eddie is neither entirely good nor entirely bad. Alfieri only guides the audien ce influencing their opinion, but sometimes gives two differing opinions on Eddie allowing the audience to make up their own minds. In the play there are only two acts, which is unusual for a play; however there is many different things that happen in these two acts. As an audience we see that Alfieri is very important to the structure of A View From A Bridge as he is the character that opens the play and ends the play with his two dramatic speeches therefore adding to Alfieris dramatic impact to the play. Finally Alfieri acts as the Greek chorus in the play, explaining the events on stage to the audience without actually participating in them. He has to know a lot about each of the main characters and actions to be an effective chorus; however he communicates with the audience more thoroughly than with the characters, to inform them of the actions and thoughts of the characters. The idea of the narrator was developed in the Greek tragedies of the 5th century called the chorus who commented on the actions of characters in the play which is like Alfieri. A Greek Tragedy was originally a play that consisted of tragic events with a main character (like Eddie) whos fate would soon come to an end and usually die at the end. A View from a Bridge uses the conventions of a Greek Tragedy, as Arthur Miller used a final climax in the play where Eddie Carbone (one of the main characters) tragically dies, which suggests his play is based on a traditional Greek tragedy. In conclusion Alfieri helps contribute to the dramatic impact of the play in many different ways, because of his different roles but also because as an audience we know that what is going to happen as Alfieri predicted the events to come which adds tension and suspense. Throughout the play Alfieri keeps emphasizing that we should settle for half, which shows that Arthur Millar was trying to give a moral message to the audience and also society saying that they should settle for half, and always bring justice to the world as otherwise we might end up with Eddies fate. Bibliography www.bbcbitesize.co.uk www.sparknotes.co.uk
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Dehumanization Process in the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Do
The Dehumanization Process in the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave Throughout American history, minority groups were victims of American governmental policies, and these policies made them vulnerable to barbaric and inhumane treatment at the hands of white Americans. American slavery is a telling example of a government sanctioned institution that victimized and oppressed a race of people by indoctrinating and encouraging enslavement, racism and abuse. This institution is injurious to slaves and slave holders alike because American society, especially in the south, underwent a dehumanization process in order to implement the harsh and inhumane doctrine. In the episodic autobiography Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave, Frederick Douglass illustrates, through personal experience, the brutality and violence of slave life. As a young boy, Douglass is sent to Baltimore, an event that gives him temporary relief from the harsh conditions on the plantation. In Baltimore, he teaches himself to read and write and begins a jou rney to mental freedom that eventually paves the way to his successful escape to the North. Despite the hardships he endures, â€Å"most amazing is the indestructible total humanity of [Douglass] whom society called a thing, a chattel to be bought and sold†(Rexroth 134). Amazingly, Douglass realizes at a young age that the institution of slavery poisons people who might otherwise act in good and decent ways. His autobiography focuses primarily on the ill effects slavery has on slaves; however, he also acknowledges the damage that enforcing the laws of slavery has on slave holders. Through the use of imagery, Douglass masterfully illustrates the dehuman... ...oppression due to the lack of liberty, education, humanity, or justice. Works Cited Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Lauter. Vol 1. 4th ed. Houghton Mifflin Company: New York, 2002. 1817-1880. Franklin, Bruce. â€Å"Animal Farm Unbound.†Frederick Douglass’s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1988. 29-43. Houston PBS Online. Resource Book: People and Events Frederick Douglass 1818-1895. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p1539.html Rexroth, Kenneth. â€Å"Frederick Douglass.†The Elastic Retort: Essays in Literature and Ideas. The Continuum, 1973: 108-11. Rpt. in Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism. Eds. Laura Lanzen Harris and Sheila Fitzgerald. Vol. 7. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 133-34.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
With whom does responsibility for the Holocaust ultimately lie?
The Holocaust was a shameful display of the exploitation of power to cause great pain and suffering to many. An operation of that magnitude could not have been controlled and implemented by one individual. There are many parties which were involved with Germany and need to be considered when determining where ultimate responsibility lies. Hitler did as early as 1935 make his feelings about the Jewish race clear by making his anti-Semitism public policy in the Nuremburg Race laws. But aside from in â€Å"Mein Kampf†, Hitler made little indication until the last minute that he had given approval for the extermination program, ( even Mein Kampf is not that reliable, because it was written by a young man imprisoned for his beliefs, and he was bound to exaggerate to get his message across and to raise sales profits ). He seems to have kept out of the actual planning and implementation of the killing process, leaving that in the more than capable hands of the Nazi officials, including Himmler, Frank and Heydrich. Many of the ideas such as Ghettos and mass transportation were left under their control, for them to act on their own innitiative. Although he was seen by the public as heavily involved with politics and decision making for Germany, it has since been revealed that Hitler spent a large part of his day relaxing at home, and was often happy to sign papers after only a brief glance. After the virulence shown in â€Å"Operation Barbarossa†towards the Russian Jews, Hitler in speeches tried to convince the public that a good solution had been found to ‘the jewish problem' and should be continued throughout the rest of Europe, hiding the intensity of the mass genocide going on in the country next door to them. He also reffered to the transits as ‘resettlements' for â€Å"appropriate labour duties†, which made the program seem more civilised. Amongst the Nazi leaders, talk was rarely directly about the actual business of the â€Å"final solution†agenda, reffering as Hitler did to program as of â€Å"legalised removal†and â€Å"resettlement†. But it was reported at the trial of Eichmann in 1960 that within private meetings the â€Å"talk was of killing, elimination and liquidation†. Obviously the top officials like Himmler and Heydrich didn't want to give the public the impression that they were intently malicious, but it is clear that they did not have reservations about ordering the police, Wehrmacht and S. S. to carry out there instructions. Himmler was able to directly comit the 800 000 strong S. S. to the tasks of operating the death camps, and so needed no other authority. Most of them believed that they were just doing their duty for Germany and could contently do their tasks without moral objections. Other leaders like Goebbels were passionately anti-semitic and outright about it, but Goebbels with all of his propaganda experience probably conveyed it tactfully. At the Nuremburg trials, many leaders tried to claim ignorance of the program however preposterous that may seem after looking at the evidence, but there is little actual proof of their actions, so there is not much firm indication to support the claims of their responsibility. The earlier T-4 ( euthanasia program ) had been in effect a development program for the search for efficient means of large and refined killings. Some officials such as Bouhler and Brack had been largely involved with T-4 and were able to pass on their extensive knowledge, and implement it in death camps like Treblinka and Belzec. T-4 also demonstrated that mass killings could be carried out by ordinary individuals without hesitation. Having said this, it would be eminently hard to prove that anyone involved with T-4 could have known that their methods would be used to wipeout a race, a process significantly larger and more important (to them) than what they were originally doing. The German army and police were undoubtedly involved to some extent in the program because of the logistics of the operation, but it would be unfair to try to blame them entirely for what they were doing. Some tried to keep a clear conscience by thinking of their victims as â€Å"not men but monkeys in human form†. But on the whole they were just following their orders and doing their jobs. A lot of the German people had, before Hitler came to power in 1933, been Anti-Semitic in varying degrees. Hitler only had to play on their feelings, making his policies reflect what the people wanted to hear. High ranking people, in the civil service, Army and churches, were among the Anti-Semitic thinkers. Prostestants in Germany had for a long time been Anti-Semitic since the time of Martin Luther and the Reformation in Europe. Some policies were frowned upon and met limited opposition, the Catholic church against euthanasia for example, but the actual ‘Holocaust' was affected very little by public protest. The public were often made aware of what was happening to the Jews by allied radio broadcasts, leaflet drops and stories brought home by soldiers who had been on the Russian front. But to many these were just rumours and not taken seriously. Everyone involved with the holocaust was each partly to blame. Hitler was the driving force behind most Nazi policies, but not many were his own. He was blamed by the German people, to forget their own responsibility. Himmler and Heydrich came up with and implemented many plans themselves, and were valuable to Hitler to keep his regime going. There was not enough opposition to earlier programs such as T-4 to stem the violence then, and it spiralled out of control. General public opinion, and even whole national organisations opinions, were too well established in their dislike of Jews to be changed even by mass violence. If it had been changed against Hitler's regime, there would not have been sufficient power to do what the regime achieved.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Comment on the various sorts of love shown in Romeo and Juliet Essay
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy based around a pair of young lovers. The play is set in 12th century Verona where a pair of families, the Capulet’s and the Montague’s have been feuding for many years. The play revolves around Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet falling deeply in love and the events that befall these two forbidden lovers. The play covers an array of different types of love and love related issues from brotherly love to bodily lust, Shakespeare uses the characters to portray stereotyped ideas of love and how it affects people. Before even the first scene is out, the play has already touched upon the idea of brotherly love. Benvolio, the cousin of Romeo, finds Romeo in a state of near depression and says to Romeo ‘What sadness lengthens Romeos hours’? With this line Shakespeare is showing Benvolio’s concern as a man might unto his brother. Romeo is sad because he has fallen in love with a girl, Rosaline ‘In sadness, cousin, I do love a woman. ‘ However Romeo’s chosen spouse does not return the affection, as Romeo states ‘She will not stay the siege of loving terms’. Benvolio offers to Romeo the idea of looking for a different more attainable woman. He gives this advice in order that his cousin may once again be happy thus showing his affection for Romeo. Throughout the play Shakespeare writes about light when referring to love, he talks of it in the prologue before the play is even afoot ‘A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life;’ It does not stop here however, on Romeo’s first encounter with Juliet he says ‘O she doth teach the torches to burn bright’ Meaning that she brings light to his dark troubled state of mind, where there was the haze of rejection her light shines through brightening his mood. Again in scene two upon meeting with Juliet his love Romeo compares her presence to light ‘But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? ‘ To Romeo meeting Juliet is like the sun rising, just as the sun lights up the world she lights up his mood and, as the sun clears the morning mist, so Juliet clears the fog of his mind leaving it clear. I think Shakespeare uses these references to light to show that in ‘dark’ times often love can show the way. Perhaps showing that in the face of a problematic social environment love can be a beacon to those who embrace it. When Romeo first visits friar Lawrence in Act two Scene three they speak of Romeo’s newfound love for Juliet and change of heart to Rosaline ‘With Rosaline, my ghostly father? no; I have forgot that name, and that names woe’ By this he is telling the friar that he has not only stopped doting on Rosaline but, has in fact undergone a total change in spirits forgetting the woes he had over Rosaline. However the Friar speaks of the doubts he had for the sincerity of Romeo’s love for Rosaline in the first place ‘Thy love did read by rote, that could not spell. ‘ This implies that Romeo, whilst sounding outwardly convincing lacked the meaning behind his words. Shakespeare is again using a characters opinion to influence that of the audience, in this case Romeo’s love for Rosaline may well have been true but due to the friars opinionated speech the audience is cast into doubt on the matter. The friar also chides Romeo about his use of elaborate metaphorical language when talking of love, telling him to ‘be plain, good son,’ For in order for Friar Lawrence to absolve Romeo he must first be able to understand him. Yet it is not just the friar who is suspicious of Romeo’s decorative words, Juliet had already commented on the way he talks in Act two Scene two ‘O swear not by the moon, th’inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable. ‘ Romeos allegorical promises do not hold well with Juliet because in his words no definition can be found merely elaborate metaphors. However Juliet’s complaints go unheeded for later Act two Scene six Romeo is again using exotic language in order to describe his love for her ‘Unfold the imagined happiness that both Receive in either by this dear encounter. ‘ Juliet however responds by saying ‘Conceit, more rich in matter than in words, Brags of his substance, not of ornament; They are but beggars that can count their worth, But my true love is grown to such excess I cannot sum up sum of half my wealth. ‘ What Juliet is saying here is that unlike Romeo she cannot sum up her love for him in words. Shakespeare uses strong negative imagery such as ‘beggars’ and ‘conceit’ to display Juliet’s exasperation with Romeos continuing usage of needless ornate speech. But despite Juliet’s doubts and Romeo’s misleading words there is an overwhelming love between the pair that cannot go unnoticed. Even upon their first meeting Romeo’s feelings for Juliet are obvious ‘Did my heart love till now? ‘ He directs this phrase at Juliet before the two have even met. Yet when they do at last meet Juliet shares with Romeo not one but two kisses, the second induced by Juliet ‘Then have my lips the sin that they have took’ These shows of affection in the time in which the play was written would be unheard of upon a first meeting. This shows just how the pair truly epitomise the phrase ‘Love at first sight’ for they did not let the fact that they were total strangers hinder the strength of their feelings even if the feeling was simply lust. However as of yet we cannot tell whether Romeo is sincere in his love this time rather than just lustfully infatuated as he was with Rosaline, the cousin of Juliet. However he proves himself later in the act by saying ‘Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptised; Henceforth I never will be Romeo’ By this he is offering to change his name if it would make Juliet love him and be with him. During Shakespearian times it was no small feat to denounce one’s name, there was a lot more weight placed upon names back then, especially if it was a name of high social standing as was Romeo’s. This proposal shows the true and serious nature of Romeo’s newfound love. However it is not simply Romeo who makes such a bold offer for earlier in the scene Juliet says ‘be but sworn my love, And I’ll no longer be a Capulet’ To the audience Shakespeare was writing for this selfless act on both their parts would have convinced the audience that their love was true. Another factor that Shakespeare played upon to influence his audience into believing that Romeo and Juliet’s love was true was his use of Religious language upon their first meeting. ‘If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this, My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. ‘ Shakespeare deliberately uses this language to symbolise a number of things. Firstly that Juliet like a shrine is ‘untouched’ or virginal this theme is recurrent through the first two acts of the play. Secondly it However not all Shakespeare’s example’s of love are so romantic for instance Juliet’s mother The Lady Capulet says to Juliet considering the offer of marriage from Paris ‘So shall you share all that he doth possess, By having him, making yourself no less. ‘ This shows a very materialistic side to Lady Capulet it also implies that the reason she is married to Lord Capulet might not necessarily be because they are in love. It portrays a much more dutiful love between Juliet’s parents perhaps Lady Capulet loves Lord Capulet simply because they are married rather than being married because they are in love. This type of relationship was common in Tudor times because often romanticism was overlooked in the face of bettering oneself financially. Paris’ show of affection for Juliet is not without a sense of duty he, as was proper in those days, approaches Lord Capulet for his daughters hand in marriage ‘But now, my lord, what say you to my suit? ‘ At this point Capulet believes his daughter to be too young for marriage yet he encourages young Paris to ‘woo’ her in order that she may fall in love with him down the line ‘And too soon marred are those so early made. ‘ Might be referring to the marriage of himself and lady Capulet that has now become loveless and hollow. He as a loving father does not wish this upon his own only child so through Paris’ persistence Shakespeare shows another form of love, the love of a father for his daughter. Yet not all Shakespeare’s characters believed in such an ‘honourable’ love. In his opening scene there are two servant men talking between themselves, there speech although on the topic of fighting generally is rife with sexual innuendo and pun. For example ‘Ay, the heads of maids, or their maidenheads, take it in what sense thou wilt’ This line seemingly innocent to the reader of our time has a very rude meaning in Shakespearian language where ‘maidenhead’ means virginity, in this sense the two are talking of having sex with virgins, more than a little less noble than the good Paris. They speak also of pushing women to the wall because of their weaker build; this all shows little true emotion and a very physically sexual type of ‘love ‘ if indeed it can be referred to as that at all. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet was a revolutionary piece when it was written because it showed just how love can move people in an age where marriage for social or financial gain was the norm. Over nearly five hundred years Shakespeare’s language and story line has captivated the hearts and minds of generations of lovers with its unique mixture of reality and fantasy. Romeo and Juliet is one piece of Shakespeare’s work that will remain a true timeless classic.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Review of Southern Racial Issues in Jimmy Carters Memoir An Hour Before Daylight essays
Review of Southern Racial Issues in Jimmy Carter's Memoir An Hour Before Daylight essays Southerners, even racially sensitive Southerners such as Jimmy Carter, often claim that they understand the true' plight of Black Southern people. This statement, so strange on its surface given the racial intolerance that has long marked the South, is made because white Southerners frequently live at greater proximity to individuals whom identify themselves as African Americans. Even advocates of segregation in the pre-civil rights era in the South often had Black maids and Black individuals take care of their children. Whites in the North might endorse racial tolerance in the abstract, but had little contact with African Americans on a personal basis in the pre-civil rights era and even Former President Jimmy Carter, and those who advocate the point of view that Southern people of a liberal ilk have a greater understanding of the Black plight in America may thus have legitimacy in their advocacy of their greater tolerance in comparison to Northern whites. It is indeed perhaps better and more humane from a human rights standpoint to understand someone as an individual human being rather than to advocate the betterment of the race' in an abstract fashion, as Northerners who came to the South to help the cause of civil rights but had never known a Black person as a friend or associate. Carteri ¿Ã‚ ½ states thati ¿Ã‚ ½ in his Southern community, in Georgia our [white and Black family's] daily existence was almost totally Carter grew up on a farm. He knew that the peanuts harvested could not have brought economic gain to the community, without the efforts of Black families. He saw that Black Americas sweat as much as the White laborers, ate as much, and yet were paid far less. He experienced discrimination, not in the abstract, but knowing that his family and lifestyle could not have existed nor been supported without the struggle, ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Class, Race and Gender in The Associate essays
Class, Race and Gender in The Associate essays Many issues regarding class, race, and gender in corporate America are brought to the forefront in The Associate. The issue in this movie is that Whoopi's character, Laurel is one who doesn't get treated fairly because she is not in the elite class of the top-level executives, she is black, and a woman. She has the brains and the ideas, but still can't get ahead because of the stigma behind these labels. Out of desperation of hitting the corporate glass ceiling, she creates Robert Cutty, presumably rich, white, and male the key to success in corporate America. The issue of class is an interesting one. Often class is not looked upon as an idea independent from race and/or gender. The American upper class would like to view America as a classless country affording every member of society with equal opportunity for economic gain and success. In order to perpetuate this ideal of a classless society, the poor are therefore racialized and/or femininized. Race and gender are used to diver t attention away from issues of class inequality. The members of these categories are then defined by stereotyping labels of lazy, unfit, sexually promiscuous, and uneducated which prevent their success in society. However, class exists and is an independent ideal from race and gender. Classes exist in relation to one another in ways that are often oppositional, i.e., the benefits and privileges of one class are at the expense of other classes in the same way that men and whites receive benefits that are often at the expense of women and minorities. This ideal of the privileged versus the under-privileged is evident in The Associates portrayal of corporate America. Independent of gender, Sally is a prime example of the lower class within an institution. The camera subtly depicts her less than affluent position by placing her in the background when in Franks office while Laura is con...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Find a Job With Public Relations Expert Ryan May
How to Find a Job With Public Relations Expert Ryan May Ryan May has 12 years of public relations experience under his belt, and it’s taught him quite a bit about finding a job, something he shares among other insights on the Minnesota Public Relations Blog. We spoke with Ryan about what PR can teach us about a job search. What can job seekers learn from public relations?Public relations or PR is a unique industry, as it touches on so many different industries. To be in PR means you have to be prepared to learn about every industry your clients need.How important is your online footprint? Can you really lose out on a job thanks to a tweet?Having a strong online footprint is very important, but ensuring that it is strategic and thoughtful is more important. Don’t post stuff to social media that is not good for your long-term reputation. Job seekers have definitely lost out on job opportunities because of their tweets or Facebook posts.What mistakes do you see employers making when they’re looking for job candidates? Employers often overlook excellent candidates because they don’t have a high enough GPA. If a candidate has a solid B average and has been working three jobs while going to school, they should not be overlooked because they don’t have a 3.5 GPA.What are some urban legends you’ve seen floating around about hiring mistakes these days, and is there any truth to them?There are plenty of urban legends about today’s job search. My favorite is that the more resumes you send out, the better your odds of finding a job. This idea is completely wrong. Find a job you want, and then thoughtfully work on networking your way into the job.What should everyone looking for a job be doing to better promote themselves?Not everyone needs a blog, but everyone today should have a website to outline their skills.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Recent Articles analysis, macroecomonics Term Paper
Recent Articles analysis, macroecomonics - Term Paper Example This is a requirement by the constitution of the United States of America to ensure efficiency in all the government operations while being concerned about the economy of the state. As per the Anti-deficiency Act and the constitution, the federal government is permitted to start shutdown of activities related to appropriations that are not yet enacted into legislation. This process of a government shutdown has led to some operations that are usually funded by the annual appropriations being aborted causing loss of casual jobs by some citizens (Cornwell and Lawder). Some operations which receive their funds from the government by law and not annual appropriations may also be disrupted by the funding gap. These are programs that have activities which rely on annually appropriated funds for operations. A good example is the social security which may need funds from time to time to run upcoming operations in this field. When the government shuts down many federal employees lose their jobs as some have their payments delayed. The furlough has an adverse impact on the economy as the government is a major employer in the state, and this would mean increased unemployment rates (Cornwell and Lawder). Since the government shutdowns started in the United States, there have been 18 such funding gaps with President Obama’s government having only one in 2013. This was when the Congress declined to pass crucial funding bills for the ObamaCare program due to disagreement on the funding by the Senate and the White House. A recent threat of the government shutdown has been experienced in late November 2014. Part of the Senate and senior Republican officials are at loggerheads on funding of the Department of Homeland Security. Some of them are asking for a long-term funding of the Homeland Security programs while others are seeking to offer a short-term funding. This follows as President Obama has an immigration order to lift the deportation of illegal immigrants in the United
Friday, October 18, 2019
Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 15
Business law - Essay Example Negligence is when anyone doesn’t take the necessary measures to avoid any mishap which any sensible person on the other hand would take and such irresponsible actions can lead to negligence lawsuit. Same has happened in the given case study i.e. Sunny Cruises plc v Yogesh. In this scenario Yogesh has every right to obtain legal services to get compensation against sunny Cruises. As Sunny Cruises invited Yogesh for a five day visit and they were obligated to give good services to him as it was their duty of care (Bussani & Palmer, 2003). Almost a similar case happened back in 1932 which were decided by the House of Lords. The facts of this care were that a customer named Mrs. Donoghue went into a cafe in Scotland with her friend and ordered a ginger-beer, while drinking she saw a snail’s body in the bear. Due to it she suffered severe gastroenteritis. She sued the beer company for this incident. Although the beer company said that they were not under any contract of sale with Mrs. Donoghue and were not liable for this incident as it was not even intentional but the House of Lords decided in favor of Mrs. Donoghue and she got the complete compensation. (Patten, 2012) The above mentioned case defines that negligence is a legal concept and one can be proven guilty for being negligent. Negligent acts are unintentional but are cause of reckless behavior. As in our case when Sunny Cruises invited Yogesh they were responsible for his well-being and not just his but also the other people who were present on the cruise as they can be used as witnesses. Negligence law suit has four main components and we can put Yogesh’s situation in those four criteria to prove that he is most likely to get the compensation for the physical and financial harm being caused by Sunny Cruise: The first one is that the defender had a duty toward the plaintiff. As mentioned in the case study that Sunny Cruise invited Yogesh then yes it was their duty to
Violence In Christianity And Islam Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Violence In Christianity And Islam - Thesis Example To a certain extent, one might point out that the religions which emerged on the latter stages of history often provided people with the tools to manage their aggression and refrain from violence. That is why one might suggest that the two notions, namely religion, and violence, are closely connected. Furthermore, the way they interact with each other is able to shed light on the peculiarities of the human nature. That is why it may be particularly significant to carefully examine an, compared how two different religions deal with violence in people. This paper will show that Christianity and Islam condemn violence, but have several provisions which are condition by history that justify it under specific and very concrete circumstances. While considering the moral framework of Christianity, one might think that there is no room for violence in it. Nevertheless, there are certain elements in this teaching which can prove quite the opposite. One of the most notable passages is taken from the Gospel of Matthew: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" (Matthew 10:34). As one can clearly see, these words clearly indicate that there is a part of teaching of Christ that is not peaceful. However, just like many parts of this book, the passage should be interpreted properly. Of course, it does not mean that a good Christian should follow the example of Christ and live with a sword in hand. The latter is a metaphor which urges people to direct their violence at their sins and fight them without fear (Sullender 16). However, there are some parts of the Christian doctrine that deal with real, not figurative violence.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Web technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Web technology - Essay Example Now search engines are working in this regards and comes with the solution of personalized search so as give its users search results based on the user demographic information and interests and taste. In addition, these days search history can be also maintained by search engines, which users can see on later days. Aim: The study of personalized web searching will provide an opportunity to learn how different personalized search engines works and make use of user specific information for assisting web-searching process. Implement a preliminary web searching system (prototype) based on the design and refine the searching mechanism and the system designed to further improve its effectiveness through comparison with other methods. In this section, initially a definition and benefits from the personalized search will be presented than after history and preliminary analysis of some personalized search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN) will be presented. After that, various tools and technologies that are going to be used for this project will covered in methodology section. Personalized search is the fine-tuning of search results and advertising based on an individual’s preferences, demographic information and other factors. Presumably, the better a search engine understands a user’s interests and preferences, the better able it is to target search results, advertising, sponsored links, etc. [Johnson 2005] After definition now question arises, why these days so many big giants (companies) are interested in providing personalized search. The next few paragraphs will give answer to this question. The first benefit is financial. According to Johnson (2005), personalized search drives financial benefits both in short term and long term. In the short term, advertisers increase revenue by targeting ads and promotions at the users who
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