Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Advanced Data Structure Project
CSCI4117 Advanced Data Structure Project Proposal Yejia Tong/B00537881 2012. 11. 5 1. Title of Project Succinct data structure in top-k documents retrieval 2. Objective of Research The main aim of this project is to discover how to efficiently find the k documents where a given pattern occurs most frequently. While the problem has been discussed in many papers and solved in various ways, our research is to look for the novel algorithms and (succinct) data structures among lately related materials and find the one dominating almost all the space/time tradeoff. 3.Background/History of the Study Before we beigin our aim to find a such a succinct data structure, there are a number of fundamental works in our approach. There exist two main among many ideas in classic information retrieval: inverted index and term frequency. (Angelos, Giannis, Epimeneidis, Euripides, & Evangelos, 2005) The inverted index is a also referred to as postings file, which is an index dara structure storing a map ping from content. It is the most utilized data structure in the Information Retrieval domain, used on a large scale for example in search engines.Term frequency is a measure of how often a term is found in a collection of documents. However, there are restricted assumptions for the efficiency of the ideas: the text must be easily tokenized into words, there must not be too many different words, and queries must be whole words or phrases, causing lots of difficulty in the document retrieval via various languages. Moreover, one of the attractive properties of an inverted file is that it is easily compressible while still supporting fast queries. In practice, an inverted file occupies space close to that if a compressed document collection. Niko & Veli, 2007) In further development, people find efficient data structures such as suffix arrays and suffix trees (full-text indexes) providing good space/time efficiency to inverted files. Recently, several compressed full-text indexes have been proposed and show effective in practice as well. A generalized suffix tree is a suffix tree for a set of strings. Given the set of strings D = S(1), S(2), †¦ S(n) of total length n, it is a Patricia tree containing all n suffixes of the strings. It can be built in time and space, and can be used to find all k occurrences of a string P of length m in  time. Bieganski, 1994) Then, we now get close to our original motivation – the Document Retrieval. Matias et al. gave the first efficient solution to the Document Listing problem; with O(n) time preprocessing of a collection D of document s d(1), d(2), †¦ d(k) of total length Sum[d(i)] = n, they could answer the document listing query on a pattern P of length m in time. (Y. , S. , S. , & J. , 1998) The algorithm uses a generalized suffix tree augmented with extra edges making it a directed acyclic graph.However, it requires bits, which is significantly more than the collection size. Later on, Niko V. and Veli M. in their paper present an alternative space-efficient variant of Muthukrishnan’s structure that takes bits, with optimal time. (Niko & Veli, 2007) Based on the background study, we finally move advance to our intensive topic – Succinct data structure in top-k documents retrieval. 4. Research to the Study According to the background study above, the suffix tree is used to minimize the space consumption.In the suffix tree document model, a document is considered as a string consisting of words, not characters. During constructing the suffix tree, each suffix of a document is compared to all suffixes which exist in the tree already to find out a position for inserting it. Hon W. K. , Shah R. and Wu S. B. introduced the first efficient solution for the top-k document retrieval. (Hon, Shah, & Wu, 2009) In order to get rid of too many noisy factors in the large collection, the algorithm adds a minimum term frequency as one of the parameters for highly relevant pattern P. Ho n, Shah, & Wu, 2009) Furthermore, they also developed the f-mine problem for the high relevancy, that only documents which have more than f occurrences of the pattern need to be retrieved. The notion of relevance here is simply the term frequency. In the later study, Hon W. K. , Shah R. and Wu S. B. achieved the study of â€Å"Efficient Index for Retrieving Top-k Most Frequent Documents†by driving the solution derived from related problem by Muthukrishnan (Y. , S. , S. , & J. , 1998), answering queries in time and taking space.The approach is based on a new use of the suffix tree called induced generalized suffix tree (IGST). (Hon, Shah, & Wu, 2009) The practicality of the proposed index is validated by the experimental results. 5. Future Works Since all the fundamental works are settled, our futuer analysis of the â€Å"Succinct data structure in top-k documents retrieval†is mainly based on the most recently accomplishment by Gonzalo N. and Daniel V. (Gonzalo & Dani el, 2012) , a New Top-k Algorithm dominating almost all the space/time tradeoff. . References Bibliography Angelos, H. , Giannis, V. , Epimeneidis, V. , Euripides, P. G. , & Evangelos, M. (2005). Information Retrieval by Semantic Similarity. Dalhousie University, Faculty of Computer Science. Halifax: None. Bieganski, P. (1994). Generalized suffix trees for biological sequence data: applications and implementation. Minnesota University, Dept. of Comput. Sci. Minneapolis: None. Gonzalo, N. , & Daniel, V. (2012). Space-Efficient Top-k Document Retrieval. Univ. of Chile, Dept. f Computer Science. Valdivia: None. Hon, W. K. , Shah, R. , & Wu, S. B. (2009). Efficient INdex for Retrieving Top-k Most Frequenct Documents. None: Springer, Heidelberg. Niko, V. , & Veli, M. (2007). Space-efficient Algorithms for Document Retrieval. University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science. Finland: None. Y. , M. , S. , M. , S. , C. S. , & J. , Z. (1998). Augmenting suffix trees with applications. 6th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 1998) (pp. 67-78). None: Springer-Verlag.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Different Approaches in Conflict Management
The case that is being analyzed is about the power issues between Lenore and Caroline. This paper will assess the power relationship between the two and explain in great detail the power balancing strategies that can be used. Also included in this paper, will be the Wilmot- Hocker assessment guide. The Wilmot – Hocker Assessment Guide will be the basic foundation for this paper. This assignment will explain the goals of each individual and the messages they use to achieve them. This case study will include examples from the conversation in order to back up certain ideas. Before Lenore and Caroline engage in conflict, Lenore felt she was being shunned from the family. This feeling of being shunned, resulted in Lenore having a hostile attitude toward Caroline and her family. Even though Lenore feels neglected, she will only state a few of the reasons why she †Feels a non-person in Caroline†s life and her kid†s.†The reason why she will not engage fully into conflict is she afraid of conflict. She views confrontation in a negative way. If she did not perceive conflict in a negative view, she would then be more direct on how she feels. When Caroline begins to defend herself and her family, Lenore instantly backs away and pretends to forget what she had previously stated. Lenore is denying that something was communicated because she is trying to ignore the existence of power (Interpersonal Conflict p. 87). Caroline is the exact opposite of Lenore. Although Caroline does not initiate the conflict, she does not back down from conflict. It is obvious that Caroline is not afraid of conflict. Since the relationship between her mother and her is important, she wants to understand why her mother feels the way she does. Caroline realizes in order to do so, a conflict between ideas will occur. She understands if the conflict is handled correctly, the relationship will gradually become stronger with her mother. Both of their ideas about how a family should be raised will brought out into the open in a conflict. After reading over the case, it was apparent that both Lenore and Caroline use metaphoric images when they are communicating to each other. Lenore states that parent†s are the best role models for children. If you†re not going to provide that model for them, who is? Caroline responds by saying, †I can not buy what you are saying.†Although this type of metaphoric image is not mentioned in the book, one must assume that this is an example of conflict as a product. By saying I can not buy what you are saying, Caroline is stating the metaphoric message that conflict is a product and can be bought if it is at the right price. When Lenore told Caroline that she is heading into fairly stormy waters, Lenore is using what is considered to be a negative metaphor. Stormy waters can be extremely destructive by being repetitive, powerful, and inescapable. The book would compare Lenore†s statement as being â€Å"Conflict is a Tide.†Both Lenore and Caroline do not use metaphoric images in a positive way. If both parties realized those metaphors can cast a negative tone, it would limit the possibility for productive conflict management. Neither party would have used the metaphors. Lenore is a senior citizen, which would make her over sixty-years of age. Taking her age and the way she communicates into consideration, one can assume that she is a conservative and an old fashion type of lady. She demands that Caroline and her children show her respect because of her age. It is even mentioned in the case, that Lenore would drop everything when her parents came to visit her. Caroline is thirty- years old, and it is obvious that she is more liberal then Lenore. Caroline can understand her daughter†s actions a lot clearer then can Lenore. The difference in generations is one of the main ingredients of the conflict. The older generation of people can not adapt to the change in families. For example, people in Lenore†s time were not so busy with †Car pools, tennis games, and trips that we†re really not crucial to any part of your life style.†This generation of families is on a lot more hectic schedule. Lenore and many other people from her generation, have a hard time adapting to the fast pace life many families endure. Lenore must understand and accept that Caroline†s parenting style suits the lifestyle of the family. Lenore†s parenting style may have worked in the fifties, but it will not work in the nineties. Until Lenore accepts this fact, there will always be a conflict between them. The event that triggers the conflict, is when Caroline†s daughter runs right past Lenore and does not say hello. Lenore interprets that the kid is â€Å"spoiled†, and that Caroline has failed at raising her children correctly. This is the event that brought the conflict into mutual awareness. Since Lenore is Caroline†s mother, she unarguably believes she knows what is best for Caroline†s family. This first event lead†s into a destructive spiral of more of Lenore†s problems with Caroline and her family. One of the other problems in the past that upsets her, is that she wants to feel a part of their lives. It seems that if Lenore is not the center of attention, then there must be something wrong. Caroline believes that there is nothing wrong with her family. Lenore is overreacting and she should just let her be her own person. However, Lenore feels that there is a crisis in the family. She gets even more upset and angry, when Caroline refuses to agree with her that there is a problem in the family. Because Caroline will not agree with Lenore, it adds fuel to the fire. Caroline will listen to her mother because it is her mother, but that does not mean she will agree or change her tactics. Caroline expresses the struggle in a rational state of mind. She does not ignore her mother; instead, she communicates the message she understands her mother has a problem. The mother expresses the struggle in an over-reacting and unrational state. It is overwhelming to her that her daughter will not conform to what she says. She interprets this as being a sign of disrespect. In order to understand what the incompatible goals are, we must understand what the relational goals of each party are. First of all, Lenore wants her grandchildren to †kiss and hug her every time they see her.†She also wants her daughter to show her much more respect. On the other hand, Caroline wants her mother to realize that her grandchildren still love and respect her, even though they do not kiss and hug her every time they see her. Since Caroline wants one thing and Lenore wants another, this leads into incompatible goals. Both Caroline and Lenore want different things and this causes a struggle over goals. The reason why there is a struggle over goals is because time is a scarce resource. The case study would imply that Caroline†s daughter lives a busy life. She has restraints on her time to play with her friends. When she is not playing tennis or going to school, she wants to spend her time with her friends. This is a normal response for children her age. The grandmother does not understand the time restraints on Tara. The granddaughter would rather spend some time with her friends and have fun, then sit around and listen to outdated theories of Dr. Spock. If both Lenore and Caroline were to engage over what goals are important to them, there would be less of a problem. The situation does not have to be Grandma versus the family. This particular case study lacks goal clarity. Lenore only discovers her goals during the course of the conflict. She only began to engage in conflict, when Tara ran past her and ignored her. Before this incident, she did not have a plan on how to become a bigger influence in the family. If Lenore really wanted to improve the relationship with the family, she would not have been so individualistic. She could have taken account for the family†s needs as well as hers. Lenore could have mentioned that she thought her knowledge on raising families could benefit Caroline and would also help Lenore feel a part of the family. Throughout the conflict, Caroline was defending herself and her family. Therefore, she used a lot of self-oriented tactics. She became very defensive when Lenore said that she was not interested in their advice or in their decisions. She was forced to defend herself and her family. By being defensive, it limited her to only being able to respond back. She was unable to make clear exactly what she wanted from her mother. Although the prospective goal was not mentioned, it was obvious that Lenore was upset with the behavior of Tara and Caroline. Lenore stated that her husband and her â€Å"feel like their a non-person in your life and your kids life.†Lenore†s first goal would be an example of a relational goal. Lenore wanted her grandchildren and her own daughter to treat her with respect. The conflict was about who Lenore and Caroline are to each other. If Lenore is Caroline†s mother, she should treat her like a mother. However, Caroline feels Lenore should stop telling her what is best for her and her family. This is also an example of a relational goal. Since Caroline and Lenore have opposing views on their relationship, a conflict developed. The transactive goals that developed in this conflict happened while the conflict was taking place. Caroline was not aware of how her mother felt about their relationship. Even though this conflict took place, Caroline still does not know how the mother feels about the relationship. In the beginning stages of the conflict, Caroline†s goal was to explain why her daughter did not say hello. That was a relational goal. After Caroline realized that her mother was upset about how Caroline is raising her children, the goal drastically changed from being a relational goal to an identity goal. Who is Caroline to her mother? When Caroline said,†Just because you†re my mother does not mean that we have to think exactly the same,†it showed Caroline was trying to clarify their relationship. During the conflict, Caroline was trying to save face. In order to do so, she had to stick up to her mother. Her mother ,however, wanted to still have control of Caroline and the way she raised her family. When a valid point was made, her mother would find a way to change it around. For example, when Caroline said, â€Å"You brought me up to understand that I am my own person,†her mother responded by saying, †I hope I threw in some training sessions on respecting other people†s authority.†Lenore was accusing Caroline of being a poor mother and having a poor daughter. Lenore could not accept that her daughter could make good decisions, without her assistance. Since it is not known what exactly the retrospective goal is, one must assume that Caroline realized she should have handled the conflict differently. If the goals in the beginning were clarified, there would not have been such a dispute. Neither party specialized in any type of goal. By the end of the conflict, both parties still did not know what the other party wanted. The power issue between Lenore and Caroline is not discussed. Lenore, who has less power then Caroline, is trying to take away Caroline†s power. Lenore uses an either/or approach. Caroline is trying to move Lenore against her will. What this means is she is trying to force Lenore to do what she says. If Lenore says that Caroline is not raising her family correctly, she better change something. Caroline and Lenore are in a conflict over who should have power in the relationship. The mother believes that she knows best on how to raise children and Caroline should listen to her. French and Raven would describe this source of power as expertise. Since Lenore is the mother of Caroline, she believes she has the wisdom, knowledge, and expertise on how a family should operate. Caroline refuses to accept her mother†s opinion and that leads into a struggle over power. When Caroline was younger, her mother was able to punish (coercion) her when she did not like her behavior. Now that she is older her mother is unable to do that and it causes Lenore to be less powerful. Her mother can only verbally attack Caroline, and that is exactly what she does. A currency that Caroline did not realize she had was her interpersonal linkage. She serves as the bridge between Lenore and Tara. Lenore would not know how Tara felt if it was not for Caroline. If Caroline choose not to tell Tara how Lenore felt, there is nothing Lenore could do about it. This would make Lenore even have less power. Lenore and Caroline have a power imbalance. Lenore†s goal is to strive for higher power. She even mentions if she was the mother, the children would not be acting this way. Lenore communicates to Caroline in what is called competitive symmetry. This means that she uses a repeated pattern of one-ups. An example of this would be when Lenore said, â€Å"This your mother talking.†Lenore attempted to have Caroline be submissive and to agree with her by communicating with one-downs. Instead, Caroline attempted to communicate in what is called a complementary pattern. She would say, †Your are twisting this all around to make me see your point of view. So what if we disagree with minor things.†She was using a one-up pattern at first by saying how she truly felt, but she then use a one-down pattern when she explained her reasoning and she hoped her mother would agree. The type of style that Lenore uses is called competitive. She is highly concerned for her own needs and she really does not have a high concern for others. For example she says, â€Å"We just have begun to realize that we are going to start looking out for our own needs-alone.†This statement is implying that her needs must be meet first and foremost. What makes this case interesting, is that Lenore also uses an avoidance technique throughout the argument. When Lenore said, â€Å"Nonsense! I†ve never ever told you what to do or when to do it.†This remark indicates that Lenore decided that she would avoid continuing in the argument. She is using what is called a nonconsensual avoidance. She is ignoring everything that Caroline has to say. Caroline uses a collaborative style when she communicates with her mother. She has a high concern for her needs, but she also has a high concern for her mother†s needs. The problem is her mother and her can not clarify what they want. So it makes it impossible for Caroline to find an integrative solution that will satisfy them both. What results from this is a symmetrical â€Å"attack-attack†patterns, were they are trying to one-up each other. Caroline, Lenore, and Tara are involved in what is known as a toxic triangle. Tara and Lenore are at the top corners, while the grandmother is at the bottom corner. The results from a toxic triangle can be devastating to the relationship. If the grandmother would accept Tara withdrawing from the triangle, it would give Lenore and Caroline time to discuss their current relationship. The focus would not be about Tara, but instead them. This one to one communication could result in the two collaborating. All and all, both parties need to realize in order to accomplish their goals, they need to know exactly what their goals are. Lenore uses the avoidance and competitive style, while Caroline uses the competitive and collaboration style. They will only further damage the relationship if they keep competing with each other over who has power.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Determination of the Percent Acetic Acid in Vinegar Objectives: (1) To introduce and use the concept of solution geochemistry (2) To specifically use solution geochemistry to determine the percent of acetic acid in vinegar. (3) To prepare a standard solution by the method of titration.Consider the following balanced chemical equations: IPPP + + OH (2) (4) (5) HCI + Noah HASPS + Noah CLC + – HASPS + – Niacin + HO Nassau + OHO acacia + OHO cases + OHO These reactions in water have one feature in common: a hydrogen ion from one impound reacts with a hydroxide ion from the other compound to form water. The compound furnishing the hydrogen ion is called an acid and the one furnishing the hydroxide ion is called a base. The metal ion (the action) of the base and the anion of the acid combine to form a salt. In this context, salt is essentially synonymous with ionic compound.Reactions such as these are called acid-base reactions. The concepts of solution reactions and geochemi stry in this experiment are applicable to any chemical reaction taking place in solution, not Just the acid base reactions indicated here. Geochemistry is the area of chemistry that deals with how much of one compound reacts with another. When compounds are mixed in amounts such that these amounts Just exactly react and none of any reactant is in excess (they are all the limiting reagent), this mixture is said to be a psychometric mixture or that psychometric amounts have been mixed.Observation of the above balanced equations indicates that symptomatically reaction occurs so that the total number of hydrogen ions available in the amount of acid reacting is the same as the total number of hydroxide ions available in the amount of base reacting. Thus in reaction 2) above, one mole (or one molecule) of HASPS (sulfuric acid) can furnish the same number of hydrogen as the number of hydroxides that two mole (or two molecules) of Noah can furnish.Therefore one mole of HASPS reacts with 2 m oles of Noah (or one molecule of HASPS reacts with two molecules of Noah). This type of geochemistry information is obtained from any balanced chemical equation. In a solution the militarily, M, is the number of moles of solute in a liter of solution. Thus where n is the number of moles and V the volume in liters. By equation (6), the number of moles of solute in V liters of a solution of militarily M is Suppose one takes 34. 56 ml off 0. 13 M solution of sulfuric acid (HASPS).If one has a certain volume of sulfuric acid solution, there is one volume of a given Noah solution needed such that equivalent amounts of the two reactants are mixed. Equivalent amounts are the amounts that symptomatically react (that is, none of either reactant is left over). When the amount of Noah (in solution or otherwise) needed for psychometric reaction has been added, this is called the equivalence point. In the laboratory, the determination of the volume (the amount) of Noah required to exact symptoma tically with the sulfuric acid solution is done by a procedure called titration.A burette is used to measure an accurate volume of the sulfuric acid solution into a flask. A few drops of an indicator is added and another burette is used to add the Noah solution to the sulfuric acid solution until there is a visual change in color of the solution (due to the indicator). There is a visual change in color in the solution caused by the indicator, a substance that changes color as close as possible to the point when the psychometric amount of Noah (in this case) has been added. When the solution changes color (the indicator changes color) this is called the endpoint of the titration.The solution should be colorless and change to a pink color (for the phenolphthalein indicator used here) upon the addition of one drop of Noah iterant. The indicator phenolphthalein is pink in basic solutions and colorless in acid solutions. The solution for the titration of sulfuric acid with Noah changes f rom acidic (indicator colorless) to basic (indicator pink) at the endpoint. At the endpoint the solution is slightly basic when the iterant is a base. Other indicators have a different color change but work the same in principle. The endpoint and the equivalence point should be as nearly the same as possible.In general for a sample of an acid which has z acid hydrogen titrated with Noah, the equation using normality, CEQ 38, is unchanged but CEQ 39 becomes CEQ 40 (40) % acid = (1 of For a sample of an acid with acid acid hydrogen titrated with a base with Sybase hydroxide ions, the percent of the acid in the sample is given by (41) (Sybase/acid)(Numb)(mom of Titration are usually used to determine the amount of a substance in a sample of a old or in a solution by determining the volume of iterant that is needed to react with the desired compound.In order to do this, the militarily and/or normality of the iterant solution must be accurately known and the chemical reaction between the m must be known. This concepts and calculations above are not restricted to acid/base reactions and can be used for other types of chemical reactions. The definition of gram equivalent weight may change, however, to keep the requirement that one equivalent react with one equivalent. See the appendix to Experiment 9 for more illustration of this. If one considers the operations above, it will become clear why solutions are used in the laboratory.It would be difficult without using solutions to effect the reaction of the sodium hydroxide (a solid) with the vinegar sample (a liquid) and make accurate measurements in regard to how much sodium hydroxide would be required to react with a given sample of the vinegar. Using solutions makes the process much easier and convenient and is one of the reasons chemists use solutions. It does, however, require that one learn about solution concentrations and how they can relate to reaction geochemistry.In CEQ 32, note that in reaction only one of t he four hydrogen in acetic acid reacts with the Noah to give a salt and water. Not all the hydrogen in compounds will react with the hydroxide of Noah to form water. Those that will are called acid hydrogen and the acid hydrogen are written first in the formula for a compound. Thus the formula for acetic acid is HACHURE indicating that it has one acid hydrogen. The determination of which and how many of the hydrogen are acid hydrogen in a compound must be done experimentally but once this is done, the formula is written so as to indicate this.
Video review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Video review - Assignment Example Another thing that stood out for me in the video was the idea that we no longer need to select fonts anymore in the quest of trying to separate format from content. The video looks at Helvetica in a way that tries to explain how typeface affects our lives. I previously believed that san-serif type of font was related in some way to the old serif font that was used in the early twentieth century. It is amazing how the font represents an approach with no embellishments, no-nonsense font that simply shows figure of symbols, directly giving the message. The video confirmed that the use of san-serif saves some ink when used as opposed to old serifs. Now, I understand why, most often than not, Helvetica font has been used in utilitarian contexts. One thing that is still circling in my mind is how graphic design, typography, and global visual culture relate. This is issue is still unresolved because I still don’t clearly understand how typeface affects our lives. a. The first thing that stood out for me in this documentary is how it tries to trace the history of how the need of mass production came to exist. Especially, where it explains how the t Chinese armies needed their arrows standardized, and as such, mass production of the arrows. b. Secondly, the way the video looks at different designers from different countries irrespective of their status, whether eccentric showoffs or serious thinkers in the quest of trying to illustrate designer’s role really stood out for me in this video. c. The way the video tries to explain why things are or feel the way they are, from a toothbrush, potato peeler or a computer really stood out for me. For instance, the video explains that the invention and the design of the modern potato peeler was so as to help people with arthritis (Hustwit, Objectified). One feature regarding the role of designers in the design process is how they are expected to ensure that products are aesthetically pleasing, useful, easy to understand,
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Choosing the Right Coach for Your Employees Article
Choosing the Right Coach for Your Employees - Article Example The importance of hiring the right coach and the available options has been extensively addressed by Leslie Allan in his book, From Training to Enhanced Workplace Performance. Allan points out that the coach plays a major role in determining whether your coaching program will be a failure or a success. He or she may be someone with a prior working relationship with your organization's employees and may be hired from within or outside the organization. A manager is one of the internal coach options suggested by Allan. By manager, he is referring to anyone in a leadership position within the organization such as the supervisor or team leader; someone who the employee's report to directly or who is higher up the managerial ladder. Those higher up bring in some degree of objectivity and are best suited for leadership, professional and interpersonal skills coaching. Managers are a good choice if the training involves technical aspects that they are conversant with. It will also serve to make managers more productive and to strengthen the manager-employee working relationship. You can also choose a trainer especially if the coaching program is related to a running training course. Through a trainer, the employees will be able to apply the skills acquired in the training course on the job. The trainer possesses the required knowledge and is familiar with the learning styles of each employee. Subject matter experts also make good coaches as they possess the relevant expertise in a particular area and can pass this on to employees. In all choices, you should ensure that the coach has the necessary coaching skills and the time (Allan, 2008) Allan also offers suggestions on who to hire outside the organization. These include external consultants who are skilled in coaching and who bring in objectivity due to their unfamiliarity with the organization. Peers can also be hired and these are people working in the same level as the employees being coached. This is somewhat unconventional but can be made to work by encouraging employees to share their work experiences and learn from them. You do not have to work with a single option only and can organize for multiple coaching interactions which will cater to the learning styles of each employee. The quality of the coach's skills is crucial and should not be overlooked. The coaching schedule should also be made available to participants and a system of monitoring and evaluation set up to monitor the program's success (Allan, 2008). Choosing the right coach for your employees is not an easy task. You have to ensure that he or she is the best possible candidate for the job and will bring out the best in your employees. Allan's book offers great insight into the hiring of coaches and is a great read for employers seeking to create a good coaching environment for their employees. His proposition to hire managers from within the organization as coaches is especially valuable since they are the best placed to ensure the success of the program. This is because they are in constant contact with the employees and therefore understand his or her background, including strengths and weaknesses very well. Being managers, they should possess at least the technical skills for the job that they will pass on to the employees through training. Most employees look up to their managers for direction and if coached by them, are likely to put more effort to appear productive and increase their
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Portrait photographer interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Portrait photographer interview - Essay Example instructor. I come from a family of six children, I am the third born in the family, and I have three children, Sarah, Samuelle, and Susan (Somerstein 1). I am also a professional Portrait Photographer discovered as a little girl. I took my very first photos during the Vietnam War, and since then I have been hooked on photography (Somerstein 1). I became a professional photographer back in 1970, when the Rolling Stones magazine looked at my work and decided to sign me on as their photographer. the world. Photography is my life. When I take a photograph, I feel an essence of communication between me and the person am taking the photograph of. It is a new learning experience for me every time. publicly accepted photograph was that of John Lennon during my time at Rolling stones, it would be safe to say that I â€Å"made it†in the 1980s, which was ten years after I started working professionally. So it took me around ten years before I got my big break. because, when I like something or someone, I take a photo of them. To me portrait photography is the best way to get to know people better, to communicate with them, and learn more about them. Portrait photography is reality, which is what I want to experience when I take photographs to photography, photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Frank Robert were my biggest influence (Somerstein 1). They have a way of using their photography as a toll for personal reportage. The photographs they take are merely a report of what is, no additions, no subtractions, just a graphical representation of reality. Stones magazine and Vanity Fair. They have all been big projects for you and you have executed each project remarkably. Now, am curious, how do you get work? Do your clients look for you? Or are you the one who looks for them? and for that reason, I needed to gather as many customers as possible for my work. I still do up to date but at the moment, it is the clients who come
Friday, July 26, 2019
Gerry Mulligan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Gerry Mulligan - Research Paper Example His pianoless quartet performance with a famous trumpeter named Chet Baker in the 1950s has been appreciated of being one of his brilliant works ever. Other than being an impressive saxophonist, he was a brilliant pianist as well. Early life According to Mulligan, there were two things that helped him pursue such a successful career; a vision and a massive amount of guts. Both these things had a major contribution in impressing Warrington, a bandleader, and convinced him to believe that Mulligan had the potential to excel well in the field of music. He therefore, not only bought him arrangements but also gave him both critical yet productive criticism regarding his career. Following that, Mulligan organized for two bands that were led by important people like Tommy Tucker and Elliot Lawrence. Since Mulligan had three brothers and hence, a large family for his mother to look after, his mother chose to employ Lily Rose as their nanny. Lily Rose was African – American and very fo nd of playing the piano. She was the one who instigated Mulligan’s love for music when he used to spend time with her watching her play. Also, while staying at Rose’s place, he got the chance to meet a lot many black musicians who used to stay at her place when in town since the motels would not accommodate them in those days. In his early life, his family moved around a lot all over the country with stops made in the following order; southern New Jersey and Chicago, followed by Illinois, Kalamazoo and lastly, Michigan. It was sometime in 1940s that he first played in a concert. This concert was held at Philadelphia’s Music Academy, where he was accompanied by Sarah Vaughan, Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker, all of whom turned out to brilliant musicians later on. Among these, Mulligan became closes to Parker since he not only encouraged him well on his first performance but also helped him recover a lost tenor which he was afraid that he had lost and also invi ted him to attend jam sessions with him. Mulligan officially started playing for orchestras at the age of nineteen. These were for people called Gene Krupa and Claude Thornhill. It was at this point also that he started correlating his music skills with important musicians from the past such as John Lewis and George Russell and made himself capable of touching new boundaries. Rise to fame When Mulligan first came to New York, he was clearly astonished of the originality the city offered. But he soon realized that even the best musicians had to strive to make a living in that city. So it was in 1951 that he moved to the west in the pursuit of better chances, playing his music all along the way as he traveled through the country. In the same year, he created his first ever piano less quartet that later and still has had a massive amount of impact for many jazz musicians that have followed him which includes bands like Art Farmers and Zoot Sims. He also formed a band of four which was successful in gaining much popularity in terms of Jazz music all along the west coast. Duke Ellington was Mulligan’s favorite composer and that is exactly why he often paired up with him for tours. They both shared a chemistry so strong that every time they went on stage, they performed wonders. Ellington was the same person who composed one of Mulligan’s most famous works called the ‘Prima Bara Dubla’ (Klinkowitz 65).A predicament that Mulligan faced during his musical
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Delamere Forest Visit Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Delamere Forest Visit - Lab Report Example Delamere forest harbors animals such as the greater spotted woodpecker, tortoise shell butterfly, green wood pecker, white face darter dragon fly, southern hawker dragonfly and siskin. Nesting black headed gulls are found at the Blakemere Lake (Havel, 2007). The forest is also made up of many tree species some of which are indicated in the table below. Is one of the confer species. They have leaves that are acircular- shaped and are often called needles. The needles exist is fascicles of two to eight. The fascicle sheath comprises of a persistent or deciduous bud scales. The seed cone often matures in two years. Apophysis is the exposed part of a closed cone. The protuberance on the apophysis is called umbo. Some pines may contain apophysis armed with a prickle. Scot pine is the most common distributed type in the world. Mostly found in the highland of Scotland and some parts of Britain. Scot pine is also found in some part of eastern Siberia, southern Spain and Arctic Circle in Scandinavia. Scot pine forest in Scotland is however considered distinct and unique (Nisbet, 2008). Species of pine are found all over the world. Some example include; Pinus brutia in turkey, Pinus halepensis in Aleppo, and Pinus sylvestris in Scotland. In Asia, pinus dalatensis is found in Vietnam while Pinus densiflora is found in Korea. Is an example of a broad leaved tree found in England and other parts of the world. It is deciduous with an average of 30m tall and a diameter of two meters. The bark is pale grey and smooth on young trees and is vertically fissured and thick on old trees the shoots are greenish grey and stout. The leaves are 30 cm long and are often among the last to open in spring. Broad leaved tree species are also known as angiosperms. The scientific name for common ash is Flaxinus excelsior. Ash tree are mainly distributed in Great Britain, England, Scotland and Wales. Most of the trees are located in the natural forests found
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Rights of self petitioning applicants Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words
Rights of self petitioning applicants - Thesis Example ...............................23 5.4.3 Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act....................................................................24 5.4.4 Illegal Reformation & Immigration Responsibility Act...........24 5.4.5 Women Immigrants Safe Harbor Act.......................................24-25 5.5 Battered Women Immigrants Not Covered by VAWA........................25-29 CHAPTER 6: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION.........................................30-31 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Legal status of foreign-born population, 2002 ABSTRACT Violence against women has been a problem plaguing society since time immemorial. In the American society, this issue came to the fore in the advent of the civil movements in the 1980s when women had the opportunity to gather together and confer with each other. Thus, were born legislations protecting women from violence, including violence which occurs within the confines of their own homes. The most remarkable of these laws was the 1994 Violent Against Women Act (VAWA hereafter) which was subsequently reauthorized first in 2000 and then in 2005. This law was remarkable not only for the financial assistance it gave to women victims but also the circumvention of prior laws which require women immigrants married to US nationals or permanent residents to wait for a period of two years before jointly applying with their spouses for permanent residence. Statistics show that violence against women is more prevalent in the case of women immigrants than in US born women. The US is multiracial country - a melting pot of various ethnic origins and people coming from various cultures. There are, to date, about 34 million people, more or less, in the country who are foreign-born and many of...This law was remarkable not only for the financial assistance it gave to women victims but also the circumvention of prior laws which require women immigrants married to US nationals or permanent residents to wait for a period of two years before jointly applying with their spouses for permanent residence. Statistics show that violence against women is more prevalent in the case of women immigrants than in US born women. The US is multiracial country - a melting pot of various ethnic origins and people coming from various cultures. There are, to date, about 34 million people, more or less, in the country who are foreign-born and many of these are women immigrants who suffer at the hands of people who exploit and abuse them because of their immigration status and their social isolation brought about by their foreign surroundings, language deficiency, economic dependency, cultural ethnicity. Many of them are undocumented immigrants who came into the country without proper documentation. Since the VAWA provisions on battered immigrant women are specific only to a particular type of women immigrants, the implication is that many of these battered women are left out in the cold with no hope of aid from the government. Violence against women is a societal ill long been present but has only been recently acknowledged.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Francois Truffaut Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Francois Truffaut - Essay Example â€Å"Tradition of Quality†is the inclination of certain French scriptwriters and directors to mainly depend on literary adaptations to come up with their celluloid works. Although, the term was coined by Jean-Pierre Barrot in LÉcran franà §ais to refer to the inclination of directors like Claude Autant-Lara, Jean Delannoy and Yves Allà ©gret for literary adaptations, and the work of scriptwriters such as Jean Aurenche and Pierre Bost, it was Truffaut who denounced it and opposed it in his journalistic works. (Gonzà ¡lez 2003). Truffaut points out what constitutes â€Å"Tradition of Quality†and why films based on it are only regarded as France’s mainstream cinema. That is, with majority of the prominent French filmmakers and scriptwriters opting for literary adaptations for their films, as part of the â€Å"Tradition of Quality†, and importantly winning accolades including international appreciation for those works, it naturally came to be regarde d as the mainstream French cinema. However Truffaut is totally against this stereotyping of â€Å"Tradition of Quality†as the French cinema and also criticises the creators for forcefully stereotyping it both in the domestic as well as in the international arena. â€Å"†¦they force, by their ambitiousness, the admiration of the foreign press, defend the French flag twice a year at Cannes and at Venice where, since 1946, they regularly carry off medals, golden lions and grands prix†(Truffaut 1954, p. 9). The other key component which constitutes â€Å"Tradition of Quality†and which is also a ‘loose end’ of this concept is the instances of â€Å"equivalence betrayals†during literary adaptations. As part of â€Å"Tradition of Quality†scriptwriters in association with directors will change certain scenes featured in the novels and come up with equivalent scenes in the film’s
Is There Such a Thing as Ethical Hacking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Is There Such a Thing as Ethical Hacking - Essay Example This sudden increase in popularity made authorities restrict its usage; this made programmers use different ways to get into different systems by stealing passkeys, by looking for vulnerabilities in the protected systems and exploiting them to access programs that they want to use and to alter the restrictions levied by the authority (COFFIN, 2003). Initially these intrusions were con ducted for small purposes such as for fun and to steal computer time, but as restrictions increased, the degree of harm done by these break-ins became adverse. For example: due to these break-ins, computer system owners had to get their computers repaired in certain instances and they even experienced major losses. The destructions conducted by intruders, were soon caught by the eyes of media and media reported these destructions while referring computer criminals as hackers and presenting them as people who intrude computer systems to gain enjoyment, benefits and revenge. During the early days of hacki ng, the term hacker was referred to as a person who has great skills, so different terminologies were invented to differentiate between hackers who use this skill to conduct destructive activities and those who don’t commit too much damage. Discussion As internet became a portion of the human world, concerns for security for computer systems have increased for organizations and government. Increase in concern for security has been of top most issue because these business and governments want to conduct business activities such as managing, marketing and financing through the use of computer technology and they have a fear of being hacked. While on the other end customers have a fear that their personal information and information that can cause huge damage can be caused due to vulnerabilities in security system. One way to solve this issue figured out by authorities was to make independent hackers break into these systems and analyze the degree of vulnerability and security r isk faced by these systems. In such cases, hacking is considered as auditing firm’s records to find out what the problem is and people who conduct this kind of hacking are recognized as ethical hackers and the task they perform is referred to as ethical hackers. They are referred to as â€Å"ethical†hackers because they are conducting this task with the consent of the organizations, they are conducting these tasks for the right reasons which are to find vulnerabilities in the system and provide solutions and protective measures to make the systems safe. This system of Ethical hacking is being used for years, for example: this method was once utilized by the air force of United States of America to identify any possible weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the system regarded as Multics (Ethical 2001). The end result of this exercise determined that Multics was one of the best systems and was better than other systems; still it had certain degree of weaknesses and vulnera bilities. These vulnerabilities were identified in the hardware, software and processes of the system, and these vulnerabilities could be exploited very easily. The efforts made by the ethical hackers helped identify the sources and the secrets that could have been easily obtained by unethical
Monday, July 22, 2019
Victoria Climbies Death and Trial Essay Example for Free
Victoria Climbies Death and Trial Essay Victoria Climbies life was short and tragic. Her murder prompted the largest review of child protection arrangements in the UK. Find out more about the story. The Climbie trial Carl Manning and Marie Therese Kouao are charged with the murder of Victoria Climbie. During police interviews both claim that Victoria was possessed. November 2000: The trial opens with the prosecution making it clear that the blame lay not only with Kouao and Manning in the dock but child protection authorities who had been blindingly incompetent. Manning denies murder but pleads guilty to child cruelty and manslaughter. Kouao denies all charges. 12 January 2001: Almost a year after Victoria Climbies death, Manning and Kouao are found guilty of her murder. Sentencing both of them to life imprisonment, Judge Richard Hawkins says: What Anna endured was truly unimaginable. She died at both your hands, a lonely drawn out death. A police diagram of injuries on Victorias body Regular contact Reporting to a workshop into the inquiry in London into Victorias death Mr Davies was due to say: Crisis management is the day-to-day reality of staff working in social services and they are being stretched beyond the limit.†There is no doubt in my mind that these factors played a key part in the case of Victoria Climbie and I fear that unless urgent action is taken, it is only a matter of time before another child is murdered. Victoria was killed despite regular contact with four local authorities, two police child protection teams, two hospitals and social workers. A Unison survey on typical working conditions in social services teams backs Mr Owens assertions. Six out of 10 social workers said that even if all of the many vacant posts in the profession were filled there would still not be enough staff. An overwhelming majority of 96% said case loads were too heavy, while 88% said new staff were thrown in at the deep end. More than nine out of ten reported acute levels of stress and staff burn-out, while a similar number said they had to take work home. The survey was sent to the 120 Unison local authority branches with members in social services children and families teams, and 53 replies were received. Kouao systematically abused Victoria It is only a matter of time before there is a repeat of the Victoria Climbie murder, public service union Unison has warned. It said a chronic shortage of skilled staff and funding has left social workers stretched beyond the limit†. The unions national officer for social workers, Owen Davies, is expected to call on the government and local authorities to face up to their responsibilities†. Eight-year-old Victoria died in February 2000 with 128 injuries on her body inflicted by her great-aunt Marie Therese Kouao and Kouaos boyfriend, Carl Manning.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Loyalty Programs In The Success Of Hero Honda Commerce Essay
Loyalty Programs In The Success Of Hero Honda Commerce Essay Customer loyalty is when an organization receives the ultimate reward for the way it interacts with its customers. Loyal customers buy more, buy longer and tell more people thats true customer loyalty. Although customer loyalty is often achieved through offers, discount coupons, rebates and other kinds of rewards, long-term customer loyalty can only be created by making your customers feel that they are your number one priority. Competitive advantage can be achieved through customer loyalty. This is the way to gain the best kind of customers, repeat customers. Repeat customers tend to spend more money and provide the best word-of-mouth advertising. Loyalty programs are structured marketing efforts that reward, and therefore encourage, loyal buying behavior behavior which is potentially of benefit to the firm. Customer loyalty, not customer satisfaction, is key to the success of an organization, and customer loyalty is fostered when an organization excels along two dimensions:  Design of its Products including its Service Products Operational Execution  or Conformance to the Design Many companies focus on rewarding customers who have repeat purchases. Such reward programs have their place in assuring customer loyalty. However, if the product or service doesnt meet customer needs, no reward program will keep them returning. For success in the long run, an organization must: Continuously improve Quickly identify and resolve problems to the customers satisfaction or more The first step in customer loyalty research programs is formulating the objectives. Next, the current state of customer loyalty needs to be documented. That is, what is the satisfaction level and the defection rate? Then, data collection projects, such as survey questionnaires and other research tools, must be developed. The goal in these tools is to find out customers satisfaction level and how many customers are defecting. Customer Loyalty has become a catch-all term for the end result of many marketing approaches where customer data is used. We can say Relationship Marketing or Database Marketing or Permission Marketing or CRM, and it is trying to increase customer loyalty getting customers to choose to buy or visit more. All of the above approaches have two elements in common they increase both customer retention and the LifeTime Value of customers. Customer loyalty is the result of well-managed customer retention programs; customers who are targeted by a retention program demonstrate higher loyalty to a business. About Hero Honda Hero Hondas mission is to strive for synergy between technology, systems and human resources, to produce products and services that meet the quality, performance and price aspirations of its customers. At the same time maintain the highest standards of ethics and social responsibilities. Hero Honda is the only two-wheeler company in the country with a 100 per cent motorcycle exposure. Although its sales have grown at a good clip over the past year, a bigger motorcycle pie and greater competition has resulted in a fall in the companys market share-51 per cent in August 2001 to 47 per cent this August.  To counter the competition, the company is looking to create an intermediate category with its latest model, the 133-cc Ambition. This bike is targeted at users who wish to move to a high-end model but wouldnt like to shell out premium model prices. Hero Honda is taking it easy on launches. Besides Ambition, it is looking at a 200-cc bike next fiscal and a relaunch of CBZ, which has been steadily losing out to Bajajs comparable offering Pulsar. Says Sobti: We will move into launch mode only when we believe there is a demand for new products, not as an attention-getting tactic that will uselessly crowd the market. Instead, the company is focussing on maximising sales of its existing product basket. To this end, the company has upped ad spend over the past year. It offers a two-year warranty on all its motorcycles (the only two-wheeler manufacturer to do so). Another key initiative is a customer loyalty programme, Hero Honda Passport Programme. Subscribers are entitled to discounts on spares and service. Customer loyalty Programme in Hero Honda i.e Hero Honda Passport Programme Hero Honda Passport Programme The Hero Honda Passport Programme is open only to Hero Honda motorcycle owners/customers who are resident Indian nationals. It is not open to non-resident Indians, employees of Hero Honda Motors Limited, and its advertising agencies (Result: McCann and its respective subsidiary companies). The Hero Honda Passport will be issued in the name of an individual only, and not in the name of a company, corporate body or association of persons. The Hero Honda Passport will be issued only to individuals who are 18 years of age, or older. There is a non-refundable registration fee for the programme. Two passport-sized photographs must be attached to the application form. The Hero Honda passport is non-transferable. In case, an applicant is the second or subsequent user of the Hero Honda motorcycle, he/ she is required to submit a copy of the registration booklet, duly transferred, along with the Hero Honda Passport Application form. If any Hero Honda Passport holder loses his/her Hero Honda Passport, a new copy of the same will be issued to the member, on payment of the requisite fee. The Hero Honda Passport is valid only for three years from the date of issue. It will take minimum of 4 weeks, from the date of enrolling for the Hero Honda Passport Programme, to deliver the Hero Honda Passport. On becoming a Hero Honda Passport Programme member, the applicant authorises all the organisations, with which Hero Honda Motors Limited may finalise arrangements (including Hero Honda Motors Limited), to use data submitted by him/her for marketing and communication purposes, to enhance performance of the Hero Honda Passport Programme. In case of non-receipt of the Hero Honda Passport, it is mandatory for the applicant to intimate the Hero Honda dealership within 45 days from the date of application. In case of loss/theft of the Hero Honda Passport, the member must inform the Hero Honda dealership immediately. Hero Honda Motors Limited reserves the right to reject any application at its sole discretion, without assigning any reason. Hero Honda Motors Limited is not responsible for any damaged/mutilated/lost -in transit/incorrectly filled forms. All Hero Honda Passports, even after their issuance, remain the property of Hero Honda Motors Limited. Hero Honda Motors Limited will not accept responsibility for circumstances that are beyond its control, and that may cause a delay or inability to fulfill requests of the Hero Honda Passport holders. Hero Honda Motors Limited holds out no warranty, and makes no representation about the quality of the goods and services provided by partners in the Hero Honda Passport Programme, and will not be responsible if the goods/services are defective/ deficient/unsatisfactory, in any way. Hero Honda Motors Limited is not responsible for any liability incurred by the Hero Honda Passport holder, with respect to any aspect of the Hero Honda Passport Programme. In case of any disputes of differences in connection with the Hero Honda Passport Programme, the same shall be decided by arbitration. The arbitrator shall be the Managing Director, Hero Honda Motors Limited, or any person nominated by him. The arbitration shall be conducted as per the prevailing arbitration laws rules in New Delhi. Hero Honda Motors Limited shall not, in any way, be liable, or be under any obligation to the participant, if the Hero Honda Passport Programme is withdrawn or modified due to statutory enactments, and judicial/ quasi judicial orders. Hero Honda Motors Limited reserves the right to add, modify, withdraw or delete any of the rules, terms, conditions or the duration of the Hero Honda Passport Programme, with or without prior notice. How to use your Hero Honda Passport? Each time you visit an authorised Hero Honda dealership or service center, make sure that you carry your Hero Honda passport with you. Customer can accumulate points against purchase of spares, accessories and service at Hero Honda authorised dealerships / service centers. The Hero Honda passport will serve as a record book for keeping an account of the points accumulate by you. Each rupee you spend, at the dealership / service center, entitles you to one point. Customer can also earn bonus point when you come for a free service you visit the dealership ( at least thrice a year ), and make purchases worth Rs. 50 per visit.You refer your relatives and friends to purchase a hero Honda motorcycle. At the time of setting your bills, ensure that your Hero Honda passport is endorsed with the earned points. The more you earn your points, the more benefits you receive. What are the benefits of owning a hero Honda passport ? The accumulated points can be used to enjoy a host of special privileges and benefits from time to time. The moment customer receive its hero Honda passport, he is automatically covered for one year Accident Insurance RS 1 lakh. Customer become entitled for special rewards and discounts, the moment you accumulate the specified points, at any of the authorised hero Honda dealerships / service centers. Customer can also receive invitations to exclusive local events, such as movie shows, musical nights and carnivals. Periodic updates will be sent to you, from the hero Honda programmed center, with your point status. Special information and tips regarding your motorcycle, hero Honda Passport Program happenings and exclusive offers from other brands will also be sent to you along with the updates Hero Honda CRM programme Hero Honda has covered two million customers under passport programme. The passport programme builds enduring relationship with customer. It was rolled out nationally in 2001. According to the scheme, every rupee spent by the member translates into a reward point. These reward points can then be redeemed for gifts, the release adds. Hero Honda GoodLife Program We invite you to our Rishta Dil Ka bond to give us an opportunity to share what we have in store for you. All you need to be a resident Indian national, aged 18 years or above and you should be an owner of Hero Honda scooter or motorcycle to be a part of One of the largest customer relationship program in India. The Hero Honda GoodLife Program offers you great rewards, benefits and a range of exciting gifts, chosen especially for you. Becoming member of this exclusive program is simple and easy. All you need to be a resident Indian national, aged 18 years or above and you should be an owner of Hero Honda scooter or motorcycle. Simply follow the steps outlined below and you can start experiencing the privileges of being a member of Indias largest rewards program. Fill the fresh online application at the dealership. If you are a Hero Honda Passport member, kindly submit the Passport at the dealership. For three years membership and one year insurance cover pay a nominal membership fee of Rs. 150, or for three years membership and 3 years insurance cover pay Rs. 250. To know more call 1800112255 or write to us at [emailprotected] On successful enrolment, you will receive a Hero Honda GoodLife membership card which will help you earn points on all your spends at Hero Honda dealerships and service centres. You can accumulate points and redeem them for a range exciting milestone rewards. Rewards And Benefits The Hero Honda GoodLife Program is your very own passport to the good things of life. It brings you an easy to use privilege card that offers a host of special rewards and benefits. Providing you with fabulous returns on your spends, it is surely the most convenient way to complement your good life. Your world of rewards: WINNER OF THE MONTH REFERRAL POINTS FIRST TRANSACTION BENEFIT DISCOUNT ON SPARES ACCESSORIES POINTS EARNED ON MONEY SPENT FREE RIDERS PERSONAL INSURANCE GO GREEN SERVICE BONUS BONUS POINTS ON BIRTHDAY SPECIAL VALUE OFFERS Be A Hero Honda Good Rider Loyalty is demonstrated by the actions of the customer; customers can be very satisfied and still not be loyal. So, as a CRM strategy and for customer satisfaction they promoted themselves as Socially responsible company. Therefore as a socially responsible company they urgecustomers to join them in making this world a safer, healthier and more environment friendly place. At Hero Honda they like to promote the three Es. Engineering which is the right technology, specifically designed for Indian customer requirements, and road conditions. It is exemplified in the 4-stroke Hero Honda engines that give you amazing reliability and fuel-efficiency, year after year. We have always manufactures 4-stroke engines, ever since inception in 1985. Environment which is about ensuring that the high technology 4-stroke Hero Honda motorcycles continue to meet the most stringent pollution control norms at every level as they have since the very beginning. Education which is about promoting comfortable and safe driving, through a wide dealer network and service centres; as well as in educating people on road safety, in association with the traffic police and the transport department. Do remember that you and your family are not only riders, but pedestrian as well. It is as part of the Hero Honda family that We Care to drive home the message of Road Safety and a Healthy Environment. Your Hero Honda, the environment and you. It is a three-way relationship that you should nurture, to reap the benefits for years to come. A well tuned bike keeps the environment healthy. Good riding practices will keep you healthy. Taking good care of your bike will always keep your bike healthy. Here are simple steps to a healthy bike, healthy environment, and a healthy you. Health and Environment Safety Facts and Information Social Responsibility We are certain that you too will take pride in being a true Hero Honda Good Rider . Success of loyalty program to the Hero Honda For the success of loyalty programme the organisation have to answer these parameters. Identify the key processes in building a loyalty program Create and map the loyalty business case by engaging all internal stakeholders and getting executive-level sponsorship Gain maximum internal support that drives truly commercial performance Turn customer insights into actionable marketing strategies Apply advanced customer segmentation and propensity modeling techniques Implement various financial planning tools for your loyalty program Maximize the marketing ROI of relationship chain and branding with your loyalty program Confidently reap the rewards of the loyalty program and, demonstrate and justify the success of your loyalty program Conclusion Customer Satisfaction and loyalty plays a major role in developing and promoting the company. Customer loyalty is an important factor, which affects the Financial position and Goodwill of the company. Customer demands are dynamic, but its consideration is necessary for every company to make existence into the market. Loyalty programs are increasingly gaining popularity in the Asia Pacific region. And company uses the various loyalty programmes like Hero Honda Passport Programme in Hero Honda. It is the CRM initiative taken by the company to: Brand awareness of Hero Honda motor cycles. Know about the time in which customers usually purchases bikes. Know about the effect of promotional schemes on customers. Purchase pattern of customers To know about the media through which customers come to know about the bikes For database. Encourage, loyal buying behavior behavior which is potentially of benefit to the firm. So these all loyalty programmes are very helpful in success of HERO HONDA.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
My Educational Philosophy Essay -- Philosophy of Education Teaching
My Educational Philosophy Philosophy can be broken up into different components. The first being the purpose of education, second, the nature of knowledge the students has, third the nature of the student, fourth the method that is used when teaching, and last, but not least the curriculum that is taught in schools. I feel that the purpose of education is to create a better person as well as a better environment. Today, people need education more than ever, whether its preschool, middle school, high school, or even college. If a person has an education, they will have better job stability, which means that wouldn’t lose their job. Technology gets better day by day. Jobs that required manual work fifteen years ago are now using computers or machines to get the work done. For example: factory’s these days use computers and machines to do mostly all the work, unlike years ago when everything had to be done by hand. I do not know, nor do I want to know how it would feel to have a nonliving â€Å"thing†to take my job. This could cause a person to have some serious mental downfalls which brings me to Rousseau. I agree with him when he says people should be able to make their own decision and have the right to choose to be good, physically fit, and happy. These three important thi ngs can better a persons life. The nature of knowledge is what I want to talk about next. Knowledge to me is comprehension that sticks with a person eternally. I believe knowledge can be on inherited from other family members. Fortunate for some, not too fortunate for others. Most children are born with the ability to learn, but, how fast a pace they learn makes a difference. A perfect example is if a student goes to Harvard, more than likely has previou... ... will give me the opportunity to make these ideas I have into reality. I know that after few years of teaching, I will make a lot of changes and adjustments. Seeing the varieties of teaching styles of my co-workers as well as experimenting. eventually would like to be able to join groups with other teachers and professionals that will allow me to learn more about teaching. Well, there you have it, my philosophy of education. I am aware that there are many ways of teaching and I am going to experience the different kinds. I am going to be very open-minded about other teachers philosophies and not criticize them. The variety of people is what makes the work â€Å"go round†and that is why all the teachers have different ways of teaching. However, I feel that the importance of these five components need to be stressed throughout the classrooms in all types of schools.
Comparing the Dominant and Feminist Readings of Shakespeares King Lear
Comparing the Dominant and Feminist Readings of King Lear    Shakespeare's King Lear has been the source of much contention as to the way in which the text can be read. The play originally was written for the Jacobean audience of Shakespeare's time, but since then has taken on many other readings. These new readings are produced to comment on issues in the society in which it is explored. Readings encompass a wide range of ideas - from the Dominant reading, the manner in which Shakespeare's audience would have perceived the text, to feminist ideals. The various readings are influenced by the context in which they are discussed. In particular the dominant and feminist readings of King Lear both perceive the text in different contexts; the dominant following the traditional Jacobean interpretation as it was originally written, and the feminist reading pursuing a need for the lack of a patriarchal society in the twentieth century. King Lear can be read in a variety of ways, achieving a set perspective that suits the reader.  The Jacobean reading of King Lear focuses the blame for chaos and the subsequent tragedies on Lear's foolish decision to divide his kingdom between his three daughters. Though the play is set in pre-Christian times, Shakespeare's audience was greatly influenced by Elizabethan structure and hierarchy. According to the Great Chain of Being, God was the head of the universe, and the King was established as Gods connection to people. Lear's choice of abdication would have been viewed as blasphemy towards God. The audience would now perceive Lear's tragedy as inevitable due to his decisions. The play `King Lear' can be viewed as an expression of the Jacobean period concept of so... ... focuses on Lear's downfall and the pity we feel for Lear. The feminist reading of King Lear focuses on how the portrayal of women in the play is of a negative aspect and displays women as unfit for any role of leadership, else chaos ensues. The film A Thousand Miles shows how King Lear can be interpreted as a feminist reading in a contemporary setting, revealing the text King Lear in an entirely new light - women portrayed as the victims of men. King Lear can indeed be read in a variety of ways.  Works Cited Frey, C. Experiencing Shakespeare. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1988. Granville-Barker, H.  Prefaces to Shakespeare. London: B.T. Batsford INC, 1984. Halio, J. The Tragedy of King Lear. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Thompson, A. King Lear Criticism. NJ: Humanities Press International, 1988.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Privacy Concerns Essay -- Technology, DNA Databases
Privacy Concerns Most studies have shown that popular opinion holds that without a doubt national DNA databases have proved useful in criminal investigations (Wallace, 2006, pS27). The concept of a national DNA database has raised concern about privacy and human rights as seen through the scope of public safety. All of these concerns are elevated with databases include convicted, arrestee, innocent, and â€Å"rehabilitated†offenders (Suter, 2010, p339). Robin Williams of University of Duham (2006) asserts that: â€Å"The rapid implementation and continuing expansion of forensic DNA databases around the world has been supported by claims about their effectiveness in criminal investigations and challenged by assertions of the resulting intrusiveness into individual privacy†(p545). To determine the balance between privacy and public safety legislation must address many questions including (but not limited to): when is a sample required to be obtained and by whom, is consent required, is force ever acceptable to obtain a sample, and which samples should be retained? Dr Katina Michael has reported that some instances that constitute acceptable DNA sample collection and storage (Table 4). The United States, England and Wales contain legislation that authorizes the collection of DNA from individuals arrested for violations of certain federal criminal laws and inclusion into the national DNA database of all profiles. Primary concerns focus these legal authorizations address privacy of a person and legal search and seizures of biological samples. For many countries like the United States there is a need to enact special legislation which led to delays in the implementation of DNA databases (Goodwin, et al., 2007, p102). In the United Sta... from law enforcement databases†for those who receive acquittals or whose convictions are overturned; there is no reference to physical DNA samples (Lwin, 2010, p21). Historically, legislative proposals purpose indefinite retention of evidentiary DNA samples, however the US, unlike England and Wales, does not refer to retention periods for genetic information post sentence completion. Individuals may find concern for personal genetic identifiers if the physical sample is retained post sentence completion, acquittal or if found innocent (Congressional Research Service, 2010, pp13-14; Beiber, 2002, p14). Studies assert the method of sample collection, accreditation of agencies collecting samples, legislative limits on retention periods for biometric information and a focus on balancing privacy and crime deterrence will structure a successful DNA database model.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Poetry Analysis Essay
â€Å"Echoes of Goodbye†by Patricia A. Queen is a skilfully crafted poem that describes the hardships of someone who lost their father at a young age and is recollecting memories of their haunting past. The prevalent themes discussed in the poem, concerning death, loss and suffering, are enhanced by the many poetic devices employed by the poet. The first stanza adopts a foreboding tone and utilises vivid, striking imagery to enhance its meaning. Emotion and passion is what really sets this poem alight and brings it to life. In the first two lines, powerful, descriptive phrases such as â€Å"endless footsteps†and â€Å"grieving people†enrich the ideas and themes of loss, and create a reminiscent air typical of the gothic genre. The poet uses personification to evoke a melancholy yet cryptic aura: â€Å"The black clouds hide the crying sky†(3). The first stanza concludes by establishing an image of sadness in the reader’s mind – â€Å"Amid those timeworn, lonely echoes of goodbye†. This quote further implies a haunting, echoing tone which is maintained throughout the poem. The rhyming pattern used in the first four lines is AABB, and this particular pattern emphasises the rhythm of the poem. Furthermore, the imagery in first stanza implies the setting is a gravegrard, with the â€Å"endless footsteps†and â€Å"timeworn echoes of goodbye†suggesting the speaker is in a place of sadness and death. These incredibly meaningful first four lines set the scene for the rest of the poem. The second verse of this poem introduces a different type of narration by recalling memories in the form of an anecdote. This is seen in the first line, â€Å"A young man lived here with a wife, a child, a song†. The cumulative listing of his most dear assets reiterates all the earthly possessions he has left behind. The main ideas discussed in this stanza are isolation and abandonment. This is especially seen in the last line, â€Å"Left them in a dark, black and shadowed shroud†. The deliberate alliteration of the ‘sh’ sound heightens the tension and displays use of another poetic technique. This line also makes reference to the undercurrent of sadness and sorrow that lie beneath the surface of the poem. The third stanza explores how pain and guilt can be a central experience of the theme of loss and death, and this is specifically expressed through the symbolic association of the child in the poem, to ideas of innocence and ignorance. This is blatantly seen through the clever positioning of a rhetorical question in the last line: â€Å"Why hadn’t he told he told me goodbye? †This one line alone directly questions the reader and plants seeds of doubt, especially when viewed from a naive child’s perspective. This poem is also an allegory for the persona’s struggle, longing and loss. This effect is achieved by incorporating a personal touch seen in line 9 & 10: â€Å"They buried my daddy†¦I cried as I held Momma’s hand. †The painful imagery such as in the line, â€Å"Those tears on her face revealed all the pain†allows the emotion to seep through the language used, to strike chords of sorrow in our hearts. The reference to the funeral in line 13 forces the reader to associate it with death and also rouses sad connotations, which is the intended purpose of the poem. In this stanza the poet also breaks the original four-lined stanza form and alters the rhyming pattern to ABAB/CDCD. This technique exemplifies the variety of the poem and introduces a new pulse. By arranging the ideas in the third stanza as a series of nostalgic yet aching memories, the poet reveals all the raw emotion and grief experienced by the persona which adds authenticity and a realistic edge to the poem. The fourth stanza is identical to the first, and this has deliberately been done to create a suspenseful and ominous ending. The circular structure of the poem brings us back to where the poem began, to end it on a sinister and unpromising note. In this stanza he technique employed by the poet is foreshadowing, since it leaves us unsure of events to come and places a cloud of uncertainty in our minds. Lastly the poem draws to a close, â€Å"Amid those timeworn, lonely echoes of goodbye. †The repeated sensory imagery provides a fitting conclusion to an exceptional poem.
Scarlet Letter- Grey
Scarlet letter Assignment Topic Gray split I- Cite six measures in the book where your control appears and analyze how those instances join to the meaning of the work as a whole. 1. A throng of event fungused men, in sad- tingeed garments and blue-eyed(a) (33). The excuse grey adds to the atmosphere of the twenty-four hours, the day of judgment for Hester. The people of this prude town are close-minded and frighten a focal point, tout ensemble represented by the subterfuge grey. 2. She wear upon in her arms a child, a baby if some tierce months old, who winked and glowering aside its little face from the 2 vivid light of day because its existence, thusly, had brought it inform only with the patriarchal twilight of dungeon, or other swartsome apartment if the prison (36) When in the dungeon Hester spoke to no maven and would non admit to anything, because she c formerlyaled her secrets. The color gray connotes secrets and hiding. Once Hester and Pearl pass from the prison for the beginning cartridge holder the gray of the dungeon disappears and the secrets can straight off be comprise outthis admission creation a major plot in the new.This is the moment when the secrets break free and drive to unfold. 3. Standing on that miserable eminence, she proverb again her native village, in honest-to-goodness England, and her paternal home a crappy house of grey stone, with a de impair aspect, merely retaining a half blotted out shield of arms over the portal, in token of antique gentility (40). When leave the jail, Hester gazed at her hometown. However, she was not filled with nostalgia or wistfulness. Rather, she directed out and saw her familys impoverishment stricken house, though it was noticeable that it was at one time of high nobility.Those who were once elite and considered terrible people are now in poverty and being trialed for murder. Grey connotes this transition. It is dull, boring, and is not red, blue, and purple, which are the colors that aristocrats wore at that time. When leaving the jail Hester realizes that everything has turned to grey life will not be as luxurious and she will be repudiated by society because of her depravitys. 4. The wide circumference of an sybaritic ruff, beneath his grey beard, in the antiquated fashion of King Jamess reign, caused his head to look not a little corresponding that of toilette the Baptist in a battery charger (74)This description of Governor Bellingham is to show how he is esteemed and of high class in puritan society. Puritans intrust to live like their ancestors no room for change at all. Governor Bellingham is illustrated in the novel and is compared to those alimentation in King James time. To the Puritans this is positive, this dullness and inability to change their musical modes it is the way of life. But to others, like Hester it is a ostracize aspect of the society. The color gray is therefore used in this context to suck up th is. The Puritan society is gray, devoid of color and excitement.In todays day, a black and white movie suggests that it is old and outdated. So as well as here, adding the fact that Governor Bellinghams beard is gray is to elucidate Hesters sound judgment that the society is and should be obsolete. 5. An unwearied drapery of cloud muffled the whole slam of sky from zenith to horizon. If the same multitude which had stood as eye-witnesses while Hester Prynne sustained her punishment could now have been summoned forth, they would have discerned no face above the platform nor hardly the analysis of a human shape, in the dark grey of the midnight (101).The use of grey in this instance defines the mood Nathaniel Hawthorne is attempting to portray. Dimmesdale mounts the hold up and screams out, protesting his sin. It is in the depths of the night and is dark, somber reflecting Dimmesdales desire of penitence for his sin. He wishes to be found out and for his guilt to be palliated. 6. Mr. Dimmesdale passim the long here subsequently. But as he came down the pulpit steps, the grey-bearded sexton met him, retention up a black manus, which the subgenus Pastor recognized as his own (108).The day after Dimmesdales profession of his sin in the midst of the night, the church sexton comes over to Dimmesdale and hands him his black glove that was found on the scaffold. The sexton decides that it was daemons doing and not that of Dimmesdale. Everything around Dimmesdale abruptly begins to turn gray. He sees everything as grayfull of sin and darkness void of life and purity. fragment II- Explain how your topic sheds light on at least one characters increment in the novel Grey symbolizes more different ideas in the novel, The Scarlet garner. However, a master(prenominal) theme of the color gray is that of darkness and the presence of sin.Throughout the novel, Dimmesdales condition and health slowly deteriorate and the color gray helps track this decline. At f irst the society is looked at as gray, boring, and dull in the eyes of Hester. Dimmesdale was a dough pastor giving the best sermons. However, once Hester is reestablished in society, Dimmesdales guilt begins to take over. Especially after he and Hester gurgle some leaving the town by ship, his shame gets the best of him. He ascends the scaffold hoping someone will hear him confess his sins, but everyone thinks it is a ravish. Everyone and everything around him appears gray, all reminding him of his sin.Dimmesdale even gives a sermon in which he reveals that he too has sinned, so as to alleviate some of his immoral conscience, but it makes the people like and respect him even more. At last he cannot take it and he mounts the scaffold, Hester and Pearl in hand, confessing his sins to all and dying there as Pearl kisses him. The guilt was too more for him and finally the pain is gone for Dimmesdale. Part III- Choose three biographical facts about Nathaniel Hawthorne and/or hist orical facts about the time period, and explain how the facts add to your understanding of the boilers suit book 1.Nathaniel Hawthornes ancestor, John Hathorne, originated in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and was a judge in the capital of Oregon witch trials. Hawthorne was fascinated by his kinship to John Hathorne and inspired several of his novels. This was a enceinte inspiration for The Scarlet Letter, as witchcraft, sin, and Puritan society are all main themes of this novel. 2. Nathaniels father died when he was at an early age. This was therefore the inspiration for Hester being a single mother in the novel. He felt the same way that Pearl did and at the same time empathized with Hester because he watched his mother go with the same thing. . One important watch on The Scarlet Letter is money. Hawthorne neer made much money as an author and the birth of his first fille just added to the financial burden. He current a capriole at the Salem Custom House, but lost it three y ears later and was forced to diminish to writing to victuals his family. Consequently, The Scarlet Letter was published a year after being fired by his job in the Salem Custom House. At first, the work was only intended to be a long short story, but the extra money a novel would bring in was needed to support his growing family.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Homeless: Who Are They? Essay
In 2005, NCH ( subject compaction for the roofless) estimated 3.5 million pot experience roofless person personness in the US each year (NCH,1). But what is unsettled personness? Jim Baumohl, a noted germ, explained in Homelessness in America, the most common definition of unsettled personness employ by researchers is the absence of belonging to a limited place or to concourse (NCH, 3). However, there is no set definition, due to the variety of living conditions a dispossessed person encounters, and the opinions of the researchers. As Baumohl pointed prohibited, homelessness is but the up-to-the-minute of many a(prenominal) research topics in which the population of amuse is not clearly defined (NCH, 15).Even though there is no clear definition of the homeless, the questions slake linger, who argon they? Though the part of the homeless is viewed in a negative, there atomic number 18 many homeless persons who ar struggling to receive military service. Alcoholics , drug addicts, sexual hollors, and gang members ready cast an image on homelessness that scares slew absent from helping. Mary Ellen Hombs, De barfy manager of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, wrote, At the beginning of the decade the dominant stereotype of a homeless person was that of a middle-aged, face cloth male alcoholic (Hombs, 4).This description is a common view of a homeless man, however, the landed estate does not see the other minorities crying for help. Homeless persons are growing in numbers in the areas of rationally ill, children, and families. Society is unaware of the chores many of these people are facing, due to the negative image created. These groups go unnoticed and rarely receive the attention and help they need to survive. David Levinson, a noted cultural anthropologist, remarked in Encyclopedia of Homelessness, Alice Solenberger classified homeless society in her book as homeless old men, chronic beggars, wanderers, and tramps (E ncyclopedia, 475).One of the most common-viewed images of a homeless citizen is of an alcoholic or drug jest atr. Coincidently, Levinson noted, In Finland, until recently, the word for homeless and alcoholism was puliukko, which derived from the words ukko (old man) and puli (a cheap liquor) (Encyclopedia, 7). Homeless persons retain raised the numbers in essence abuse drastically in the past years. Thirty-eight portion of homeless were dependent on alcohol and 26 percent abused other drugs in 2003 (NCH,1). Homelessness is commonly powerd by money spent on nitty-grittys, which thusly leads to loss of housing. Substance abuse can be looked at as both a cause and a result of homelessness. Alcohol and drug abuse can be the result of homelessness, turn world without a home can cause substance abuse to occur. Although the numbers of abusers is over half of the homeless population, there is an explanation to the high percentages.Levinson added that alcohol is largely seen as an adaptation to life sentence on the routes and a focal point for the homeless to cope with their difficult situations (Encyclopedia, 9). afterward reviewing the statistics of substance abuse among homeless persons, it is safe to read the homeless population has portrayed an image of negativeness towards alcohol and drugs, and will draw out to live with this image until the rate of numbers reductions and the minorities are shown the attention they need. affable ailment has generally been a minority among homeless citizens but with growing numbers in substance abuse, psychic illness has also taken a climb up the number ladder in the past years. Most studies have nominate 30 percent of homeless have some kind illness (Hombs, 43). state affected by intellectual illness may neglect taking precautions to block unsoundness, due to being uneducated about the disease theyre living with (NCH,1). When the mental health problems are combined with poor hygiene and lack of educat ion, many cannot properly care for themselves. The most common mental illness among homeless is schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (NCH,1). Unfortunately, these two diseases put an individual in vulnerable situations and are the most dangerous mental illnesses to live with. They are almost impossible to domesticize from. NCH explained Many programs for homeless with mental illnesses do not accept people with substance abuse disorders, and programs for homeless substance abusers do not treat people with mental illnesses (NCH, 2).Since substance abuse and mental illness usually coincide among the homeless, treatment facilities are do it nearly impossible for the homeless to acquire coif treatment and housing. Along with mental illness, comes physical health problems the most occurring disease among homeless persons is human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS. People with HIV/AIDS are at a higher(prenominal) risk of becoming homeless and people who are homeless have a higher risk of contrac ting the disease. There are doubled reasons for the homeless to be the most commonly erect with the disease(s). Many homeless people are ones with HIV because of the discrimination shown to the citizens with the illness (Hombs, 49). People with HIV are likely to lose their job, which then leads to lack of income (NCH, 1). With no money and no health care, treating the disease is rarely an option. Another reason for the disease to be so common among homeless is because of extract. NCH publicized, Many homeless adolescents get under ones skin that exchanging sex for food, clothing, and shelter is the only way for survival (NCH, 2).If the only way for an adolescent to survive on the street is to exchange sexual activity, the minorities will never find a stop to the spread of disease. A homeless child known as street youth, faces dangerous situations and resides in risky locations everyday of their life (Encyclopedia, 540). The most common challenge a child has to cope with is lack of cognitive and motor festering (Encyclopedia, 75). Missing these important stages of developing the brain will lead to mental illnesses down the road. Growing up with violence and crime will also put them in anaesthetised adult lives. Many homeless children come from troubled families, domestic violence, or neglect.The absolute majority of street youth are with a case-by-case parent, most commonly a female (Encyclopedia, 75). With trouble at home, many resort to running away or becoming caught up in drugs or alcohol to deal with the pain of the situations they are go about with. Just like adults, disease is another problem among children. Many childrens parents lack hygiene or education on disease, and many simply cannot furnish the correct care for their children. Martha Burt, a noted author and publicist, reported in Homelessness Programs and the People They Serve, Among homeless clients in family households, 10 percent reported that their children needed a doctor but were not able to do so (Burt, 23). With this being noted, it is clear that children who are natural into poverty stricken or homeless families will more than likely never see a doctor.Recently, due to immigration, the race of the homeless population has changed. blacks and Latinos are a growing number in homelessness, while whites are falling behind. NCH announced, U.S. Conference of Mayor found that the homeless population is 47 percent African-American (Who 3). African-Americans have dominated almost half of homeless persons but struggle more than whites. Whites are off the beaten track(predicate) better off in job markets and income than blacks. Whites have better chances of receiving greater incomes, which puts other minorities into poverty and in the end homelessness. This is why the numbers have gone up and the face of homeless persons is changing. Many different types of homeless categories have been viewed. Unfortunately, the ones needing help are hardly known.Homelessness h as mantled itself up in a negative way and has blocked out the helpless people with negativity. Alcohol, drugs, crime, violence, sex, and white males still dominate the face of homelessness and will continue to until change is made within those negative ways of living. When sexual abuse, crime, substance abuse, and spread of disease decrease among homeless persons, it will then be the slit of changing the ways for minorities. The homeless have brought negativity on themselves by presenting their part of society in a stereotyped way. After seeing the facts, it is reasoned to state that alcohol and crime dominates homelessness and these factors block out the individuals needing help.Works CitedBurt, Martha R. (1999). Homelessness Programs and the people they serve. Urban Institute. Retrieved from http// Hombs, Mary E. (1990). American homelessness. Santa Barbara ABC-CLIO, Inc. Levinson, D. (2004). Encyclopedia of homelessness . (Vol. 2). Sage Publications, Inc. national Coalition for the Homeless. (2007). human immunodeficiency virus/aids and homelessness . National Coalition for Homeless Retrieved from http// National Coalition for Homeless. (2009). Mental illness and homelessness . National Coalition for Homeless. Retrieved from http// National Coalition for Homeless. (2007). Substance abuse and homelessness. National Coalition for Homeless Retrieved from http// National Coalition of Homeless. (2007). Who is homeless?. National Coalition for Homeless. Retrieved from http//
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Pestal Analysis of Airline Industry in India Essay
eco nary(prenominal)ics look Submitted To suhana malik Submitted By raJbeer kaur enrolment no. m 8023863880 clique casting NO 62 f emit MBA corporation elect British disseminateways animate define of business seam power young regimen pabulum market Indian tune attention British duck soupways coming(prenominal) Indian Plans British stripways globose chief exe shrinkive transfericer Willie Walsh baffles India to be ane of the instantaneous emergence appearance markets in the population. Walsh, who was in Mumbai on family 3rd, 2010 to say a code-sh be commensurateness with Kingfisher respiratory tracts, says that contempt the respiratory tract lining raise disputation from some different cosmea(prenominal) carriers in summons(p) inIndia, he is non unbalanced as India has gigantic produce potency and individu altogethery pseud send word restrain a nice pie of the expanding market. On the employment side, he tells that though the proximo of the melodic phrase perseverance is con consentientation and m each a(prenominal) un c ar carriers exigency to in referable in India, Indian police force does non digest them to do so. Mr. Willie Walsh tell, India is the plunk for largest market for us aft(prenominal) the US. In fact, later on the ecological niche, India was among the instantaneous regions to find from the downfall. We atomic number 18 operate in and protrude of India for the knightly several(prenominal)(prenominal) decades and lead stick around to o so in a amalgamate fashion.We mystify a commodious guest report hither and we raze so find maturation opportunities in the region. though I stomacht introduce receipts elaborate from India, I beat continually said that India pass on be whiz of the biggest melody markets in the future and clearly, we involve to shit a precise laborious front man in this market. po on a lower floor push throughline The Indian railway lineline sedulousness semi semipolitical scienceal Factors manufacturing subsisting in the primer. provide it or not, the political snag has to be act e genuinelywhere. stipulation under ar a hardly a(prenominal) of the political factors with obeisance to the direct pass grow assiduityThe p bentageway sedulousness is actually suggestible to changes in the political purlieu as it has a spectacular commission on the give out habits of its guests. An volatile political surround suffices distrust in the chiefs of the oxygenize go awaylers, regarding locomotion to a crabby bucolic. general Indias upstart political milieu has been largely perilous repayable to orbicular eccentrics & go along tightness with Pakistan. The Gujarat riots & the g everywherenment operations softness to set about the smudge find in any fortune lead to an add-on in the unbalance of the political atomic number 18na.The almost probatory political event so far has been kinfolk 1 1 . The events occurring on kinsfolk had specific meaning for the flight of st beams path constancy since spread blands were involved. The present(prenominal) results were a long purge in air calling referable to arctic & protective cover concerns of the the great unwashed. transnational air ducts be greatly unnatural by softwood duty that their field has with others. Un little governments of the 2 countries sight with for each single other, in that location could be restrictions of transitory into accompaniment area jumper lead to a personnel casualty of potential air occupation (e. . Pakistan & India) another(prenominal) grammatical construction is that in countries with repletely rot levels uniform India, bribes bedevil o be compensable for each autho start & license required. thus constant liasoning with the government minister & other government semiofficial is necessary. The pass on own skyways develop the maximal from this problem. These air duct businesss afford to take aim several special(a) considerations with honor to filling of routes, ease place to ministers, etc which a surreptitiously possess airline motif not do.The offer own airlines similarly suffers from old laws applying solely to them much(prenominal) as the loneliness age of the pursers & hostesses, the comprehend regulations which addle the precaution less on the table in pickings ecision collectable to the bearing of a full(a) union, & the intemperately sustain & duty tour of the government. This affects the note of the jockstrap lecture & whence these airlines fuck off to conceive of of mod expediency market ideas to prorogue their problems & deal with the esoteric operators. sparing Factors task cycles prevail a ample arriver repair on the airline pains.During time out, airline is considered a high life & thusly spend on air expire is cut whic h leads to fell prices. During achievementfulness manikin plurality bumble themselves in voyage & prices increase. aft(prenominal)ward the folk 11 incidents, the world preservation plunged into global recession over referable to the downhearted survey of consumers. In India, even a lodge corresponding Citibank addicted rootage mannikin railroad line tag ends rather of aeroplane tickets. The difference of income for airlines take to high running(a) cost not alone collectible to pocket-sized ingest barely withal callable to higher(prenominal) indemnity be, which increase after the twin towers bombing.This prompted the assiduity to discharge off employees, which more thanover fuelled the recession as spend fall due to the rise in unemployment. take down the severe acute respiratory syndrome bam in the remote easterly was a major(ip) ca enforce for drop down in the airline industry. rase the Indian carriers give care glory India was pr ofoundly bear upon as galore(postnominal) flights were call off due to interior (employee relations) as intimately as orthogonal problems, which has been discussed later. fond Factors The ever-changing travel habits of tidy sum hold back real massive implications for the airline industry. In a country like India, at that place are mint from varied income groups.The airlines collapse to fare these undivideds and should coiffe them accordingly. Air India needfully to centre on their championship which are by and large low income clients & their habits in range to harbor them cheery. The destination, winsome of food etc all has o be chosen cautiously in accord with the tastes of their major clientele. Especially, since India is a land of extremes at that place are people from sundry(a) religions and castes and all individual change of location by the airline would persuade customization to the great achievable extent. For e. g.A Jainist would be satis fied with the dish out single if he is aidd Jain food and it should be kept in mind that the customers adjacent to him are besides Jain or at least(prenominal) vegetarian. other hot fount would be the case of randomness westside Airlines which occupies a solid shoes in the minds of the US air travelers as a secure and convenient, fun, ow fare, and no frills airline. The major component of its success was the augment merchandise amalgamate which it utilise actually effectively. What southwestward westmost did was it do the environs inwardly the plane very consumer friendly.The junto incomplete has any uniform nor does it serve any lavish foods, which indirectly minifys the costs and take a leaks the consumers quality comfortable. proficient Factors The change magnitude use of the net has provided galore(postnominal) opportunities to airlines. For e. g. Air Sahara has introduced a value, finished the internet wherein the sluggish seating room are auctioned one calendar week precedent to the de discloseure. Air India in addition provides some internet found run to its customer such(prenominal)(prenominal) as online ticket booking, updated flight data & discussion of customer complaints.USTDA (US trade & increase association) is mount a feasibility meditate and workshops for the Airports pronouncement of India as part of a long-run attack to set up navigation, surveillance, and air traffic steering systems for Indias zephyr sphere that pull up stakes cooperate the country take care the anticipate growth and take on for air passenger and incumbrance service over the bordering decade. A end for restructuring the real airports at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata done long-run drive to make them world sept is under consideration.This leave alone sustain in attracting investments in meliorate the root and serve at these airports. place up of in the altogether external airports at Bangalore , Hyderabad and Goa with reclusive vault of heaven society is in addition envisaged. A good instance of the regard of engineering science would be that of AAI, wherein with the garter of technology it has reborn its out of date and sassy hangars into profit centers. AAI is flat leasing these hangars to global airlines and is earning colossal net out of it.AAI has in addition tried to apply blank space that was antecedently unavailing set a lamination apparatus to laminate the baggage of travelers. This activity earns AAI a swarm of revenue. These scientific changes in the surroundings have an bear upon on Air India as well. go bad airport infrastructure, authority cleanse intervention of airplanes, which give the bounce help reduce concern cost. It withal facilitates more flights to such destinations. heavy Factors forward to 1953, there were 9 private airlines in operation with as well as many extravagance aircraft and the airline industry was sick. on that point was no militant environment in the onopolized aviation market.
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