Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Industrial Revolution And The Rise Of Computer...
The Industrial Revolution caused a great change in history in both technology and science. With the increased mechanization of society and the increase in manufactured goods. We still see its effects today and you could argue that the Industrial Revolution is still going on with the rise of computer industry and the internet. We also are seeing the impact of the Industrial Revolution and how it has effected our environment and even how we conduct war. Before the Industrial Revolution most production was done by the individual, mostly in the forms of a farm. They would farm the land a produce just enough for their family to survive, maybe even a very small surplus that they could use to go the blacksmith to trade for tools for the harvest of the following season. Blacksmiths had to produce tools that the farmers could use because that is how they got food to live off of since they spent their time making tools instead of farming. The fields were plowed using wood plows by the farmer or by a horse that would drag the plow being him in a way that would allow the framer to plant his seeds. This style of living however began to be difficult to live off of because of the rising population of Europe. What they needed was to be able to plow the land more efficiently and more effectively. Many of the tools that were built for farmers would be built of wood or stone since metal was expensive to produce in any capacity and if metal was used it would be used more for the making ofShow MoreRelatedIndustrialization During The Industrial Revolution1577 Words  | 7 PagesIndustrialization – ever changing the face and heartbeat of our society and the world in which we live – since the Industrial Revolution began in Britain (from 1760 until sometime between 1820 and 1840). The improvement of business acquisitions and evolution of trade were essential to the Industrial Revolution. 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Had it not been for the industrial revolution, I would doubt very much that we would enjoy the technology we have in the year 2000. The reason we have this technology is that between the years 1750 and 1914 a great change in the world s history was made. People started to discover faster methods of producingRead MoreThe Importance Of A Quantity Surveyor, By The Royal Institute Of Chartered Surveyors1733 Words  | 7 PagesThe definition of a quantity surveyor, according to the ‘Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors(RICS)’, is a â€Å"...role in which to ensure that the resources of the construction industry are utilised to the best advantage of society by providing inter alia the financial management for projects and a cost consultancy service to client and designer during the entirety of the construction process.†Quite simply, the role of a quantity surveyor is to measure, cost, document and quantify materials and
Monday, December 16, 2019
7 Up Lifespan Development Free Essays
Professor Massey 10-22-2009 Lifespan development Seven up paper In the documentary Seven Up, I had to watch Suzy grow up. Suzy seemed to have been raised with good morals and with both parents influencing her decisions in video. When she goes home her mom makes her tea, she watches TV with her mom, does homework and then sees her father. We will write a custom essay sample on 7 Up Lifespan Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now She is usually in bed by 7 p. m. She seems to be from the upper class because of the type of school she is at and how she portrays herself. She is receiving a very good education in the first video and she wanted to go to college or the university in the area. Suzy reports that she has a boy friend that is 13 and also partakes in ballet. She wants to have two kids and wants a nanny to help raise them. Her parents are the most influential people in her life and have been helping her make better decisions. Suzy also acts a little raciest when she states that she doesn’t want to know any colored people. I think the fact that she doesn’t want to meet any colored people will hurt her in the future because everyone in the world will meet someone they don’t want to meet. People see all races and all different kinds of people without trying. She will have to accept the fact that she will meet colored people. Suzy’s attitude at her age makes me feel like she will be in many relationships. She is only seven and has a boy friend that is thirteen. I believe that the way she was raised has an impact on that. If she was raised to find a boy and marry him and have children that’s what she will try to do. Suzy has a very outgoing personality. At the age of seven she has a boyfriend and already knows what she wants in life. She wants to raise her kids with help and at the age of 23 I still don’t know about what I want. She seems like she is older then she really is. I feel that she is this way because it is how her mother and father raised her to be. I believe her parents told her that she has to work for what she wants and that nothing is going to be given to her. Her self esteem seems to be really high and she was always smiling. I feel like because the way she was raised, she will be able to handle different circumstances in her life. Her sense of diversity is not very good. She does not want to meet any colored people, which is not a good thing to have in the real world because if she is to work in any business she will have to work with all different races. Suzy’s young adult hood will be a challenging one. She will have to learn to work with new and different people that she may not want to work with. She also would have to deal with meeting a colored person which she made clear that she didn’t want to meet. I believe once she allows herself to be able to work with all these different people she will have a successful life and career. In her middle adult hood years she will be having a good career starting to settle down and being home more with her children. She will be able to retire while her husband works and take care of the house. I believe overall her life will be a good one and she will be happy through most of it. I feel like Suzy will work in a business and end up in a high position in the business world. As I said earlier, Suzy would like to have two children after she gets married. She would like to be married around the age of 27 or 28. She would hire a nanny to help her take care of the children while her husband and she are at work. I also believe that Suzy will accomplish almost all the goals she set for herself. She had a good head on her shoulders when she was younger and I think that helped her out throughout her lifetime. How to cite 7 Up Lifespan Development, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
A Critical Commentary on October Salmon Essay Example For Students
A Critical Commentary on October Salmon Essay The poem, October Salmon is a poem about a salmon swimming upstream to its breeding ground to lay its eggs. Hughes has cleverly titled the poem October Salmon as the word salmon is singular and plural. This poem seems to be about a single fish, yet it could be referring to many others like it. The first few stanzas contrast the grandeur of the journey with the fertility and ugliness of death. For instance, Hughes says After his two thousand miles, he rests. This shows that the salmon has travelled a remarkable individual journey; however, it is made all for nothing. Hughes says that the salmon is Four years old at most. This shows how young the salmon was. The fact that the salmon is still a youth also makes this journey significant. Hughes then describes the salmon as already a veteran. This shows again, not only how the salmon is young, but also how he is similar to a soldier at war. Hughes continues this theme in stanza eight when he talks of badges and decorations and also in the final few lines of the poem as he talks of the salmon as being so loyal to his doom. Also, in the next line it talks of the salmon his service. The word service is often related to ones military career. This is another link to the war struggle. This is perhaps a human quality in the fish. In the fourth stanza, Hughes talks of months embroidered into the earths beauty-dress. This shows how they are beautiful, intricate and of a high level of craftsmanship. Hughes then talks about an autumnal pod of his flower. The pod refers to the worlds cycle. He is showing that death will come, and then there will be new life. The words ripened and muddy dregs are in a particularly strange juxta position as you would usually think of the word ripened referring to new life or something pleasurable; however, dregs are usually found in particularly old wines and are usually of irritation. Hughes then talks of the salmon as reclaiming his sea-metals. This shows how the fish his reclaiming his glorious past. As he swims further upstream, he is becoming more familiar of his surroundings, his birthplace. Disease is a major theme in this poem. The first major appearance of this theme is in the last line of the seventh stanza: He hangs there, patched with leper clothes. He hangs there shows that he is lifeless and the fact that he is wearing leper-clothes show you that he has suffered wounds or damage and he is some what diseased. Hughes then goes onto talk about a fungoid anemone of canker. The word canker indicates that the fish is diseased. The harsh sounds in this sentence mimic the rot and disease of the wish with their awkward pronunciation. Hughes then says Can the caress of water ease him? This perhaps refers to killing the fish and putting him out of his misery. The long vowels in the word ease are pleasant and this shows how the pain is being taken away from the fish. Hughes then talks about how the flow will not let up for a minute. This shows how there is no comfort in nature and how the force of nature is unstoppable. Hughes then contrasts between the river and the sea by saying, What a change! From that covenant of polar light To this shroud in a gutter. This shows how much nicer the sea was compared to the place where the salmon is now. Hughes then talks about how the salmon is deaths puppet. This shows that his death is a form of entertainment for humans and that he is almost being teased to death. It gives you a sense of performance. Also at the end of the stanza, Hughes talks of the humiliation of the role. This shows how the fish has been forced into this entertainment and again relates to the fish as being part of a show. Also, Hughes talks of This chamber of horrors. This again relates to the fish as being part of a show. .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .postImageUrl , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:hover , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:visited , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:active { border:0!important; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:active , .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3 .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u83fef6e4b59177926154abfc7e4aced3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How poets keep language alive EssayThis imagery is used again towards the end of the poem when Hughes says that if the boys see him they will try to kill him. This shows how the salmon is a small cog in a big machine. It shows how the wonderful story that we have just heard is irrelevant to humanity and how humans have no respect for nature and its other inhabitants. We can also see this in the final line, when Hughes talks of the salmon being in the machinery of heaven. This is also the first time we see human involvement in the poem and contrasts the will of humans and animals. Hughes then describes the death of the salmon in an abrupt manner. He says that is just how it is. It is very simple and it shows that there is no alternative to the fish. Finally, Hughes contrasts how the salmon felt at the beginning of the poem to how he is now, towards the end of the journey. He says that this is what is going on there, under the scrubby oak tree, hour after hour. In conclusion, Hughes uses the imagery of nature to show the opulence of the salmons journey and what he has achieved all to die for nothing. He shows that although the salmon try so hard they can not always make it back to their breeding ground as it is a long and painful journey. Hughes also shows what man I like compared to the salmon. He shows that we are not thoughtful towards other creatures and perhaps how we do not live life to the fullest, like the salmon do.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Wii and other mystical story Review Essay Example
The Wii and other mystical story Review Paper Essay on The Wii and other mystical story Instead of an epigraph: The review even a collection of works of the classical writing is impossible, because his work is so holistic that writing about one obliged you write about other So I write a whole of him.) it so happens that my grandma and grandpa live in a small village in the east of Ukraine. We will write a custom essay sample on The Wii and other mystical story Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Wii and other mystical story Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Wii and other mystical story Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer it so happened that during his school years I vacation spent in the village, and even now prefer to drive it there ., when the free fall output it so happened that my family lives on the principle of Erasmus: My homeland there de my library. That is, we have a lot of books. And a lot of Gogol among these books:) On the village I was really lucky. This, of course, is not Poltava, but silent Ukrainian night there as well as in Gogol. The same huge stars such as vociferous nightingales, the same mysterious noises. Just imagine. Summer Night. You are in the big house all alone. Since no air conditioning, all doors and windows wide open. It is worn around the house as light as a butterflys wings, a breeze. In the farthest room lit only by a table lamp by which you sit and read the Via .. or Sorochintsy Fair. Or winter. Christmas soon. House just froze and a break from the bustle of predpraznichnoy. On the street just obzhygayuschy freezing wind! And you in the comfort and warmth, listening as the rustle embers in the stove and cracked wood in the hands of The Night Before Christmas. And smells delicious:. Strong tea and linden honey As in this obstavnovke not like Gogol How not to fall in love with it, the code you have to shake in a filthy train for several hours in the heat, or? feeling cold, and in the window the monotonous landscape, while Nikolai books real extravaganza, with loved ones, family members who feel just the skin, and only he, Gogol, and can save you from this forced boredom? I I think that people in principle, there should be no doubt: to read or not to read Gogol its obvious that you need Chitat. all !
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