Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Impact of a Deaf Child on Families Free Essays
string(262) likewise demonstrated that the time following a child’s finding can be especially taking a stab at spouses as they are attempting to promise their wives that there is no reason to worry while secretly endeavoring to manage their own profound and enthusiastic pain (Luterman et al. Effect of a Deaf Child on Families A winged creature calls and the telephone rings. However the young lady makes no transition to hear one out or to answer the other. A baby’s cry goes disregarded and the tea pot on the oven keeps on whistling. We will compose a custom paper test on Effect of a Deaf Child on Families or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now Most, however not all instances of youth deafness and hearing-impedance are analyzed between the ages of year and a half and 3-years of age (Mapp 50). Once in a while called the undetectable impediment, hearing misfortune clarifies why communication via gestures is the third most utilized language in the United States (Jones 54). While acknowledgment of sight issues or physical hindrances might be activated by spotting eye glasses or a wheelchair, deafness must be found through demonstrations of direct correspondence. The young lady strolls a few doors down and doesn't recognize her companion calling her name. The term debilitated has been greatly bantered as of late. It is both a grouping of a useful restriction and a marking generalization that scars a particular kind of individual. In excess of 90 percent of hard of hearing youngsters are naturally introduced to hearing families. Prior to the 1970s, the effect this gathering of remarkable kids had on their families and how the family structure balanced was minimal examined (Mapp 7). Despite the fact that bringing up a hard of hearing youngster is trying now and again for guardians and powerful on how kin are dealt with, it can likewise be a remunerating experience and a cement to hold together a family. At the point when a youngster is determined to have deafness, it is the banner denoting the start of a progression of conceivably depleting occasions for their folks. Despite the fact that numerous guardians state that bringing up a hard of hearing youngster contrasts in inconspicuous yet slight manners from the previously testing parts of bringing up any kid, they likewise concur that their child’s incapacity will in general intensify feelings, particularly in the beginning times of determinations. There are sentiments of skepticism, disarray, and frustration that lead to outrage while blame blends with a feeling of grieving. Through these staggering reactions, guardians figure out how to manage the segregation, to perceive the downsides of their circumstance, and to successfully create procedures for their families. In spite of the fact that it is too summing up to state that all guardians respond a similar route to their child’s hearing misfortune, numerous guardians do respond in comparative habits. It is the conference guardians that are influenced the most by the appearance of the updates on hearing misfortune in their kid. Hard of hearing guardians, then again for the most part grasp the impairment of their kid since they understand they have the assets and language information to support the kid. In considers done contrasting hard of hearing hildren from hearing guardians and those from hard of hearing guardians, the kids from hard of hearing guardians altogether outscored their partners in zones, for example, jargon, perusing, social abilities, and arithmetic. A clarification for this might be that the offspring of hearing guardians experience something many refer to as â€Å"language deprivation†by which they are deprived of the information generally went down through the immediate presentation to a language common to their folks (Mapp 190). Thus, the worries of bringing up a hard of hearing youngster fall heavier on hearing guardians. Many hearing guardians feel this finding breaks the dream that their youngster is and will be great. This loss of blamelessness is a notion that numerous guardians grieve. Numerous guardians of hard of hearing youngsters have had practically zero contact with the hard of hearing network and are compelled to grasp a subject altogether unfamiliar to them. Stun is a typical reaction and functions admirably as a resistance instrument that empowers guardians to start the phases of grieving the illusionary loss of their ordinary youngster (Luterman 6). This stun steadily blurs to mistrust as guardians handle at the lasting and serious implications of the word â€Å"deaf. Many ask how something like this could occur in their family and every so often the meeting issue is left well enough alone. In spite of the fact that she was analyzed in kindergarten, the young lady implored her folks to stay quiet for a considerable length of time, pointlessly accepting that on the off chance that nobod y thought about it, at that point the issue didn't exist regardless of the molds she wore in her ears. On refusal, numerous families feel overpowered and that they have been given an excess of data in excessively shy of a timeframe and may feel either sick prepared to confront the difficulties of the analysis. With this dread in many cases comes outrage and most guardians of hearing hindered kids feel a major displeasure without an outlet through which to vent. There is outrage at themselves, at the world, and even at the hard of hearing youngster themselves. Some of the time this annoyance turns itself inwards and shows itself as misery; different occasions it is prepared to do either fortifying or making fractures inside family frameworks and connections. Maybe one of the most noticeable feelings felt by guardians of hard of hearing kids is blame. The future they had imagined for their youngster has been disregarded in manners they never anticipated. Numerous guardians would concur that having a stinging youngster and being vulnerable to help them is one of the most troubling emotions they will ever understanding (Luterman 9). In spite of the fact that having a hard of hearing kid can be compensating from multiple points of view it is difficult to see this in the first place and the finding influences guardians in some interesting manners. Since the 1970s, examines have been done straightforwardly evaluating the effect a hard of hearing kid has on families, particularly on guardians. It turned out to be obvious from these examinations that moms and fathers manage the worries of their evil youngster in altogether different manners. Since moms are ordinarily put resources into the day by day worries of bringing up a hard of hearing youngster, contemplates have demonstrated that they are bound to be engaged with wellbeing and security issues. Fathers then again are normally found to take part in progressively inaccessible jobs of child rearing because of word related time utilization and are increasingly fruitful at creating associations with their youngster that doesn't spin around the child’s incapacity (Luterman et al. 34-35). Studies have additionally indicated that the time following a child’s conclusion can be especially taking a stab at spouses as they are attempting to promise their wives that there is no reason to worry while secretly endeavoring to manage their own profound and passionate misery (Luterman et al. You read Effect of a Deaf Child on Families in classification Papers 7). The different jobs each parent takes on supplement each other by giving exceptional aptitudes to their youngster. One of the most enthusiastic burdening yet satisfying pieces of bringing up a hard of hearing kid is that the mother is regularly the one individual from the family generally equipped for speaking with the hard of hearing youngster. She becomes a mother, however an instructor, social direction advocate, specialized authority, translator, and audiologist expert (Mapp 15). The girl’s mother went to the school locale when the young lady entered secondary school trusting communication via gestures classes were accessible as a safeguard in the event that her half hard of hearing kid kept on losing her hearing. They would not consider letting communication through signing fit the bill for her unknown dialect prerequisite. Another repetitive subject in the difficulties looked by guardians is the plenitude of obliviousness in the staff of educational systems themselves. One disappointed parent composed said about mainstreaming her hard of hearing youngster into a consultation school, â€Å"†¦the educator at times forgets†¦her limits and limitations†¦and accomplishes something staggeringly stupid, for example, the time in fifth grade when the instructor gave my girl an oral spelling trial of single words†(Luterman 175). In spite of the fact that most examinations have concentrated widely on the effect of a hard of hearing youngster on guardians, it is similarly critical to see how it influences kin. Relational peculiarities just as parental responses shape whether the conference issue will fortify the family structure or make dubious circumstances. The meaning of a family is an arrangement of which all parts are inseparably interconnected (Luterman et al. 41). The kin of a hard of hearing kid is commonly compelled to grow up quicker than other kids their age and accept more noteworthy obligations. Perhaps the best kindness a parent can accomplish for the kin of a hard of hearing youngster is to understand that a whole nuclear family can't be solid while rotating around the impediments of one of its individuals. In 70% of the instances of hard of hearing youngsters, there is at least one kin associated with the family’s cosmetics (Mapp 65). These youngsters can experience the ill effects of having an impaired kin in light of the fact that their folks may feel both truly and genuinely depleted subsequent to thinking about the kid that appears to require more consideration. The kin may feel dismissed and regretful that they by one way or another sidestepped deafness themselves while their sibling or sister is languishing. There might be sentiments of disgrace and shame when a pre-adult kid attracts consideration by marking with their kin open. More established kids may feel a profound established tension that their own youngsters will experience the ill effects of hearing misfortune. Similarly as with the connections between guardians, it is significant that kin be given a scene of open correspondence to vent their tensions and dissatisfactions. Clear correspondence is the way in to an effective family structure. It has been discovered that a few kin may respond with consideration looking for systems like poor scholastic execution, sicknesses, and repetitive fits of rage. Other kids may disguise their issues and end up with intrinsic hatred issues when they are more seasoned (Luterman 143). While having a hard of hearing kin without a doubt has disadvantages numerous kin revealed positive characteristics also. The repetitive topic was that empathetic people with more prominent sensitivities to pr
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysis of “I Have a Dream” Speech
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. gave a discourse that zapped a country. In Washington D. C, King conveyed his discourse on the means of the Lincoln commemoration and as his amazing voice reverberated out over a crowd of people of 200,000 individuals, echoes of the Gettysburg address could be heard just as the Declaration of Independence and the Bible. It has been called â€Å"masterfully conveyed and ad libbed message, overflowing with scriptural language and symbolism. †The energetic discourse is loaded up with explanatory gadgets that help ground into earth King's requests of racial correspondence and objections of social injustice.The second passage of the discourse begins with â€Å"Five score years ago†, an inference to Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address. This is especially impactful because of the way that the discourse was given on the means of his commemoration. A remembrance to the president who passed the liberation declaration. Martin Luther King Jr. proceeds with contrasting this (the liberation declaration) â€Å"momentous decree†to a â€Å"great signal light†to the individuals who had â€Å"been burned in the blazes of wilting injustice†in a case of a comparison and afterward a metaphor.The analogy is extended to call the announcement â€Å"a happy daybreak†to a â€Å"long night. †The similitudes help demonstrate King's point through differentiating two theoretical ideas through unmistakable things. The last sentence of the subsequent section is the first of numerous references to the book of scriptures. In looking at Psalms 30:5 â€Å"For his indignation is yet for a second; his kindness is for a lifetime. Sobbing may wait for the evening, however satisfaction accompanies the morning†to King's line â€Å" It came as a happy sunrise to end the taxing night of their captivity†the equals can be seen.The utilization of scriptural references helps interface crafted by M LK to the holy book and perfect things. Southerners being in the â€Å"bible belt†and predominantly Christian, this reference to the good book strikes home to these slaveholders. The third section contains a solid case of anaphora with the redundancy of â€Å"one hundred years later†multiple times. This is utilized to push home the purpose of to what extent the testimonial has gone on. The span is significant yet additionally the impact of its redundancy causes the section to appear to be longer and drawn out-like the shameful acts that are as yet being endured one hundred years later.Also a metaphor is utilized to contrast isolation with detainment in the expressions â€Å"manacles of segregation†and â€Å"chains of separation. †The utilization of these logical gadgets relates subjection to imprison and additionally differentiate it from the scriptural implications utilized with balance. Section four of the discourse is an enormous allegory for a sug gestion to the United States Declaration of Independence which is later refered to legitimately. In Specific King insinuates the announcement in saying â€Å"unalienable privileges of life, freedom and the quest for satisfaction. †Which inside itself is a tricolon ascends.This mention to such a significant American archive is utilized to help King's topic of balance by calling attention to its reverberation in the absolutely American report. All through this segment of the discourse King makes a similitude of these ensured rights saying they are a â€Å"promissory note†. This representation connects these immaterial unalienable rights to something unmistakable which becomes all-good with the remainder of the extended similitude. He goes on the state that the Negro individuals have gotten â€Å"a awful check†and when they attempted to money this check is returns stamped â€Å"â€Å"insufficient reserves. †These similitudes feed into the bigger one of a residents rights to a guarantee of a bank. Martin Luther King Jr. shows his expectation the nation in the duration of the similitude where he won't accept â€Å"the bank of justice†is bankrupt and that there are lacking assets in the â€Å"great vaults of opportunity†. Besides he makes a similitude of opportunity to wealth and security to equity. The utilization of all these littler analogies feed into the bigger one and these expository gadgets are utilized to connect impalpable to tangible.Also this shows the pragmatist side of the speaker, in addition to the fact that he alludes and reference scriptural things he understands the significance of correspondence to blacks monetarily. The fourth â€Å"paragraph†of the discourse closes with a case of anaphora. A short cheerful expression of â€Å"now is the time†is rehashed multiple times consecutive to consecutive in the last four lines of the passage. These explanatory gadgets have a ground-breaking e ffect and include an unequivocal, cheerful feel. Martin Luther King Jr. in this end likewise makes another illustration with saying racial bad form is â€Å"quick sands†and fraternity is a â€Å"solid rock. These illustrations likewise connect the immaterial with the unmistakable making a complexity. Apples and bananas are unique yet the distinction of good and awful is harder to see. At the point when appended to genuine articles the representation is made. The remainder of the discourse contains a few increasingly free representations, all used to help Martin Luther King Jr. ‘s focuses. â€Å"The hurricanes of revolt will shake the establishments of our country until the brilliant day of equity emerges†; making an illustration of revolt to a tornado and equity to a splendid day.Yet once more, allegories are utilized to speak to extract thoughts with solid things to make a difference. In somewhere else it is seen that tempest resemble oppression and winds like police ruthlessness. Tying in the prior allegory to detainment, this use of an explanatory gadget shows the endless loop Negroes were living with. Sooner or later it gets tedious the entirety of the allegories of equity to everything from cash to the book of scriptures. Be that as it may, once more shamefulness is metaphored to â€Å"sweltering†¦ eat†(implying Richard III act one, scene one, line one) and equity to a â€Å"oasis†one more case in which the allegories are utilized to show differentiate. Later on the whole nation is metaphored to as in â€Å"jangling discords†and that with fraternity it very well may be changed into a â€Å"beautiful orchestra. †This illustration is a decent break for those to equity yet similar thoughts ring through. This utilization of a logical gadget binds to the current theme to a bigger increasingly national scale. The absolute most well known pieces of this discourse are because of the utilization of anaphor a.In a few examples, other than those effectively recorded, Martin Luther King Jr. utilizes this explanatory gadget to sink his point profound into the hearts and brains of the individuals who have heard it. He utilizes the expression â€Å"We can never be satisfied†multiple times in section thirteen. This capably unpolished articulation rehashed again and again is bolting and bringing together. At that point in section fourteen King utilizes â€Å"go back to†multiple times to make a bigger size to his endeavors. Subsequent to working up the group this utilization of anaphora scatters any expectation of a superior tomorrow to all. Regardless of where, to everybody. At that point in the onsecutive section comes to most celebrated line of a discourse conceivably ever: â€Å"I have a fantasy. †He advances from we, as a piece of the group, to I, isolating himself as a pioneer; sharing his fantasy. While these words might be the most celebrated, the discourse close s with another case of anaphora that are the most significant expressions of the discourse. They are â€Å"Let opportunity ring. †After insinuating â€Å"My nation 'tis of thee†and its theme line â€Å"let opportunity ring†he grows to state let opportunity ring in Pennsylvania, Colorado, California, Georgia, Tennessee and â€Å"from each slope and molehill of Mississippi. This widely inclusive opportunity is Martin Luther King's fantasy and this excellent anaphora uplifts the glory of the reference. The profundity of Martin Luther King Jr. what's more, his discourse is found in his numerous suggestions. Thirteen finishes with a suggestion to Amos 5:24 with â€Å"But let judgment run down as waters, and uprightness as a forceful stream†which echoes in King's line â€Å"No, no, we are not fulfilled, and we won't be fulfilled until equity moves down like waters, and exemplary nature like a compelling stream†.Another scriptural mention is in I hav e a fantasy that one day each valley will be magnified, and each slope and mountain will be made low, the harsh spots will be made plain, and the screwy spots will be made straight; and the greatness of the Lord will be uncovered and all tissue will see it together. Which echoes Isaiah 40:4-5 â€Å"Every valley will be commended, and very mountain and slope will be made low: and the slanted will be made straight, and the harsh places plain: and the greatness of the LORD will be uncovered, and all tissue will see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. Both â€Å"And when this occurs, . . . we will have the option to accelerate that day when all of God’s kids, dark men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will have the option to hold hands and sing in the expressions of the old Negro spiritual†and Galatians 3:28 â€Å"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither security nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are every one of the one in Christ Jesus. †All of these scriptural references interface the â€Å"dream' of lord to the scriptural writings.There are two extra non-scriptural models found in his referencing to â€Å"My nation Tis of Thee†and â€Å"Free at last†works of American music. . Martin Luther King Jr. likewise makes various inferences to the Declaration of Independence (some discharged as recently refered to previously). Counting the immediate statement of â€Å"We hold these realities to act naturally clear: that all men are made equivalent. â€Å"Another firmly related inference is seen where he says â€Å"I still have a fantasy. It is a fantasy profoundly established in the American
Pro-Choice free essay sample
Master Choice Hillary Clinton once stated, I have met a large number of ace decision people. I have never met any individual who is master premature birth. This implies despite the fact that professional decision individuals don’t need to totally freed the universe of premature birth, they still don’t fundamentally like it. Ethically, fetus removal isn't right and yet the decision should in any case be accessible to the individuals who decide not to be pregnant in their current second in time. It is an option to have the option to decide for yourself what you need to with your life, and that’s what deciding to have a premature birth is.The right to your decision ought not have the option to be removed by severe authorities of The Bible or ethical quality. Before premature birth can be totally halted all elements must be considered in light of the fact that each individual and their story is extraordinary; so knowing why each individual would need a fetus removal is close to unthinkable. We will compose a custom paper test on Expert Choice or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It’s simple to just announce premature birth wrong and proceed onward without giving it any idea. For these explanation the alternative of fetus removal ought to be left open in light of the fact that eventually assessments become possibly the most important factor on what might be good and bad. As individuals don’t need to consider, bringing up a youngster takes something other than love.A individual must be set up monetarily to bring up a kid, yet in the event that they’re not, at that point that child’s personal satisfaction won’t be generally excellent. A kid should be steady in a home, lighthearted to all that is around him, not stressed over difficulties of the family. At the point when kids are raised in these ill-equipped homes their odds of turning into a measurement increments, as in getting captured with an inappropriate groups and doing things they shouldn’t be. This won't generally be the situation however commonly it is and when this done happen it has influences on a bigger scale.Abortions and wrongdoing are recommended to be stra ightforwardly corresponding. A BBC News article announced that â€Å"each 10% ascent in terminations prompted a one percent drop in wrongdoing years after the fact. †Any restorative program set up will hurt the network. For each kid that picks an inappropriate way, a greater amount of the community’s endeavors and assets will be centered around making the network more secure by controlling these youngsters. Another factor to consider while bantering over the subject of premature birth is assault. There isn’t an enormous number of pregnancies because of assault. As per measurable announcing, there are close to a couple of pregnancies resultant from each 1,000 coercive assaults (Willke),†yet for the individuals who do wind up in this position, how reasonable is it to them? Without the alternative of fetus removal this select gathering of ladies will be compelled to require their life to be postponed and offer life to what they might see as a weight or steady token of their horrendous e xperience. Given the opportunity every one of these ladies won’t get a premature birth, however whose spot is it to reveal to them that they can’t settle on that choice? Haven’t they previously experienced enough?Systems, for example, child care and appropriation are accessible. There is no motivation to prematurely end youngsters when child care and appropriation offices are accessible to think about your kid. They are set up to accommodate kids and give them what you will most likely be unable to give. Child care and reception spares lives, kids who most likely would have been unceasingly quieted now get an opportunity at life and that’s how The Bible make statements ought to be. For what reason should any infant be executed when child care and selection organizations will deal with them? With a greater number of alternatives than simply murdering the infants, fetus removal ought not be an essential solution.Yes, child care and reception are accessible and will aid a portion of the issue. Those people lucky enough to flourish through these frameworks will be alright, yet what befalls the children who face issues through these frameworks, for example, sexual maltreatment, savagery, and maturing out of child care? â€Å"Today more than one million yo ungsters are in child care in the assembled state, twofold the quantity of kids in child care in the mid-80s. (Nakyanzi)â€
Friday, August 21, 2020
Article reviews Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Article surveys - Assignment Example The creator concedes that innovation has figured out how to produce a long chain of informal organizations however laments that the way of correspondence in those connections has not been as powerful as before. Recently, individuals convey by means of email and telephones even to the nearest ones who they ought to associate with vis-à -vis, for example, family and dear companions. An example is where a kid composes a demand note and sends it to the parent’s email. It shows the separation that has obviously been brought by new correspondence mediums. Families have split away from the conventional frameworks and societies where they could accumulate around a table for supper as they talked about issues influencing them. These days, an individual simply needs to go behind a PC and offer their issues on the web. The creator is, in this way, speaking to the network to desert the incapable innovation supported correspondence and reincorporate the customary strategies that upgraded connection. To unravel this, it is all together for a portion of the conventional social methods of cooperation to be returned to and reintegrated once more into the cutting edge life. The people group should mov e from advanced connections to genuine eye to eye interchanges. The writer, in this article, investigates a portion of the negative impacts data correspondence innovation (ICT) has brought to learning. This article tends to this issue by giving a commonsense occurrence in which homeroom meetings have been intruded on significantly by the numerous electronic devices that understudies use to ride the web with. Freedman, acknowledges the way that innovation is a genuine headway that has improved lives. In any case, the pattern of unreasonable web fixation has gotten more mischief than benefits study hall learning. A case is featured of a war that seethed on between the educator and an understudy wherein the instructor needed to crush the leaner’s telephone to show how much genuine he bigoted he was with the issue. The creator
Thursday, August 6, 2020
MIT is going to pump you up!
MIT is going to pump you up! Have any of you read “The Idea Factory: Learning to Think at MIT� If not, then I’d recommend it. The author, Pepper White, got his Masters (in MechE!) from MIT in 1984 and the book is about his educational experiences at the ‘Tute. I read it before starting college, but I have had many moments that reminded me of things that White had talked about, including long bike rides to clear your mind and “ah-ha†moments while chatting with the shop guys in Pappalardo (where we build out 2.007 robots.) I have also come across several of the professors that White mentioned, which always has a way of making me feel important… In any case, MIT is known for being the breeding ground of the next big idea in science and engineering, but I thought that today I’d focus on a great idea by MIT Medical. The program is called “[emailprotected]†and it is a 12-week, team-oriented fitness challenge that is open to the entire MIT community. Teams are comprised of five to eight people, and teams compete based on the average number of minutes exercised each week. The first week’s goal was 150 minutes/week and it gradually increases to 300 minutes/week. Were now into the 5th week and the goal is 210 minutes. Teams that meet their weekly goals are entered into weekly drawings for prizes. Summer is just one (or two) blizzards away, so my friends and I decided that we should stop complaining about our laziness and actually do something about it. Our first challenge was to come up with a team name, we decided on “I Can’t Believe I Ate the Whole Thing.†Week 1’s competition was for the Best Team name, and we figured that we’d at least be in the top five. Sadly, our sense of humor didn’t align with the judges’. Out of the five finalists, the participants voted on the winner, which ended up being “Buns’n Burners.†I guess you can’t really go wrong with a nerdy name. The getfit website (http://getfit.mit.edu/) has a function where you can enter your minutes and see other teams’ results. Team Blatieshoe is in the lead; the group of figure skaters have clocked an average of 6,360 minutes per week (with 8 team members.) One team member reported exercising 1,270 minutes last week, that’s three hours a day, seven days a week! I’m also proud of the 5th place team, called “AXO Seniors,†who have an average of 3,980 minutes per week (with 8 team members.) They’re my sorority sisters, so I know that their minutes are legit =). (Thanks to Kim Shive for the extra info on Team Blatieshoe!) There are two things about this program that I think make it a good idea. The first is that you can see the minutes entered by your team members. So, you can hold team members accountable by sending emails like “Get to the gym!†and when that doesn’t work, “Get to the gym… seriously!†The second is that it’s team-based and encourages group exercise. My team has had a few (semi-embarrassing) basketball games (with very low scores), but at least we had fun and broke a sweat. In any case, hopefully you all will be inspired by MIT Medical’s idea and start a fitness team of your own. It’ll give you a much deserved break from integrals.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Symbolism in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - Literature Essay Samples
The stream-of-consciousness novel is a twentieth-century innovation, which aims to depict the totality of experience through the human consciousness. This necessarily means a retreat from the direct portrayal of social interactions, and a reduction of the outside world to a mere object of the subjective awareness of the hero. Unlike the narration of objective circumstances, this individual awareness is shapeless and un-dramatic, and is unable to contribute its own form and order to the novel. This form and order must necessarily be imposed by the novelist, because the impression of an unconnected stream of thoughts which this kind of novel aims to produce must have an artistic unity, which is an indispensable necessity in any artistic creation. The most important device used by the stream-of-conscious novelist for attaining such unity is the employment of a system of symbols, which connects the diverse threads into an integrated whole, and imposes a thematic unity to the unconnected strands of thought.James Joyce’s â€Å"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man†is not the classic stream-of-consciousness novel, as is his â€Å"Ulysses†or â€Å"Finnegan’s Wake†, but the system of symbols on which it is developed is as important as in the other two novels. Without this system the hero’s mind would be a very loose integrator, imposing only structural unity and not a strong thematic unity to the novel.A symbol may be defined as anything which signifies something else, and the significance of which becomes evident through mental association or tradition. Symbols have a range of references which relate to various levels of human society, from religion and culture to emotions and beliefs. M.H. Abrams in â€Å"A Glossary of Literary Terms†classifies symbols into â€Å"conventional†or â€Å"public†, and â€Å"private†or â€Å"personal†1. The former have developed in the consciousness of an e ntire culture through several generations, and include symbols like the Cross or the Rose or the Lamb. The latter are symbols whose associations and meanings are developed by an individual author, and must be understood in the context of his work alone. Symbols may also be made to stand alone, or be a part of an entire system of related symbols running through the text. Both these types are very common in stream-of-consciousness novels, and often such novels stand on such symbols systems. For example, Virginia Woolf’s â€Å"To the Lighthouse†uses the symbols of the lighthouse throughout the novel as a unifying agent, while individual symbols are strewn intermittently all through. Likewise, Joyce’s â€Å"Ulysses†uses the myth of Odysseus and his journey as the main symbol.In â€Å"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man†, too, both types of symbols are used. The primary symbol is best seen in the most important epiphany in the novel – the o ne where Stephen looks on at a girl wading in the sea at the end of Chapter IV. Here, the chief impression that emerges from the description of this girl is that she is bird-like – â€Å"She seemed like one whom magic had changed into the likeness of a strange and beautiful sea-bird†2.It is this bird-imagery that pervades the novel from the very beginning, and continues till the end, symbolizing whatever is beautiful and free in the consciousness of Stephen. Emma, the epitome of his ideal woman, is also like a bird – near the end of the novel, when he brings himself to feel sympathetically about her, and then he describes her as â€Å"simple†, â€Å"strange†and â€Å"wilful†. A bird can also evoke connections of aspiration, and a reaching out for the unattainable – as we see in that wonderful account of Stephen standing in the colonnade of the library, looking at the numerous birds wheeling together in the sky, preparing to make thei r way back to where they had come from. Their flight makes him think of his own plans of flying away over the seas, away from his country Ireland, to the continent, to concretize his ambition of becoming an artist.The bird-image is also linked to that other major symbolic figure in the novel, from whom Stephen Dedalus gets his name. The Dedalus of myth is also a winged figure – â€Å"the hawk-like man whose name he bore soaring out of captivity on osier-woven wings†3. The very name of Dedalus brings to his mind the image of a bird, and also that of art –â€Å"Now, at the name of the fabulous artificer, he seemed to hear the noise of dim waves and to see a winged form flying above the waves and slowly climbing the air a symbol of the artist forging anew in his workshop out of the sluggish matter of the earth a new soaring impalpablw imperishable being†4.Stephen’s alienation from his family, especially his father, results in a search for a father-fig ure – a person who will be his mentor in his search for a vocation. This search comes to rest on the mythical Dedalus, whom he begins to consider his real father, the father of the spirit, not merely of blood. On the other end is his biological family, to whom he stood â€Å"rather in the mystical kinship of fosterage, foster-child and foster-brother†5. Dedalus, â€Å"the great artificer†, flying away from captivity, becomes a symbol of his own release from the captivity of his nation, language, and family, and of a life devoted to art, to a total expression of the self. What is implied in this symbol, but not fully understood by Stephen himself, is that he becomes at that moment, Dedalus’s son Icarus, who, in the myth, attempted to fly, but not being as wise as his father, lost the feathers of his wings to the melting heat of the sun, and drowned in the sea. He had tried to fly too high, without following his father’s advice about following the mi ddle path – and the question hangs in the balance about whether Stephen himself is not attempting to do the same. Is Stephen going to be the Dedalus he wishes to be, or is doomed to become another Icarus?One other image becomes as well-knit a symbol as that of the bird in the novel – the symbol of the Rose. We actually come across this image in the very first page of the book – â€Å"O, the wild rose blossoms / In the little green place†; which the infant Stephen corrupts in his lisp in the very next line – â€Å"O, the green wothe botheth†6. The significance of this line is clarified much later, when Stephen is sitting in the classroom of Clongowes, looking at and musing about the rose-like badges pinned to the shirts of the boys around him. The red rose is the badge of the house of Lancaster, and the white is that of the house of York – the two houses in the school, named after the English Wars of the Roses (1453 – 85). Soon after, unable to do the sum given to the boys, he falls to thinking about all the different colours of roses besides the ones represented in the badges of his school – so many beautiful colours: pink, cream, lavender. However, in spite of the wonderful variety of colours of roses, one cannot find a green rose, like the one in the song he had sung as a child. Perhaps, he also thinks, one can have a green rose if he searches well enough in the world! The Green Rose, therefore, becomes a symbol of the unattainable, something not to be found in reality, but which can be realized in the imagination, through art. Also, being related to the Wars of the Roses, the green rose can also be linked to the political theme that runs so strongly in the novel. Green, being the colour of Parnell’s Home Rule Party, can also refer to the much-wronged and also much-admired leader of the Irish people in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. In fact, Parnell plays a very important back ground role in â€Å"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man†.Repeated references to certain ordinary things turn them into distinctive elements in the design, and have a symbolic effect. These repeated references are called â€Å"motifs†. Good examples of such motifs are the colour symbolism used in the novel – colours such as maroon and green, or white and ivory. Maroon and green are used repeatedly in connection with Ireland politics, beginning with the colours of the brushes in Dante’s press, standing for Michael Davitt and Parnell, or the green and red combination of the Christmas decorations in Stephen’s house. The colour white, departing from its usual connotations of purity or virtue, represents coldness and lack of emotion, particularly in connection with priests and religion. Rather, the colour ivory or cream is represented as a warm colour, being related with emotion and vibrant life.Another important motif is that of the cow, another sy mbol of Ireland. The novel itself begins with â€Å"Baby Tuckoo†(Stephen) meeting a cow while â€Å"walking down along the road†7, in the story that his father tells his little son – meeting it headlong, as it were, in a manner of confrontation. Confrontation with national ideals and nationalism is an important part of Stephen’s life as portrayed in the novel. The cow, or Ireland as succour, is also briefly hinted at in the beginning of the second chapter, when Stephen is shown to accompany his friend Aubrey Mills in the milk-cart, delivering milk from house to house. Often, they were taken in the milkcar to see the cows grazing in the fields of Carrickmines – a pleasant sight, which the boys enjoyed. However, when autumn came, the cows were kept in a filthy cowyard at Stradbrook, â€Å"with its foul green puddles and clots of liquid dung and steaming brantroughs†, a sight which â€Å"sickened†Stephen’s heart. His attitude to his country is paralleled with his attitude to the cows –â€Å"The cattle which had seemed so beautiful in the country on sunny days revolted him and he could not even look at the milk they yielded†8.Quite as significant is the repeated reference to heat and cold in the novel. Beginning with the wetting of the baby Stephen’s bed in the very beginning of the novel, when he first feels warm and then cold, it continues throughout the first chapter in the uncomfortable coldness of the â€Å"square ditch†in which Wells pushed Stephen, leading to the heat of the fever which this incident resulted in. It finally culminates in the third chapter in the heat of Hell, and the fourth chapter in the coldness of priesthood which was offered to him.All these symbols and motifs act as the unifying agents in a novel which would otherwise have consisted as loose images and experiences in the consciousness of the hero.References :1) M.H. Abrams : â€Å"A Glossary of Lite rary Terms†(Bangalore, Prism Books, 1993), p.206.2) James Joyce : â€Å"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man†(Penguin Books, 1992, London), p.185.3) Ibid, p.244.4) Ibid, p.183.5) Ibid, p.105.6) Ibid, p.3.7) Ibid.8) Ibid, p.66.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Community Service And Volunteerism - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 364 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/05/06 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Volunteer Essay Did you like this example? Community service can play a crucial role in our happiness, though many people do not take advantage of it. A lot of times people dont want to waste their time with this, because it doesnt benefit them financially. But sometimes the gain from community service can sometimes be more valuable than money itself. Not only can community service open up multiple doors for the future, it can more importantly improve our overall well-being. Many ways community service has a positive impact on our happiness. Its ability to change the world not just for yourself, but for others is used as a key component to achieve greater happiness. Tapping into the ideas that community service gives purpose, Relieves Stress, and it just down right makes you feel good. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Community Service And Volunteerism" essay for you Create order No matter who you are, in life you will end up feeling isolated and volunteering is a way people make that feeling disappear. It helps individuals with mental illnesses and gives people purpose when they need it. There are hundreds of thousands of ways that fit in with everyone who wants to help out through community service. Another thing is that community service is a good stress reliever. There are tons of studies that show when a person volunteers, the brain releases dopamine, which for those who dont know plays a big role in the motivational component of reward-motivated behavior. So pretty much, if you help out others, you are helping yourself too. It is said that things like working with others, as well as pets and animals statistically decreases things like depression, anger, and most of all stress. Its positive effect shapes you and makes you happy. Ultimately, Community service and volunteerism just down right makes you feel good. Your precious time isnt just devoted to you and you are giving it to someone else you feel a sense of accomplishment. This not only makes someone elses situation better, but it helps with your physical and mental health too. It can be used as a tool to stay connected with others and really make a mutual impact on the world. The little things matter just as much and sometimes even greater and everyone can do it.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Essay On Nanoparticles - 1066 Words
In recent years, inorganic and chemosynthesized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SIONPs) such as Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4 MgNPs) have attracted extensive interest for their biocompatible (Kunzmann et al., 2011) and low toxic properties mainly in the human body studied (Jeng and Swanson, 2006; Karlsson et al., 2009) which make them as promising remedial tools in related fields. Magnetite nanoparticles is the most-studied for many technological applications in biomedicine, such as high sensitivity biomolecular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Bulte et al., 2001), in vivo targeted drug delivery (Sunderland et al., 2006), hyperthermic agents and enhancer in the treatment and diagnosis of cancer (Gupta and Gupta, 2005;†¦show more content†¦Whereas, marine macroalgae have richness in minerals (Wells et al., 2017) that can be used for the greener route synthesis of Fe3O4-MgNPs, and as bionanofactories materials (LewisOscar et al., 2016) have the ability to ac cumulate metals and reduces ions, and could be the superior contender for biosynthesis of metallic NPs (Davis et al., 1998). However, the synthesis of stable Fe3O4-MgNPs using algae extracts are very complicated due to the high reactivity, high particle instability, great propensity of iron ions to oxidization and reduced with a wide array of various chemical compounds, and high tendency to aggregate into agglomerates within the solution (EL-Kassas et al., 2016; Makarov et al., 2014; Huang et al., 2007). In view of inorganic iron oxide nanoecotoxicity, little studies report in the human (mainly inorganic Nano-Fe3O4) (Jeng and Swanson, 2006; Karlsson et al., 2009) and existence the criteria to define the toxicity of nanomaterials does not guarantee that iron oxide nanoparticles pose no potential risks in a challenge with environmental systems and are suitable for use in widespread applications. Hence, due to theirShow MoreRelatedNanoparticles Essay1011 Words  | 5 PagesNanoparticles are materials with overall dimensions less then one hundred nanometers, they are also known as zero-dimensional materials. 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Second, this essay will provide the history and description of Cetuximab, after that it will review and analyseRead MoreIs Cancer A Human Body?3657 Words  | 15 Pages They are built in the shape of bacteria. â€Å"They are made of silicon although not entirely mechanical. Part of silicon is the creation of legs instead of the flagella, which is the tail part of the bacteria†(Nanobots the Nemesis of Cancer Biology Essay, n.d). The article also said that they are equipped with a camera that helps doctors see the conditions of the body while the curing process is going on. Nanobots use carbon as the principial element in the form of diamond (Abhilash, 2010). This isRead MoreHumans and Our Culture of Gold Essay1780 Words  | 8 Pagesinherent marvellous glossy shine. Gold is particularly malleable, conducts electricity, d oesn’t blemish and blends well with other metals. Because of these exclusive properties, gold creates its ways into our everyday life in many ways or form. This essay explores the use of gold over time and perception of the cultures that surround by gold. Gold has always had remarkable significance, shown by most civilizations as a symbol of wealth and power. Gold has captivated most of cultures around the worldRead MoreThe Effect Of Food Structure On The Delivery3763 Words  | 16 Pagesnutrients. Moreover, the release of other molecules is also influenced by the food structure. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the food structure through various technologies, such as fluid-bed coating, spray drying, spray chilling, nanoparticles and emulsions. In this essay, two predominate parts will be addressed. The first part is the digestion mechanism and simulated in-vitro digestion models which can use to study the food digestion of humans. The second part is that the manipulation of the structureRead MoreTeaching And Mentoring Experience For Undergraduate Students1312 Words  | 6 Pageswith the focus on an interdisciplinary theme of biophysics and nanoscience. This skills-based course focuses on scientific thinking in the context of multidisciplinary topics and contemporary research areas, includes semester research projects, news essays, and video projects, and fosters collaborative assignments in order to establish a coherent curriculum and a flexible learning environment. My mentoring career began at an early stage of my doctoral studies. I directly supervised high school andRead MorePotential Advantages And Risks Of Nanotechnology1228 Words  | 5 Pages2004. (March 10), Responsible nanotechnology: Looking beyond the good news., Essay 1102 (http://www.eurekalert.org). Locke, L. F., Silverman, S. J., Spirduso, W. W. (2009). Reading and understanding research. Sage Publications. Retrieved from http://www.nanotechproject.org/ Scheufele, D. A., Lewenstein, B. V. (2005). The public and nanotechnology: How citizens make sense of emerging technologies. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 7(6), 659-667.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Urology and Transplantation Nephro-urology patients...
This prospective study was carried out at nephrology unit of Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) Pakistan, from November 2012 to May 2013. SIUT is a big tertiary care center for nephro-urology patients. All adult patients with known underlying diabetes presenting with suspected acute renal failure in the setting of recognizable acute insult were included in the study. For the purpose of this study ARF was considered A) Definite: when 1. Diabetic patients with known baseline creatinine experienced ≠¥ 50% increase in serum creatinine during acute illness requiring hospitalization. 2. When baseline values were not available ARF was considered to be present at the end of six weeks if †¢ Patient requiring dialysis became†¦show more content†¦Renal biopsy was performed in selected patients in whom no cause of renal failure was established. All patients were followed for a period of six weeks. The outcome of the patients who were followed up was recorded under three categories. 1. Recovered. †¢ Renal functions return to baseline with/without dialysis. †¢ ≠¥ 50% reduction in serum creatinine from the admission value. †¢ Patients requiring dialysis become dialysis free. 2. Dialysis dependent. 3. Died, despite all of above. All the data was recorded in the pre-designed proforma and entered in SPSS 10 and analyzed for frequencies of the variables. Results: A total of 95 patients (58 males and 37 females) with suspected ARF were enrolled during this period, 77 patients (81%) had definite ARF and 18 patients (18.94%) had probable ARF. Three patients subsequently lost to follow up, were excluded from outcome analysis. Age of the patients ranged from 32 to 80 years [mean age= 56.5  ± 10.8s.d]. Duration of diabetes varied among these patients [mean 9.1 years  ± 6.5s.d.] but in 46 patients (48.2%), duration was ≠¥ 10 years. Majority of the patients had more than one comorbidity, particularly hypertension 67 (70.5%) and ischemic heart disease 26 (27.4%). 21 (22.1%) were smokers. Out of 67 hypertensive patients, only 42 (62.6%) were taking antihypertensive medicines. 21 (50%) were taking Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) alone orShow MoreRelatedOrganization Structure of Yashoda Hospital5398 Words  | 22 Pages 5 4. Procedure for Patient Admission 7 5. Summary of Departments visited 9 6. Medical Records Department 10 7. Medical Laboratory 13 8. Credit and Billing Department 15 9. Rajiv Arogyashree Health Insurance Scheme 17 10. Human Resources Department 18 11. Conclusions 20 12. Recommendations 21 INTRODUCTION Hospitals are very important for health care and providing patient treatment by specialized staff
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Experience At The University Of Buffalo - 1464 Words
My future was one that never initially involved college or even me thinking more than a week ahead of time. I’m happy that I made the decision and realized, that if I wanted to be financially stable in the future I would have to go back. I grew a lot over my time at Erie Community College, which helped shaped my idea of a future. I currently have my associates in business and am seeking a Bachelors while here at the University of Buffalo. I have plans to go after my Masters in Business Administration, but as my first semester at the university begins, I don t know if it s in the budget. While attending college, I knew I would have to quit my old job to clear up more time to focus on the workload at a bigger school. This means making less than half of the income I was use to which is becoming a huge stressor here at the university. I am hopeful that in the time frame of working toward my bachelors I am given the opportunity to move up within the company I currently work for. I’m a promotional representative for Try-It Distributions and I have a lot of room to grow with the company. I can see myself moving up into a BAM position (Brand Activation Manager) becoming more involved with in the company, yet still not ending up at a desk all day. In the BAM position at Try-It I hope to move into a higher position or move strictly over to Labatt in their marketing or sales department. I would prefer to keep myself local and stick with a brand that s close to home.Show MoreRelatedEssay on My Education and Career Goals in the Medical Field920 Words  | 4 PagesEvery night, as I sat on the table with my younger brothers assisting them with their homework, I hear a familiar sound at the door. As she walks her heels click, and I can hear her searching her bag for her keys, the next thing I know the keys are in the lock and as it turns me and my younger brothers’ jump. We run to the door and indeed we scream in unison â€Å"Mommy’s home†, one by one she gives us a hug and a kiss. My mother asks us how our day was, and if we finished our homework, she then looksRead MoreStatement Of Purpose775 Words  | 4 PagesLecturer of Mechanical Engineering Science at the University of Surrey. My educational background in Mechanical Aerospace Engineering and comprehensive research experience in Biomedical Engineering inspired me to apply for this position. I consider that my excellence in teaching and research fulfil the requirements of this post. I was awarded my PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering by the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA. My thesis was entitled â€Å"Computational Modelling of NeurovascularRead MoreEssay about Why Does Social Work Appeal To Me?1506 Words  | 7 Pagesplaces to obtain food. In buffalo much is needed especially in the disadvantaged communities by providing education and special services for those who need it. These are some of the reasons why I would love to become a social worker to obtain knowledge that would be helpful for individuals that need help with solving problems in their everyday lives. I am in interested in the aspects of Social Work that has to do with medical and public health issues and substance abuse. From my research medical/publicRead MoreNative Americans And Treaties with the Government1750 Words  | 7 Pageslevel, all of the native tribes for had a very close tie with the part of earth, which provided for their survival. They saw the earth, as there mother and they felt a need to protect her. Making them almost inseparable from their land. In the book Buffalo Jones Forty Years of Adventure written by Charles Jones, Jones describes the Plain Indians as, The most tenacious of life than any race I have ever encountered. The Plain Natives consisting primarily of Blackfoot, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Crow, KiowaRead MoreMy Motivation For Pursue Project Management845 Words  | 4 PagesAt this important juncture in my professional career, I have, after careful consideration of my abilities, academic background and career goals decided to pursue a graduate degree in Project Management which will help me hone my management knowledge and analytical abilities along with interpersonal and leadership skills. In today’s ever growing competitive market the products are getting user friendly, which means products are getting smarter and do the majority of work. Smarter products are complicatedRead More Childhood Influences Impact the Writing of F. Scott Fitzgerald1019 Words  | 5 Pagesa wicker furniture manufacturer and salesman the family was forced to move from St. Paul to Buffalo in April of 1898, where his father began work for Proctor and Gamble. In January of 1901 the family moved from Buffalo to Syracuse where Edward had been transferred by his employer and where, on Sunday July 21, 1901 Scotts younger sister Annabel was born. Just two years later the family was back in Buffalo and just five years after that the family had returned to St. Paul and Grandma McQuillansRead More Interview Essay - Murray Meisels1689 Words  | 7 PagesAfter graduating from USC, he attended the University of Oregon Dental School and the University of Buffalo Dental School. Murray served in the military during WWII and the Korean War. In 1948, he married Francis and they made their home in Buffalo, New York. They raised two children, and Murray owned a dental practice for over 40 years. While raising a family and practicing dentistry, he completed a Masters degree and taught at the University of Buffalo Dental School. In 1991 Murray retired fromRead MoreHospitality Management At Florida International University1901 Words  | 8 PagesInternational University, Hospitality Management is the largest business activity in the world. There are nearly 1 million food service operations in the United States, and nearly three hundred thousand hotels. It is estimated that there are over 1 million hotels and more than 7 million food service businesses. How this business operates, and its impact on the local economy varies from country to country, but its importance is undeniable (Escoffier). Information provided by Buffalo State CollegeRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Ho w Uniform Policy Swept U.s.919 Words  | 4 PagesChandler is a journalist on education for the Washington Post. No uniform policy on what to wear offer reasonable evidence supporting school uniforms. Chandler showed experience in this journal. The author presented factual statements, analysis, and testimony of a mother with a low-income household. This newspaper fits the requirements of my assignment due to the testimony was given by a mother of six children with a low-income household. Also, with encouragement; the present of the United State idealizingRead MoreRelationship between Physical Activity and Depression694 Words  | 3 PagesI hope to use this literature to help shape and develop my study and research in hopes to get the same results if not better. I hope to be able to create ways to maybe even fix bugs that are in this study and completely form a more perfect study with information that will help strengthen the argument of sports and their relationship with depression. Physical activity everyone does it from walking to classes to walking to the refrigerator it is performed by all in one way or the other. However could
Online Learning V.S Traditional Classroom Learning Free Essays
I think whether it is online learning or traditional class learning both should be taken into consideration when planning to further education. I personally did not consider the facts when I decided to further my education. I had started out in a traditional classroom but soon after realized it was not the right choice. We will write a custom essay sample on Online Learning V.S Traditional Classroom Learning or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was hard to fully apply myself when I was attending a traditional classroom because I was a working wife and mother. Online learning and traditional learning will show that both of these are great options depending on who the student may be and which educational program the student has chosen. Online learning and traditional learning each have their merits and faults. Online degrees have become a perfect option for individuals who may not be able to enroll in a traditional classroom. When you compare the two learning classes, the biggest difference is that students studying online have the flexibility to attend classes at their own pace and time. In a campus-based classroom they require that students attend class a certain number of times every week, at specific times. Traditional class learning may not be the option for people who have children or work long hours. Learning online would be a better option for these people because they can make their own schedule for when they will attend class. Both online and traditional classes give students the opportunity to interact with other students and their professors. With a traditional classroom you can interact with students and professors face -to -face. In online learning there is no face- to -face interaction with classmates or instructors. Online learning interaction can consist of chat rooms, e-mail, main forums, and over the telephone. Traditional class students have a better advantage of understanding the materials because they can have that one –on- one time with the instructor face- to -face. It may be a little harder for online students to grasp the materials because they do not have that face- to -face interaction. Online learning and traditional class learning work assignments are similar and different in their own ways. In both online and traditional learning classes you still have assignments that have to be completed by a certain time. In the traditional class your assignments are done on paper and with online learning you have to submit your assignments on the computer. Also with traditional class learning one has the opportunity to present in front of their classmates, while online students do not have that option. They are only able to present their presentations to the instructors. In both classes you still have homework and you have to participate in class. Online learning requires you to participate and attend class a certain number of times but there is no specific times or days. They have the option to decide when that will be but with traditional class you have to attend class every day you are scheduled and participate every day. Earning a degree at a traditional college can be very expensive but obtaining a online degree can be a lot less expensive for students. Exceptionally less, but they offer students the same loan and grant benefits offered at a traditional college. Online schools and traditional schools offer the same financial aid packages. Students who attend a traditional class usually have to pay traveling cost and living cost. Online learning students do not have to pay these extra costs because they are learning from home and that requires no traveling. Also with online schools you do not have to pay for facilities like residence halls, dining halls, gyms and libraries. Most provide access to virtual libraries and some even have partnerships with local facilities. There are many similarities and differences between online learning and traditional class learning. The facts show that both are great options to consider, depending upon the person and his or her day- to- day schedule. One method to determine how well online learning and traditional class learning might work for you is to consider the benefits and disadvantages of both. Researching and planning ahead can help a person in deciding which would better fit his or her needs. I have found online learning to better fit my needs because I can make my own schedule concerning attending class. I am a mother and wife so I have many responsibilities and this option gives me time to take care of my household while still being able to obtain a degree at my own pace. Do the research to see which one is the right option for you at this time in your life. Most people think that their decision to go to college only affects them but it affects your family also. You have to still be able to do for your family and handle your business at home. I also suggest if you are attending a traditional college and it seems to be too overwhelming for you at times you should really consider trying the online learning. Becoming successful in life depends on the choices you make throughout life, whether they be good or bad choices. So choose wisely which learning class be it online learning or traditional learning is right for you and your family. How to cite Online Learning V.S Traditional Classroom Learning, Essays
China Population Issues Essay Example For Students
China Population Issues Essay 1 in 5 people in the world is Chinese. The population of China has reachedan amazing 1.4 billion; thats 6 times the amount of people in America. These statistics demonstrate Chinas major overpopulation problem, whichstretches the countrys resources to the limit. In 1949, when the communists came into power, Chinas population was around540 million. By 1982 the population had almost doubled. The communistsencouraged couples to have children and greatly improved living standards. Healthcare was improved which decreased baby fatalities. To solve this issue the Chinese people have to greatly lower the high levelof the birth rate. A one-child policy has been introduced to help resolvethe problem. The policy rewards people with money and status and is ineffect all over China. The one child policy, although not formally written into law consists ofthree main points. . advocating delayed marriage and delayed child bearing . advocating fewer and healthier births . advocating one child per couplePeople who refuse to obey the one-child policy lose benefits such as freeeducation and lose their model worker status. The government also offersmodel factory status to factories with 100% of its workers with one childor less. This adds pressure on workers as they do not want to let theirfactories down. The Chinese face poverty and hardship if their population continues torise. However if the one child policy works they will achieve doubletodays living standards. A problem which arises from the one child policy is that there is a veryuneven balance of men and women. Men outnumber women because in Chinapeople prefer to have boys. The main reason for this is tradition. If theonly child is a girl, the familys name is not carried on. Also when a mangets married it is tradition in the countryside that he and his wife staywith his parents and the wife helps with the labour. Another factor that affects the population crisis is economic. Chinesepeople who can afford to live without the state benefits, and do not workin a factory dont feel they need to have one child. People who support the one child policy point to figures that show that ithas reduced Chinas population by 250 million. This relieves some of theobvious stress on China, which already has one fifth of the worldspopulation. Also, education is very expensive in China, so the one childpolicy allows families to concentrate their resources on the single child,thus leading to higher standards of education. Furthermore, women,especially urban women, are now able to concentrate on their careersinstead of raising lots of children. This has led to an increased role forwomen in the workforce. Those who criticize the policy claim that it has led to extensive humanrights violations and sexual discrimination. As Chinese familiesoverwhelmingly prefer male children to female children, female infanticideis increasing. Also, many people criticize the fact that abortions areoften forced on women who are visibly pregnant with their second child. These abortions are often very late term. There have been reports of masssterilizations in the rural areas as well. While the one-child policy is one way of solving the population crisis itis not popular with many Chinese people or those in the rest of the worldbecause it takes away human rights.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Public Interest or Public Best Interest free essay sample
A study of the topic of what is the best public interest compared to public interest and the role of the public administrator. The paper shows the difficulty the public administrator is faced with when deciding what is the public interest or public best interest and that sometimes the administrator has to make decisions based on the community best interests or the objective control of administration. Sections of the paper include: Pluralists and the Public Administrator, The Public as Consumers, The Public as Represented, The Public as Client and the Public as Citizen. Other examples can be commercials. If a child sees cereal with a toy in it, he/she will beg and cry until the mother buys the cereal. The mother may know this is not the best interest of the child because it lacks important vitamins or may be full of sugar. The commercial has placed value on knowing children will see the commercial and will talk their parents into buying it. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Interest or Public Best Interest or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The interest of the children is met, but not the best interest of the children.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Writing a Personal MBA Application Essay Sample
Writing a Personal MBA Application Essay SampleWhen it comes to your MBA school application essay, the composition is very important, as this plays a vital role in determining whether you are accepted or not. The most fundamental idea of the essay is the validity of the writer's academic credentials.For MBA applicants, there are three essential things that need to be included in your essays: the focus of the essay, the intention of the writer and the structure of the essay. The focus of the application essay should be on your strengths, on how your interests are connected to the job you want to get, and also on how you can contribute to the success of the business firm. If you have a clear idea of what you are going to talk about, then it is also a good idea to prepare a short but clear synopsis, based on the topic that you have chosen. In order to successfully write the essay, it is important to follow the essay template and write an essay of your own.The other element that should b e taken into consideration when writing the application essay is the basic idea of your essay. It is a good idea to list down a few points to emphasize in your essay. There are three ideas that you must include in your essay: the future goals, the achievement of the goal and the necessity for the solution. There is no point in writing about something that you have not really thought about. The best idea would be to prepare the paper in such a way that you can truly think about your essay topic and the solution you have in mind.Once you have your paper prepared, the next thing that you need to do is to break it into sections, so that you can make it more manageable. There are some tips that can help you with this task. First, you must go through the different parts of the essay to know the sections that are the most crucial. Second, you must decide which part of the essay you would like to focus on. Third, you must find out which part you need to put your proposal in and which part w ould be more appropriate for the conclusion.Once you have broken your essay into different sections, it becomes a lot easier to concentrate on the most important area of the essay. This is where the flow of the paper has to be concerned. Most MBA school application essay sample essays contain some common points, and when you will come across these points, you need to use a simpler language in order to make them easier to understand.Before submitting your own essay, you must make sure that the essay is clear and organized. For example, do not write all the points at the beginning, and then tear up your paper after the conclusion. At least begin the essay at the end of the first paragraph, and then move to the beginning of the second paragraph, and so on. This will help you focus on one aspect of the essay and make it easy to read. A good idea is to use chapter headings or subheadings to organize the essay and make it easier to read.If you are aiming to get accepted to an MBA program, then you must include all the above mentioned tips and techniques when writing an MBA application essay. These tips will allow you to write an essay of your own and help you choose the best candidate that fits your academic profile and personal characteristics.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Book Thief Maxs Books free essay sample
The Book Thief critical essay Tallus Gibson Liesel acquires many books throughout living in Molching with the Hubberman’s but three that stick out are Mein Kampf, The stand over man and The Word Shaker. These three stuck out because they represent so much to her behind the actual words in the books. They are metaphors for Max and how important kind words are for combatting hateful ones. Just like Hitler said he would rule the world with his words, Liesel defends herself and max with the same words. As Liesel is helping Max to hide from the Nazi’s, Max is in turn helping Liesel realize the importance of words. The stand over man is a book that Max wrote for Liesel using the blank pages of Mein Kampf. These two books use juxtaposition to help shield max from the Nazis as well as connect Max and Liesel in a better way. We will write a custom essay sample on The Book Thief Maxs Books or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mein Kampf is a book written by Hitler, which is a metaphor for the world that they live in; Hitler has made the words in his book come true. The Hubbermans come up with a brilliant plan to use Mein Kampf as a disguise for max when the Germans check their house. Max hated the book so much that he ripped all of the pages out and wrote his own story on the inside called the stand over man while keeping the important book cover. Mein Kampf means â€Å"My struggle†in German and that’s what the stand over man is about, Max’s struggles and fears in his life. Max knows that Liesel loves books so he thought that communicating to her though writing a book would be the most effective way for Liesel to understand him. The Word shaker is another book that Max has left for Liesel, but this time it’s about Liesel and her way of using them. The word shaker is full of stories and sketches, written and illustrated by Max himself. A word shaker is someone who can use the true power of words to hypnotize or indoctrinate people into believing what you say. Max see’s Liesel as a word shaker because they both knew how powerless a person could be without words. Liesel’s immense compassion for Max is so boundless that it is more powerful than Hitlers hateful words and cruelty. Liesel and Max’s friendship proves that words of sincere love effectively combat the harsh words of Hitler. Mein Kampf, the stand over man and the word shaker all play a very important role in Liesels life and are a metaphor for her and Max’s friendship. In the stand over man and the word shaker Max makes the connection to Liesel clear but in an indirect way; meaning there is more to the books behind the actual words. Markus Zusak, the author of the book thief uses juxtaposition in order to show the integrity of the metaphors in these books. Max may not be the smartest individual but with the help of Liesel has learned so much about words and their importance in the world.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Ultimate Guide to Pre-Law 13 Tips to Prepare for Law School
Ultimate Guide to Pre-Law 13 Tips to Prepare for Law School SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Do you want to be a lawyer? In the United States, you need to graduate from a 4-year college and then go to law school if you want to practice law. What is the best way to prepare for law school? What should you be doing in your undergraduate years to make yourself the most competitive applicant? In this article, I'll tell you about the best pre-law majors and explain what you need to do to get into the law school of your dreams. What Does Pre-Law Mean? The term â€Å"pre-law†refers to any course of study by an undergraduate college student to prepare for law school. A few colleges have a specific pre-law major for those students who intend to go to law school, but you can major in any subject and still enter law school, as long as you successfully complete college and get a bachelor’s degree. There are no specific courses you have to take to be admitted to law school. Therefore, pre-law is much different than pre-med, because medical schools require students to complete a number of prerequisites during their undergraduate education to be admitted to medical school. However, there are other requirements to getting into law school, like taking the LSAT, that we'll discuss later in this article. Should You Major in Pre-Law? Overall, we don't recommend that anyone major in pre-law, even if you're certain you want to be a lawyer. While you may think you should definitely pick a legal major if you want to go to law school, there are significant drawbacks of majoring in pre-law. Pre-Law Isn’t Viewed as a Challenging Major Law schools, like top colleges, want to admit students who have been able to excel in challenging courses and difficult subjects, and pre-law isn’t considered a difficult major. While your GPA is a critical component of your law school applications, a 4.0 in mechanical engineering is more impressive to a law school than a 4.0 in pre-law. Law schools tend to think it's not as challenging to get good grades in pre-law than in most other majors. Similar majors like legal studies and criminal justice are considered easier majors, too. However, if you’re able to get excellent grades and a high LSAT score, you can still demonstrate your competence as a pre-law major. Furthermore, you can show you're challenging yourself more as a pre-law major by writing a thesis or taking on additional academic research. Law schools don't want you to take the easiest path. Most Top Colleges Don’t Have a Pre-Law Major Even if you have your heart set on majoring in pre-law, very, very few colleges offer it as a major. Additionally, most of the schools that do offer it aren't ranked very high among national colleges and universities. This ties back to our first point, that pre-law just isn't seen as a great major to have. Most colleges emphasize traditional academic subjects and don’t offer many pre-professional majors like pre-law. They stress scholarship over job preparation, so most choose not to offer pre-law as a major. Law Schools Want to Admit Well-Rounded Classes Law schools strive to admit students from a variety of backgrounds and majors. Believe it or not, math and science majors tend to have extremely high admission rates to law school. Partially, this could be because those students who would choose to major in math or science and opt to go to law school are more academically gifted than the typical law school applicant. But it's also because these types of applicants are much rarer. For example, since there aren’t many STEM majors who choose to go to law school, it can be a huge advantage to apply to law school with a STEM degree. Knowledge in almost any subject can be helpful in the legal profession because there are so many different types of lawyers. If you’re extremely well-versed in ecology, law schools may view you as a potentially great environmental lawyer. If you’re an expert in chemistry, you might make an exceptional lawyer for a drug company. On the other hand, majoring in pre-law won’t help you stick out as an applicant, and it’s not as difficult for law schools to find applicants who majored in pre-law. You can study science and become a lawyer. Benefits of Pre-Law Majors Nonetheless, if you feel strongly that you want to major in pre-law, these programs do offer some potential benefits. Many students enter law school after graduating college because they’re unsure of what they want to do, and they’re just trying to delay joining the "real world." Law schools would rather admit students who have a genuine interest in the justice system, because these students are more likely to have a positive impact in the field of law in the future. By majoring in pre-law, you’re demonstrating that you’ve been committed to becoming a lawyer for years. A good pre-law program should also give you an advantage when you enter law school. For example, law schools generally teach by using the Socratic Method, a style of teaching in which the professor asks questions and you learn through classroom discussion. If you become used to this style of teaching during your undergraduate years, you may be better prepared for law school. Additionally, if you’re more knowledgeable about the legal system and how to analyze legal cases prior to law school, you may have a leg up on your peers when law school commences. Finally, many pre-law programs claim that the skills that pre-law students hone and acquire in their classes help them do better on the Legal Studies Aptitude Test, or LSAT, the entrance exam for law school. A higher LSAT score will undoubtedly increase the likelihood that you’ll gain admission to the law school of your choice. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. What Are the Best Pre-Law Majors? If pre-law itself isn’t a great major, then what is the best major for you if you want to go law school? Well, the short answer is that your major doesn’t have much of an impact on whether or not you gain admission to law school. You’ll give yourself the best chance of getting into the law school of your choice by majoring in a subject you really enjoy. If you like what you’re studying, you’ll get better grades. If you’re trying to decide a major that will best prepare you for law school, then you may want to choose a major that stresses logic, analytical skills, reading comprehension, and writing skills. These are all attributes you need to do well on the LSAT and in law school. Popular pre-law majors that are great preparation for law school include philosophy/classics, economics, political science, history, English, and engineering. What Are the Most Popular Majors of Law School Applicants? Knowing what other law school applicants are majoring in can also help you make your decision. Below is a chart with the ten most popular majors for law school applicants, along with number of applicants, the average LSAT score for that major, and the percentage of applicants admitted to at least one law school. This data comes from the LSAC and is from law school applicants in 2017 and 2018. To help put the LSAT information into context, the LSAT is scored on a scale from 120-180. The average score is about 150. The median score for top 25 law schools is over 160, and for top 10 law schools, it’s over 170. Major Number of Applicants Average LSAT Score % of Applicants Admitted Political Science 11,947 153.6 80% OTHER 4,537 148.4 64% Psychology 3,736 152.5 77% Criminal Justice 3,629 145.9 62% English 3,151 154.8 81% History 3,138 156.3 85% Economics 2,757 159.0 86% Philosophy 2,238 157.2 83% Arts and Humanities 1,947 154.0 77% Sociology 1,870 150.6 71% As you can see, political science is by far the most popular major for law school applicants, however; if you look at the complete data, you'll see that political science majors make up only about one-fifth of all law school applicants, which shows there's a wide distribution in the number of majors that law school applicants have. Economics majors have the highest average LSAT score, as well as the highest acceptance rate into law school. For those interested, there were 660 applicants who majored in pre-law, and they had an average LSAT score of 148 and an acceptance rate of 65%. What Are the Best Pre-Law Schools? It’s incredibly difficult to rank the best colleges for those who wish to go to law school. Generally, you’ll be best prepared for law school by excelling in challenging undergraduate courses that strengthen your analytical skills. Also, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, if your concern is getting into law school, your GPA and LSAT score are the most important factors. However, if two applicants have very similar credentials, the law school may give the nod to the student who attended the more prestigious college. So you should probably be aware of college rankings. For the most part, the aspiring law school student should choose a college the same way the typical college student does. Consider things like selectivity, cost, location, size, and the campus culture. Additionally, you should research the available resources for students who want to go to law school at the colleges you’re considering. Even if a school doesn’t have a pre-law degree, it may offer pre-law advising for those who wish to pursue a legal education. Also, there may be pre-law clubs that offer support, programming, and internship opportunities for pre-law students. You can get into a top law school after graduating from any college. 5 Tips for Preparing for Law School in College All pre-law students should follow this advice. #1: Get Good Grades I keep stressing the importance of a good college GPA because your undergraduate GPA is extremely important to law schools. While many college students have a few semesters when they slack off or settle for mediocrity, you need to maintain a high GPA throughout your undergraduate years. #2: Study Sufficiently for the LSAT The law school admission exam has a reputation for being very challenging. If you know you want to go to law school, give yourself ample time to prepare for the test. Familiarize yourself with the content and format. Do tons of realistic practice problems and questions from actual LSATs. Determine your content weaknesses, and then do enough studying and practice problems to improve your weaknesses. Take at least a few practice LSATs simulating testing conditions to improve your test endurance, work on your time management, and see how close you are to your target score. You can use prep books or classes to help you in your preparation. However, before you purchase any book or sign up for a class, do your research to ensure you're using a high quality book or taking a good class that will adequately prepare you for the exam. There are many subpar prep books and classes out there. #3: Take Classes That Will Help You in Law School Preparing for law school in college doesn’t mean that you should take classes about the legal system. Law schools would rather you take challenging courses that will help you improve your analytical skills and reading comprehension. If you’re a science major, you may want to take English courses so you can practice doing a ton of reading, writing, and analyzing language. If you’re a humanities major, you may want to take economics classes to improve your logic and problem-solving skills. #4: Build Relationships With Professors Law schools will also require letters of recommendation from your professors. Building relationships with your professors will enable you to get better recommendations when you apply to law school. Additionally, your professors can provide mentorship and help you hone your academic skills. #5: Participate in Extracurricular Activities Undoubtedly, you should be doing activities outside of school. You can participate in internships, jobs, or student organizations related to your interests. Law schools do like to see that you’ve shown commitment to and achievement in your extracurricular activities. Some examples of good extracurricular activities include community service, student government, and working for student publications. On your law school applications, you'll have to indicate when you began your extracurriculars and how many hours per week you spend on each activity. It's better to do fewer activities and commit more to them. Furthermore, extracurricular activities can facilitate your personal development and give you a better idea of what you want to do in the future. If you know you want to be a lawyer, your extracurricular activities can help you decide what type of law you want to practice. What's Next? Do you want more information about what you need to do to become a lawyer? Check out our article on how to become a lawyer. Working as part of the judicial system has its perks, but you don't get it all your own way. Find out how the executive branch checks the judicial branch (in the U.S.) here. Are you a high school student? Learn about the college application process so you can get into a great college. Also, learn how to plan for college in 11th, 10th, and 9th grade. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Team Work Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Team Work - Research Paper Example As the discussion stresses departmental teams are also long term since they ensure proper manning of their lines of responsibilities at all times to encourage efficiency. Short term teams are self managing and handle frequent system challenges for instance addressing employee discipline issues. During this implementation time, members of the team hold formal and informal meetings where they freely interact with one another. This is the time they evaluate their performance and find out if indeed they are within the set deadlines. Teams play a pivotal role in the workplace and are lauded as the best human resource practice since it acts as learning time for employees. The members present their incomplete ideas in a discussion, and they humbly argue out the case, the strongest option is later adopted by the team as findings. These resolutions are binding upon every member, and the team is wholly accountable for them. This paper outlines that un the article, â€Å"How to Build a Teamwork Culture†by Susan Heathfield, she says that teamwork is core to organizations which value cooperation when handling office tasks. Employees trust that all issues pertaining to planning, decision making and task execution are best undertaken together, this helps in ensuring accuracy since input from different minds reduces risk factors. For instance, decision making on product diversification requires input from the marketing team who roll out campaigns to gauge market response. The finance and accounting team also computes the right prices to offer the new product in the market. These two and other relevant departments get together by holding frequent meetings where they all share their points and areas of concern.Â
Monday, February 3, 2020
Pricing Decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Pricing Decisions - Essay Example All the articles provide a framework through which managers and stakeholders within the marketing environment can understand pricing dynamics. In order to enhance objectivity of results obtained, these articles employ the use of scientific research processes in acquiring information. Therefore, findings at the end of each article reflects experimental results on pricing policies, efficiency of pricing models and the relationship between pricing decisions and productivity. Introduction In actual marketing context, product and service pricing plays a significant role in influencing attitude of current and potential consumers. In a competitive environment, consumers may avoid purchasing goods from a given manufacturer because of higher prices compared to other producers in the industry. On the contrary, Kunnumkal and Topaloglu (2010) say that setting product and service prices depend on the production cost as well as profitability objectives of an organization. In this case, any produce r has to reach a compromise between retaining consumers and pursuing its goals of profit maximization. According to Hoseason (2003), pricing models and policies contained within these articles proposes empirical mechanisms through which producers can achieve such an essential compromise. One article holds the opinion that pricing decisions should be in line with observed or expected customer behavior. In this case, all decisions regarding product price should take into consideration implications resulting from implementing adopted policies. Contrarily, other articles insist on the role of production cost in determining market price of products and services. Such a model seeks to establish an economic balance between production efficiency and pricing policies. Importance of the Study With respect to significance of information contained within the articles, one should acknowledge the fact that empirical pricing models are instrumental in responding to real world marketing problems. I n practical context, the economic forces of demand and supply may not prove realistic and responsive in explaining price elasticity. According to Mandy (2009), prices may be affected by other variables like distribution mechanisms, marketing channels and retail strategies. In this case, manufacturers need to appreciate resourcefulness of experimental approaches in making pricing decisions. Low price on products and services may induce customers’ propensity to make buy decisions. However, setting such low prices should be in synchronization with other determinant factors like cost of manufacturing and expected revenue of an organization. According to Leo, Chris and Verma (2012), certain market segments, especially those involved in tangible products are known to being more price sensitive compared to service delivery markets. In such cases, pricing decisions should be a function of price sensitivity variables and expected revenue. This explains why pricing policies are formula ted after thorough consideration to aspects of marginal costs and profits. Article 1 - Retailer Dynamic Pricing and Ordering Decisions: Category Management versus Brand-by-Brand Approaches, Kopalle et al, 2010. According to Kopalle, Hall and Krishna (2010), the aim of this article is to determine the effects of category management in influencing ordering decisions and sustaining profitability at a given pricing levels. It seeks to develop an empirical
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