Saturday, May 23, 2020
Community Service And Volunteerism - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 364 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/05/06 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Volunteer Essay Did you like this example? Community service can play a crucial role in our happiness, though many people do not take advantage of it. A lot of times people dont want to waste their time with this, because it doesnt benefit them financially. But sometimes the gain from community service can sometimes be more valuable than money itself. Not only can community service open up multiple doors for the future, it can more importantly improve our overall well-being. Many ways community service has a positive impact on our happiness. Its ability to change the world not just for yourself, but for others is used as a key component to achieve greater happiness. Tapping into the ideas that community service gives purpose, Relieves Stress, and it just down right makes you feel good. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Community Service And Volunteerism" essay for you Create order No matter who you are, in life you will end up feeling isolated and volunteering is a way people make that feeling disappear. It helps individuals with mental illnesses and gives people purpose when they need it. There are hundreds of thousands of ways that fit in with everyone who wants to help out through community service. Another thing is that community service is a good stress reliever. There are tons of studies that show when a person volunteers, the brain releases dopamine, which for those who dont know plays a big role in the motivational component of reward-motivated behavior. So pretty much, if you help out others, you are helping yourself too. It is said that things like working with others, as well as pets and animals statistically decreases things like depression, anger, and most of all stress. Its positive effect shapes you and makes you happy. Ultimately, Community service and volunteerism just down right makes you feel good. Your precious time isnt just devoted to you and you are giving it to someone else you feel a sense of accomplishment. This not only makes someone elses situation better, but it helps with your physical and mental health too. It can be used as a tool to stay connected with others and really make a mutual impact on the world. The little things matter just as much and sometimes even greater and everyone can do it.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Essay On Nanoparticles - 1066 Words
In recent years, inorganic and chemosynthesized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SIONPs) such as Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4 MgNPs) have attracted extensive interest for their biocompatible (Kunzmann et al., 2011) and low toxic properties mainly in the human body studied (Jeng and Swanson, 2006; Karlsson et al., 2009) which make them as promising remedial tools in related fields. Magnetite nanoparticles is the most-studied for many technological applications in biomedicine, such as high sensitivity biomolecular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Bulte et al., 2001), in vivo targeted drug delivery (Sunderland et al., 2006), hyperthermic agents and enhancer in the treatment and diagnosis of cancer (Gupta and Gupta, 2005;†¦show more content†¦Whereas, marine macroalgae have richness in minerals (Wells et al., 2017) that can be used for the greener route synthesis of Fe3O4-MgNPs, and as bionanofactories materials (LewisOscar et al., 2016) have the ability to ac cumulate metals and reduces ions, and could be the superior contender for biosynthesis of metallic NPs (Davis et al., 1998). However, the synthesis of stable Fe3O4-MgNPs using algae extracts are very complicated due to the high reactivity, high particle instability, great propensity of iron ions to oxidization and reduced with a wide array of various chemical compounds, and high tendency to aggregate into agglomerates within the solution (EL-Kassas et al., 2016; Makarov et al., 2014; Huang et al., 2007). In view of inorganic iron oxide nanoecotoxicity, little studies report in the human (mainly inorganic Nano-Fe3O4) (Jeng and Swanson, 2006; Karlsson et al., 2009) and existence the criteria to define the toxicity of nanomaterials does not guarantee that iron oxide nanoparticles pose no potential risks in a challenge with environmental systems and are suitable for use in widespread applications. Hence, due to theirShow MoreRelatedNanoparticles Essay1011 Words  | 5 PagesNanoparticles are materials with overall dimensions less then one hundred nanometers, they are also known as zero-dimensional materials. These particles differ from other nanomaterials because all their dimensions are in nanoscale, apposed to one dimensional or two-dimensional nanomaterials which have one or two dimensions greater then a nanoscale. Nanoparticles have amazing applications in medicine pushing the boundaries of what we can accomplish in areas like medical imaging and drug and gene deliveryRead MoreEss ay On Carbogenic Nanoparticles1511 Words  | 7 PagesTHE AIMS OF THE RESEARCH Carbogenic nanoparticles or as loosely named in literature C-dots ,CDs, CQDs is a new rising star in the class of photo luminescent materials that were reported to be non- toxic and biocompatible. In terms of shape and internal structure they are largely considered to be quasi-spherical Nano- entities with diameter ranging from 3-30 nm. Their elemental content, C-dots characteristically contains a large amount of carbon (at least 44.50%), along with Hydrogen and OxygenRead MoreEngineered Nanoparticles: A Cause for Responsible Innovation Essay916 Words  | 4 Pagesand the increasing incorporation of engineered nanoparticles into consumer products has presented very real health and environmental risks. A growing public debate has arisen weighing the societal induced benefits against the potentially adverse ecotoxicological effects this technology may impose upon humans as well as the surrounding environment. Unfortunately, there remains significant scientiï ¬ c uncertainty re garding the behaviour of nanoparticles. This report attempts to address the possible hazardsRead MoreNanomedicine: A Tiny World Essay2111 Words  | 9 Pagesdiseases and repairing damaged tissues at the molecular level by using nanoparticles. (Appendix 1, Figure 2) Nanowires are one of these materials that can detect illnesses that are found in human body. Scientists are also working on the creation of nanorobots to improve the tools that are used in medical procedures. (Medical Nanobots, Kroeker, 1) However, nano-toxicologists are worried that these new materials which contain nanoparticles could be harmful to humans and the environment. (Nanotechnology DemystifiedRead MoreThe Drug Target And Mechanism Of Action1206 Words  | 5 Pagesunderstand the drug target and mechanism of action of anticancer drugs. The main purpose of this essay is to explain the importance of the various mechanisms of action of cetuximab that ensure selectivity, efficacy and safety of Cetuximab compar ed to 5-FU. First, this essay will provide the history and description of 5-FU, then it will review and analyse its non-selective mechanism of action. Second, this essay will provide the history and description of Cetuximab, after that it will review and analyseRead MoreIs Cancer A Human Body?3657 Words  | 15 Pages They are built in the shape of bacteria. â€Å"They are made of silicon although not entirely mechanical. Part of silicon is the creation of legs instead of the flagella, which is the tail part of the bacteria†(Nanobots the Nemesis of Cancer Biology Essay, n.d). The article also said that they are equipped with a camera that helps doctors see the conditions of the body while the curing process is going on. Nanobots use carbon as the principial element in the form of diamond (Abhilash, 2010). This isRead MoreHumans and Our Culture of Gold Essay1780 Words  | 8 Pagesinherent marvellous glossy shine. Gold is particularly malleable, conducts electricity, d oesn’t blemish and blends well with other metals. Because of these exclusive properties, gold creates its ways into our everyday life in many ways or form. This essay explores the use of gold over time and perception of the cultures that surround by gold. Gold has always had remarkable significance, shown by most civilizations as a symbol of wealth and power. Gold has captivated most of cultures around the worldRead MoreThe Effect Of Food Structure On The Delivery3763 Words  | 16 Pagesnutrients. Moreover, the release of other molecules is also influenced by the food structure. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the food structure through various technologies, such as fluid-bed coating, spray drying, spray chilling, nanoparticles and emulsions. In this essay, two predominate parts will be addressed. The first part is the digestion mechanism and simulated in-vitro digestion models which can use to study the food digestion of humans. The second part is that the manipulation of the structureRead MoreTeaching And Mentoring Experience For Undergraduate Students1312 Words  | 6 Pageswith the focus on an interdisciplinary theme of biophysics and nanoscience. This skills-based course focuses on scientific thinking in the context of multidisciplinary topics and contemporary research areas, includes semester research projects, news essays, and video projects, and fosters collaborative assignments in order to establish a coherent curriculum and a flexible learning environment. My mentoring career began at an early stage of my doctoral studies. I directly supervised high school andRead MorePotential Advantages And Risks Of Nanotechnology1228 Words  | 5 Pages2004. (March 10), Responsible nanotechnology: Looking beyond the good news., Essay 1102 ( Locke, L. F., Silverman, S. J., Spirduso, W. W. (2009). Reading and understanding research. Sage Publications. Retrieved from Scheufele, D. A., Lewenstein, B. V. (2005). The public and nanotechnology: How citizens make sense of emerging technologies. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 7(6), 659-667.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Urology and Transplantation Nephro-urology patients...
This prospective study was carried out at nephrology unit of Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) Pakistan, from November 2012 to May 2013. SIUT is a big tertiary care center for nephro-urology patients. All adult patients with known underlying diabetes presenting with suspected acute renal failure in the setting of recognizable acute insult were included in the study. For the purpose of this study ARF was considered A) Definite: when 1. Diabetic patients with known baseline creatinine experienced ≠¥ 50% increase in serum creatinine during acute illness requiring hospitalization. 2. When baseline values were not available ARF was considered to be present at the end of six weeks if †¢ Patient requiring dialysis became†¦show more content†¦Renal biopsy was performed in selected patients in whom no cause of renal failure was established. All patients were followed for a period of six weeks. The outcome of the patients who were followed up was recorded under three categories. 1. Recovered. †¢ Renal functions return to baseline with/without dialysis. †¢ ≠¥ 50% reduction in serum creatinine from the admission value. †¢ Patients requiring dialysis become dialysis free. 2. Dialysis dependent. 3. Died, despite all of above. All the data was recorded in the pre-designed proforma and entered in SPSS 10 and analyzed for frequencies of the variables. Results: A total of 95 patients (58 males and 37 females) with suspected ARF were enrolled during this period, 77 patients (81%) had definite ARF and 18 patients (18.94%) had probable ARF. Three patients subsequently lost to follow up, were excluded from outcome analysis. Age of the patients ranged from 32 to 80 years [mean age= 56.5  ± 10.8s.d]. Duration of diabetes varied among these patients [mean 9.1 years  ± 6.5s.d.] but in 46 patients (48.2%), duration was ≠¥ 10 years. Majority of the patients had more than one comorbidity, particularly hypertension 67 (70.5%) and ischemic heart disease 26 (27.4%). 21 (22.1%) were smokers. Out of 67 hypertensive patients, only 42 (62.6%) were taking antihypertensive medicines. 21 (50%) were taking Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) alone orShow MoreRelatedOrganization Structure of Yashoda Hospital5398 Words  | 22 Pages 5 4. Procedure for Patient Admission 7 5. Summary of Departments visited 9 6. Medical Records Department 10 7. Medical Laboratory 13 8. Credit and Billing Department 15 9. Rajiv Arogyashree Health Insurance Scheme 17 10. Human Resources Department 18 11. Conclusions 20 12. Recommendations 21 INTRODUCTION Hospitals are very important for health care and providing patient treatment by specialized staff
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Experience At The University Of Buffalo - 1464 Words
My future was one that never initially involved college or even me thinking more than a week ahead of time. I’m happy that I made the decision and realized, that if I wanted to be financially stable in the future I would have to go back. I grew a lot over my time at Erie Community College, which helped shaped my idea of a future. I currently have my associates in business and am seeking a Bachelors while here at the University of Buffalo. I have plans to go after my Masters in Business Administration, but as my first semester at the university begins, I don t know if it s in the budget. While attending college, I knew I would have to quit my old job to clear up more time to focus on the workload at a bigger school. This means making less than half of the income I was use to which is becoming a huge stressor here at the university. I am hopeful that in the time frame of working toward my bachelors I am given the opportunity to move up within the company I currently work for. I’m a promotional representative for Try-It Distributions and I have a lot of room to grow with the company. I can see myself moving up into a BAM position (Brand Activation Manager) becoming more involved with in the company, yet still not ending up at a desk all day. In the BAM position at Try-It I hope to move into a higher position or move strictly over to Labatt in their marketing or sales department. I would prefer to keep myself local and stick with a brand that s close to home.Show MoreRelatedEssay on My Education and Career Goals in the Medical Field920 Words  | 4 PagesEvery night, as I sat on the table with my younger brothers assisting them with their homework, I hear a familiar sound at the door. As she walks her heels click, and I can hear her searching her bag for her keys, the next thing I know the keys are in the lock and as it turns me and my younger brothers’ jump. We run to the door and indeed we scream in unison â€Å"Mommy’s home†, one by one she gives us a hug and a kiss. My mother asks us how our day was, and if we finished our homework, she then looksRead MoreStatement Of Purpose775 Words  | 4 PagesLecturer of Mechanical Engineering Science at the University of Surrey. My educational background in Mechanical Aerospace Engineering and comprehensive research experience in Biomedical Engineering inspired me to apply for this position. I consider that my excellence in teaching and research fulfil the requirements of this post. I was awarded my PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering by the State University of New York at Buffalo, USA. My thesis was entitled â€Å"Computational Modelling of NeurovascularRead MoreEssay about Why Does Social Work Appeal To Me?1506 Words  | 7 Pagesplaces to obtain food. In buffalo much is needed especially in the disadvantaged communities by providing education and special services for those who need it. These are some of the reasons why I would love to become a social worker to obtain knowledge that would be helpful for individuals that need help with solving problems in their everyday lives. I am in interested in the aspects of Social Work that has to do with medical and public health issues and substance abuse. From my research medical/publicRead MoreNative Americans And Treaties with the Government1750 Words  | 7 Pageslevel, all of the native tribes for had a very close tie with the part of earth, which provided for their survival. They saw the earth, as there mother and they felt a need to protect her. Making them almost inseparable from their land. In the book Buffalo Jones Forty Years of Adventure written by Charles Jones, Jones describes the Plain Indians as, The most tenacious of life than any race I have ever encountered. The Plain Natives consisting primarily of Blackfoot, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Crow, KiowaRead MoreMy Motivation For Pursue Project Management845 Words  | 4 PagesAt this important juncture in my professional career, I have, after careful consideration of my abilities, academic background and career goals decided to pursue a graduate degree in Project Management which will help me hone my management knowledge and analytical abilities along with interpersonal and leadership skills. In today’s ever growing competitive market the products are getting user friendly, which means products are getting smarter and do the majority of work. Smarter products are complicatedRead More Childhood Influences Impact the Writing of F. Scott Fitzgerald1019 Words  | 5 Pagesa wicker furniture manufacturer and salesman the family was forced to move from St. Paul to Buffalo in April of 1898, where his father began work for Proctor and Gamble. In January of 1901 the family moved from Buffalo to Syracuse where Edward had been transferred by his employer and where, on Sunday July 21, 1901 Scotts younger sister Annabel was born. Just two years later the family was back in Buffalo and just five years after that the family had returned to St. Paul and Grandma McQuillansRead More Interview Essay - Murray Meisels1689 Words  | 7 PagesAfter graduating from USC, he attended the University of Oregon Dental School and the University of Buffalo Dental School. Murray served in the military during WWII and the Korean War. In 1948, he married Francis and they made their home in Buffalo, New York. They raised two children, and Murray owned a dental practice for over 40 years. While raising a family and practicing dentistry, he completed a Masters degree and taught at the University of Buffalo Dental School. In 1991 Murray retired fromRead MoreHospitality Management At Florida International University1901 Words  | 8 PagesInternational University, Hospitality Management is the largest business activity in the world. There are nearly 1 million food service operations in the United States, and nearly three hundred thousand hotels. It is estimated that there are over 1 million hotels and more than 7 million food service businesses. How this business operates, and its impact on the local economy varies from country to country, but its importance is undeniable (Escoffier). Information provided by Buffalo State CollegeRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Ho w Uniform Policy Swept U.s.919 Words  | 4 PagesChandler is a journalist on education for the Washington Post. No uniform policy on what to wear offer reasonable evidence supporting school uniforms. Chandler showed experience in this journal. The author presented factual statements, analysis, and testimony of a mother with a low-income household. This newspaper fits the requirements of my assignment due to the testimony was given by a mother of six children with a low-income household. Also, with encouragement; the present of the United State idealizingRead MoreRelationship between Physical Activity and Depression694 Words  | 3 PagesI hope to use this literature to help shape and develop my study and research in hopes to get the same results if not better. I hope to be able to create ways to maybe even fix bugs that are in this study and completely form a more perfect study with information that will help strengthen the argument of sports and their relationship with depression. Physical activity everyone does it from walking to classes to walking to the refrigerator it is performed by all in one way or the other. However could
Online Learning V.S Traditional Classroom Learning Free Essays
I think whether it is online learning or traditional class learning both should be taken into consideration when planning to further education. I personally did not consider the facts when I decided to further my education. I had started out in a traditional classroom but soon after realized it was not the right choice. We will write a custom essay sample on Online Learning V.S Traditional Classroom Learning or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was hard to fully apply myself when I was attending a traditional classroom because I was a working wife and mother. Online learning and traditional learning will show that both of these are great options depending on who the student may be and which educational program the student has chosen. Online learning and traditional learning each have their merits and faults. Online degrees have become a perfect option for individuals who may not be able to enroll in a traditional classroom. When you compare the two learning classes, the biggest difference is that students studying online have the flexibility to attend classes at their own pace and time. In a campus-based classroom they require that students attend class a certain number of times every week, at specific times. Traditional class learning may not be the option for people who have children or work long hours. Learning online would be a better option for these people because they can make their own schedule for when they will attend class. Both online and traditional classes give students the opportunity to interact with other students and their professors. With a traditional classroom you can interact with students and professors face -to -face. In online learning there is no face- to -face interaction with classmates or instructors. Online learning interaction can consist of chat rooms, e-mail, main forums, and over the telephone. Traditional class students have a better advantage of understanding the materials because they can have that one –on- one time with the instructor face- to -face. It may be a little harder for online students to grasp the materials because they do not have that face- to -face interaction. Online learning and traditional class learning work assignments are similar and different in their own ways. In both online and traditional learning classes you still have assignments that have to be completed by a certain time. In the traditional class your assignments are done on paper and with online learning you have to submit your assignments on the computer. Also with traditional class learning one has the opportunity to present in front of their classmates, while online students do not have that option. They are only able to present their presentations to the instructors. In both classes you still have homework and you have to participate in class. Online learning requires you to participate and attend class a certain number of times but there is no specific times or days. They have the option to decide when that will be but with traditional class you have to attend class every day you are scheduled and participate every day. Earning a degree at a traditional college can be very expensive but obtaining a online degree can be a lot less expensive for students. Exceptionally less, but they offer students the same loan and grant benefits offered at a traditional college. Online schools and traditional schools offer the same financial aid packages. Students who attend a traditional class usually have to pay traveling cost and living cost. Online learning students do not have to pay these extra costs because they are learning from home and that requires no traveling. Also with online schools you do not have to pay for facilities like residence halls, dining halls, gyms and libraries. Most provide access to virtual libraries and some even have partnerships with local facilities. There are many similarities and differences between online learning and traditional class learning. The facts show that both are great options to consider, depending upon the person and his or her day- to- day schedule. One method to determine how well online learning and traditional class learning might work for you is to consider the benefits and disadvantages of both. Researching and planning ahead can help a person in deciding which would better fit his or her needs. I have found online learning to better fit my needs because I can make my own schedule concerning attending class. I am a mother and wife so I have many responsibilities and this option gives me time to take care of my household while still being able to obtain a degree at my own pace. Do the research to see which one is the right option for you at this time in your life. Most people think that their decision to go to college only affects them but it affects your family also. You have to still be able to do for your family and handle your business at home. I also suggest if you are attending a traditional college and it seems to be too overwhelming for you at times you should really consider trying the online learning. Becoming successful in life depends on the choices you make throughout life, whether they be good or bad choices. So choose wisely which learning class be it online learning or traditional learning is right for you and your family. How to cite Online Learning V.S Traditional Classroom Learning, Essays
China Population Issues Essay Example For Students
China Population Issues Essay 1 in 5 people in the world is Chinese. The population of China has reachedan amazing 1.4 billion; thats 6 times the amount of people in America. These statistics demonstrate Chinas major overpopulation problem, whichstretches the countrys resources to the limit. In 1949, when the communists came into power, Chinas population was around540 million. By 1982 the population had almost doubled. The communistsencouraged couples to have children and greatly improved living standards. Healthcare was improved which decreased baby fatalities. To solve this issue the Chinese people have to greatly lower the high levelof the birth rate. A one-child policy has been introduced to help resolvethe problem. The policy rewards people with money and status and is ineffect all over China. The one child policy, although not formally written into law consists ofthree main points. . advocating delayed marriage and delayed child bearing . advocating fewer and healthier births . advocating one child per couplePeople who refuse to obey the one-child policy lose benefits such as freeeducation and lose their model worker status. The government also offersmodel factory status to factories with 100% of its workers with one childor less. This adds pressure on workers as they do not want to let theirfactories down. The Chinese face poverty and hardship if their population continues torise. However if the one child policy works they will achieve doubletodays living standards. A problem which arises from the one child policy is that there is a veryuneven balance of men and women. Men outnumber women because in Chinapeople prefer to have boys. The main reason for this is tradition. If theonly child is a girl, the familys name is not carried on. Also when a mangets married it is tradition in the countryside that he and his wife staywith his parents and the wife helps with the labour. Another factor that affects the population crisis is economic. Chinesepeople who can afford to live without the state benefits, and do not workin a factory dont feel they need to have one child. People who support the one child policy point to figures that show that ithas reduced Chinas population by 250 million. This relieves some of theobvious stress on China, which already has one fifth of the worldspopulation. Also, education is very expensive in China, so the one childpolicy allows families to concentrate their resources on the single child,thus leading to higher standards of education. Furthermore, women,especially urban women, are now able to concentrate on their careersinstead of raising lots of children. This has led to an increased role forwomen in the workforce. Those who criticize the policy claim that it has led to extensive humanrights violations and sexual discrimination. As Chinese familiesoverwhelmingly prefer male children to female children, female infanticideis increasing. Also, many people criticize the fact that abortions areoften forced on women who are visibly pregnant with their second child. These abortions are often very late term. There have been reports of masssterilizations in the rural areas as well. While the one-child policy is one way of solving the population crisis itis not popular with many Chinese people or those in the rest of the worldbecause it takes away human rights.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Public Interest or Public Best Interest free essay sample
A study of the topic of what is the best public interest compared to public interest and the role of the public administrator. The paper shows the difficulty the public administrator is faced with when deciding what is the public interest or public best interest and that sometimes the administrator has to make decisions based on the community best interests or the objective control of administration. Sections of the paper include: Pluralists and the Public Administrator, The Public as Consumers, The Public as Represented, The Public as Client and the Public as Citizen. Other examples can be commercials. If a child sees cereal with a toy in it, he/she will beg and cry until the mother buys the cereal. The mother may know this is not the best interest of the child because it lacks important vitamins or may be full of sugar. The commercial has placed value on knowing children will see the commercial and will talk their parents into buying it. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Interest or Public Best Interest or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The interest of the children is met, but not the best interest of the children.
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